A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday 4 - Random Updates!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, I'm going to share 4 updates in Meg Go Run world!

You may be wondering why it's Friday 4 and not Friday 5. Well, between work, piano lessons, and Godspell rehearsals, I am exhausted and just can't think of a #5! Wait, there it is... Update #5: I AM TIRED!

Update #1: I finally feel 100% Being sick really knocked me out. Then my antibiotics gave me some GI troubles. It was rough but I am back to my old self.

Update #2: I'm getting used to my wireless headphones. A couple months ago I discovered the wires on my headphones would freeze and break on my cold morning runs. Many of you suggested I get wireless headphones. I got a really good deal on them. The reviews ASSURED me the headphones would stay on my ears. Well, they don't. I have to put my buff over my ears so they stay put. This is not a problem on an outdoor winter run, but whenever I want to wear my headphones otherwise (lifting, doing puzzles, work, car, etc) they keep falling off. And there is NOTHING that enrages me more than headphones that fall off.

Update #3: This has been my sleep schedule for the past week: 

Go to bed at 9. 
Jelly wakes me up at 1. 
I lay awake for 2-3 hours before I fall back asleep. 
Jelly wakes me up one more time for food.
50/50 chance on whether I fall back asleep or not.


He's so beautiful though, right?

Update #4: I've been eating Lebanon bologna and cheese sandwiches out the wazoo! I'll eat them for breakfast, lunch, OR dinner. The most I have eaten is two in a day. The sandwiches taste best with cheddar cheese party mix.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update me on something in your life!
Do you like Lebanon bologna?


  1. I’d never heard of freezing ear bud cords! Must be really cold. Those headphones would drive me batty though. What style should I avoid?

    1. Well I love the ones that wrap around your ear as they normally stay on well for me. Buds fall right out. Even though the wireless ones wrap around my ears, they still do not stay put at all.

  2. I did not realize till several years ago that Lebanon bologna was a PA thing. I haven't had it in SO long but I do enjoy a good lebanon bologna sandwich with mustard!

  3. I really like my wireless headphones. I have the Aftershokz ones that sit in front of my ears. When I'm wearing a hat or headband over my ears, I put the earphones over that. They work great!

    1. Hmmm those are interesting, they're not even in your ears! I never saw anything like that.

  4. I got the Fitbit flyer headphones for Christmas that I have been really enjoying recently! They have different sized earbud things (no idea the actual name) so you can find what works best for your ears.
    I'm with you on the poor sleep! Last night I had to move to the couch because my boyfriend was snoring and I couldn't fall back asleep once I was up. If you have any recommendations on how to stop snoring help a girl out!

    1. I have never found buds that stay in for me but I know so many people that love those kind. Paul snores too! We found a solution, but you probably won't like it!

  5. Oh man. That’s a rough sleep schedule. Elly does that to me sometimes, but not often enough to cause a problem. She’s usually pretty good and just sleeps with me, but when 6 am roles around, I have no choice but to wake up and feed her. One thing I have done, I have an automatic cat feeder and that can allow me a few extra hours to sleep in if I need it.

    1. People have suggested those to us. I am just convinced somehow our cats would break it open. Never underestimate a cat that can pee through floors...

  6. Not a fan of bologna, don't know if there's something different about lebanon bologna, but I'm not much of a sandwich person either (they just don't satisfy me).

    Jelly is definitely cute. Have you tried feeding him a snack before you go to bed? The only other suggestion I have is to not have the bedroom door open. Otherwise, hello sleep deprivation!

    1. Both very sound suggestions. But yes, Jelly eats right before Paul goes to bed, around midnight. And also, we have shut the bedroom door but he scratches it and it's so loud it would wake me up.

      Lebanon bologna is different from other bologna. It's the only kind I like. Very salty and of course fatty! But I only use one or two slices so it's not so bad.

  7. I want to get wireless headphones but I have yet to find ones that will stay in my ears. I have never had bologna! I think I need to give it a try.

    1. It's not exactly healthy but you will like it. :)

  8. I don't eat bologna but cheddar cheese chex mix is like crack to me. Be sure to take some probiotics to recover from the GI issues too!

    1. That's what everyone said to do. I am having some greek yogurt for lunch!

  9. I LOVE bologna! We grew up on that and I still always have at least one pack if not two in the fridge at all times! Never heard of Lebanon bologna though!

    Ugh, I feel your pain on being woken up by pets! My chihuahua Coco is diabetic and therefore has been drinking more water lately, and as a result wakes me up 2-3 times a night to go out and potty, it's like having a newborn!

    As for headphones, I bought these and they have been perfect! They stay put in my ears on both treadmill and outdoor runs, and it helps that the strap that goes around the back of your head has a another strap that allows you to cinch them up tight. It may look weird but it works and it doesn't bounce up and down a bunch either (although I am not speedy soooo yeah lol). And they don't get tangled in my mass of frizzy curly hair and they sound REALLY good too!

    Happy Friday, have a great weekend! :)

    1. I grew up on it toO! I hadn't had it in so long but saw it at Aldi and now I am into it again. Oh my I shouldn't complain about my cats because having to actually get up and go outside would be so much worse. You are a good dog mommy. :) Those headphones actually look like they would stay on! I don't even care what I look like when I workout, I just want to be comfortable and have my podcasts. Thanks I will bookmark these in case I need to find my Otium Beats another home...

  10. I've been so lucky with Allie. She rarely wakes me up, and prefers to snuggle. I have been waking up an hour before my alarm though, and I don't want to do anything except go back to sleep. My mind was thinking really random thoughts this morning and I couldn't turn them off!

    1. It's so hard to turn thoughts off in the middle of the night. :(

  11. Good luck with the headphones! I feel those headphones that have to be plugged to the ear are super invasive, it feels like my ears are being raped!! That's why I love my apple headphones (that came with the phone), they go in far enough to stay in my ear, but not far enough that it violates my ear space.

    I haven't been sleeping well either. This last week, I go to bed at my normal time, but wake up 30 minutes after falling asleep and I spend a few hours fighting for blankets and space on the bed. I think we are going to switch blankets, because this one is not keeping us warm, and that is causing a series of disruptions in our sleep. I just bored myself talking about blankets, sorry!

    1. What do you mean plugged in? Maybe I am wearing them wrong! I am sorry you haven't been sleeping well this week. It's crazy how our sleep can get disrupted by blankets and temperature and animals...

    2. I mean like pushed inside your ear... like the air gets sucked in because they are so far inside the ear. Does that make sense? I'll send you a picture of the type I'm thinking of... if you want me to.

    3. That sounds very uncomfortable. I wonder if that's what I should be doing with these!?

  12. I have never liked the over the ear model -- they DON'T stay in for me. That's why I stick with my skull candy, in the ear, wired ones (but honestly haven't had issues with them freezing and CO gets super cold).

    1. I wonder why mine freeze? I mean, they only cost like $7.99 but still. They didn't used to freeze. I used them for years. (not the same pair, but the same exact kind). See earbuds fall out of my ears. I don't know how to get them to stay in unless they wrap around. Maybe my ears are weird.

  13. From your pic, Lebanon bologna looks like summer sausage (at least that's we call it in Iowa LOL)....is that true? I don't like regular (?) bologna (which is basically like an uncooked hot dog but in a patty form), but I like summer sausage because it has a lot more flavor.

    1. It's not exactly the same, it's more tangy. I think you would like it because it is flavorful. I don't like regular bologna either!

  14. Glad you are finally feeling better! I feel like my cold has lingered forever. And Im tired too! (Even though I just got back from vacation, but it was a tiring vacation!)

    1. Well I think I spoke too soon because I felt sick on Fri and now today again. :(

  15. OMG the headphones thing!!! RAGE!!!! No headphones really stay on or in my ears. I've pretty much given up.

    Jelly is gorgeous. I have 4 cats. They drive me insane. They are already 2 too many but the husband is a sucker for a cute furry face (and to be fair, one of them we adopted from the sister of a neighbor who died suddenly, I was the sucker in that particular case).

    I have absolutely NO IDEA what Lebanon bologna is!!! but those pickles look divine! My kingdom for some "normal" pickles! (we only have sweet or sweet-sour pickles here. It's almost reason enough to move back to the US)

    1. When I think of pickles I only think of either sweet or sour. What kind of pickles are just plain?

  16. IDK if I've ever had Lebanon bologna but now I want some. I love salami and bologna and it looks like a cross between them haha!

    I want new wireless headphones but I am waiting until I can justify the purchase...meaning, when I'm 100% running again, because the ones I have right now are fine for easy runs and non-running workouts. It's frustrating when the ones you end up getting don't fit/stay on!

    1. Yes you would absolutely love Lebanon bologna. I bet they have it in Ohio!
