
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A Day In My Life (5-3-17)

I know this post is super late, but here is a Day In My Life from last Wednesday! 
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the shit show!

My alarm went off at 5:15 and I popped right out of bed. The first thing I did was make some coffee. Mmmm.

Wake up, Jelly! The sun is shining!

Then I lifted back at home. I basically did this workout

While I lifted, I listened to a podcast about the Casey Anthony case. You remember her, right? Tot Mom.

Christmas and I have a morning ritual. As soon as I get out of the shower, he busts into the bathroom and hops up on the toilet. He wants his teeth brushed. It’s chicken flavored toothpaste so obviously he loves it!

Today was going to be a busy day. Look at all the crap I had to take with me to work!

I ate this yummy chicken salad and a banana for breakfast. Also, more coffee.

Clearly I am excited to be heading to work…

When I got to work I decided to be insanely productive and set up my classroom materials for the entire day. 

The first graders were doing rhythm stations, third graders were playing their recorders, second grade was doing a lot of singing, and kindergarten was reading a story and listening to Flight of the Bumblebee. No fourth graders today.

All ready to go!

My desk is usually very tidy, but I will be honest, my room is sort of in disarray right now as last week I suddenly decided to clean out my closets. I needed to make proper room for all the crap I used throughout the year that now needs put away.

See, this is the desk beside my desk… just overloaded with stuff!

Work was CRAZY. I thought they end of the school year is supposed to be chill? Nope, not in this music classroom!

After work, I headed straight to physical therapy. I got stuck behind two trash trucks. MY STRESS LEVEL WAS SO HIGH I WAS ALMOST SHAKING. Not only was work crazy, But now I had to deal with the anxiety of possibly being late for my appointment.

Physical therapy was good. My PT taped my knee up. I'm happy to tell you that  the numbness in my leg is subsiding A LOT. I don't know why or how or what to attribute it to... but I am happy.

After PT (which lasted over an hour!), I swung by our house to pick up Paul. He had to go to two different grocery stores to get what he needed for the Chili Cook-off that weekend. Since I was still pretty wound up from work, I opted to just chill in the car and mess around on my phone while he did the shopping.

He got wrapped up in a conversation with the guy in the meat department, so I had just enough time to help him unload the car before I headed to tap class!

I was nervous my knee would feel really weak and hurt in tap because I did squats and single legged leg press at PT. But due to the tape on my knee, it felt SO STRONG. In fact, after tap, I felt so good that I wanted to go for a run! But I didn't. After all, it was nearly 9pm when I got home. I could run in the morning.

When I got home I watched Colbert with Paul and fixed myself an ice cream cone. I was happy to finally be home with Paul and the kitties!

I did quickly record a video of me doing my tap routine! I look very hesitant because the floor is really SLIPPY! And also, I'm not good at it.

Do you like ice cream cones, dish, or right out of the carton?

Have you ever used that tape? Does it work for you?

Does your husband ever let you stay in the car while he grocery shops!?


  1. Wow--long day! Why did I think Paul was taking tap lessons w/ you? You are really good, Megan! Yes, I have used tape and it's worked for me on my calves and hamstring. I was taping my foot recently and I don't think that is what caused my other issues but I can't be for sure. Right now = no tape for me :) I stay in the car a lot and Rick goes in. It works especially when I have to make a phone call because I don't love to talk on the phone (only with certain people) so this way we "divide and conquer".

    1. Because initially he said he would but then he backed out! Do you know how to tape yourself? I am wondering if when I am done with PT it is something my therapist can teach me to do on my own.

    2. Ugh..he backed out?! Not fair. Usually PT tapes me and if needed Rick will do it as well, but tape should not be used all the time, in my opinion. I am sure you will soon be able to not have the tape and be fine ... at least I would think that is the goal.

    3. Why shouldn't tape be used all the time? I was looking for scientific research about whether it works or not and I couldn't find anything definitive to say it works! I do know that my knee feels a lot better with it on. When he taped my whole leg I felt nothing, but when he focused just on the knee it was great.

    4. This is just according to my PT so listen to your PT but the goal is to get yourself healthy so you don't need the tape. According to him, if we still have to tape to feel good, we still have work we need to be doing.

  2. Im so glad the PT is helping! I wonder if its because it was nerve-related the PT is helping you get into better alignment with stretching and strengthening. Whatever it is, Im glad its working!

    1. Thanks girl! He tells me it's all about ACTIVATING my muscles. He said they are strong, but they aren't always activating correctly. It is a learning experience for me!

  3. I LOVE your tap routine. So cute. I took dance lessons all through my childhood and tap was my best class. I really wanted to audition for the Rockettes when I graduated HS, but I was so afraid of failing that I never tried. Looking back, I wish I would have at least tried.

    1. Aw thanks! Now I am embarrassed that someone who was good enough to audition for the rockettes had to watch that!

    2. my aunt was a Rockette! so fun to go watch her perform!

    3. Oh no, haha. I'm 100% certain I wouldn't have made the cut. But I feel like even auditioning would have been a fun experience, but I was not (am not) a risk taker.

    4. I'm not either! Only once did I audition for a regional theater and after I sang they said, "Isn't there a community theater you could audition for?" LOL. I got their point.

  4. I typically do the grocery shopping or Clay and I go together. I would never sit in the car! I actually like the grocery store.

    Glad the PT is helping. I have used KT Tape and it helped too. The trick is someone who knows how to apply it and getting it tight enough. Also some brands don't stick well, so if you buy it, go with the more expensive "professional" types.

    I love ice cream... especially the pints and I eat it out of the carton. I don't eat the whole pint, though. Ben and Jerry's is my fave.

    1. I normally like to shop too- I am sort of a control freak so I like to make sure we get exactly what we need at the right price. But some days after school I just can't handle it. Thanks for the tape tips! I wonder if my PT will ever show me how to do it. I normally eat ice cream out of the carton too BUT I tend to eat too much when I do that so I bought some cones to reel myself in.

  5. I don't care for ice cream. Weird, eh? I'll pick out the chunks, but that's about it. You are SO GOOD at tap dancing! I don't think you're bad at all! You look great!

    1. Well the chunks are good, the more the better! Do you like milk shakes! Shut ups I was all shaky!

  6. Check you out - good tap moves!! I think it looked really good. KT tape is a miracle worker. I buy the Rock Tape brand and have loved it.
    I LOVE ice cream. Moose Tracks is my favorite. What flavor did you have? Looks like it had green in it?

    1. Oh moose tracks is good. I was eating part cake! It has icing swirls and CHUNKS OF CAKE IN IT.

      What do you tape? How do you learn how to tape?

  7. I did have anxiety going from work to PT! Omg I couldn't handle it. I get that anxiety every day driving home from school hoping I make it home in time for my 4pm piano lessons.

  8. I can't believe Chrissy brushes his teeth every morning with you. That is so adorable!

    Your tap routine is so long! You leaned the whole thing really fast!!!! I love that you took a bow at the end!

    1. I know I love when I brush his teeth. :) The routine is a little longer- we repeat everything again and then add abut 16 counts at the end. We do it to Mama Mia but I didn't do it with the music because the music is FAST and in class they slow the music down. We also are doing another routine to New York, New York and it is easier except for one part.

  9. I enjoy these posts!

    I've used both kt tape and Rock tape and I much prefer Rock TApe.

    1. Thanks, I just read your text about why you like Rock tape better. It's weird, sometimes the PT's tape stays on so well and sometimes it doesn't. Like right now it is peeling off and my knee is killing me anyway because I was stupid and did spinning so... I may just peel it off and apply ice or icy hot.
