A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

A blog about my life, fitness and fun! (...and maybe a few cat pictures...)

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Weekly Workouts!

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37 miles this week?
6 days of running?
WHO AM I!????

Saturday- 8 treadmill miles.  I had no clue how far I would run. Two miles turned into three, which turned into four, which turned into six... Then I went into the locker room to shower so I could catch a movie at the theater next door. Unfortunately, I forgot a towel. I was frustrated so I ran two more miles.

Sunday- 7 treadmill miles and two deck of cards workouts. I remembered my towel so I showered and saw a movie! It was A Star is Born. I did not like it.

Monday- Lifting at Planet Fitness. I didn't mention this but I did something stupid with my shoulder a couple weeks ago and it was bothering me. I eased up on the lifting since then and now it feels pretty good.

Tuesday- 5 neighborhood miles. I had a doctor appointment that morning so I took a half day off work. Since I ran later than normal, it was light out and I got to venture over to a park nearby via a paved trail. It's pretty! 

On my way back home, when I was on the paved trail I caught my toe on something and my body PROPELLED forward through the air. It was the BIGGEST almost fall I ever had. If I had not been able to catch myself and regain balance, I would have broken an arm or two. I was pretty shook up after that.

Why do I look high?
This was taken 2 miles before the almost fall!

Wednesday- Deck of cards workout and 3 miles. I felt strong and enjoyed this run.

Thursday- 6 neighborhood miles. My Garmin didn't turn on for some reason and I didn't notice until I was halfway through the run. It was pretty darn cold but I loved it. The perfect way to start Thanksgiving.

Friday- 8 miles on the trail with my Daddio. We met at Detweiler Park and ran a couple loops. Even though the temps were frigid, we warmed up very quickly. The time ticked by so fast! We saw several deer and it was just beautiful. I love running trail!

Funny story: I keep my trail shoes in my carport. Since it was very cold out, I wanted to wait to change into them when I got to the trail. Paul was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up by opening the closet to get out another pair of shoes to wear in the car. So I had to go down to the basement and see what shoes I had down there. I ended up in get my red boots I always wear at Christmas time!

I got a couple weird looks when I stopped at Hardeez to go to the bathroom!

How were your workouts this week?
Did you ever have a really bad fall or a really close call?


  1. I fell once when I was lost, shortly after I had moved to a new town. Skinned up my knee and hand pretty bad but had to figure out how to get home. My first human sighting ended up being a man who was walking into work at an auto repair shop, so he let me wash up, gave me a bandaid, and gave me directions to a street I knew. I sent him a dunkin donuts gift card later!

    1. As that was so nice of you! That must have been scary not only to fall but fall when lost.

    2. In this case I definitely fell BECAUSE I was lost... I was looking up trying to decide where to go based on the position of the sun, haha.

  2. I have fallen more times while running than I can count. Just this year I have fallen twice. I am SUPER klutzy :(

  3. I've propelled a few times while running on my trail in the woods but fortunately have never fallen or got hurt. The trail you were on looks lovely!

    1. Glad you only have scares and don't actually fall!

  4. Wow, nice job! I am enjoying building up mileage right now, but I'm at like 18 weekly miles haha!

    1. Girl, I've been around 20-22 for weeeeeeeeks. It just crept up on me! I don't intend to keep it there.

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