
Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up!

Happy Monday!
I mostly slept this weekend.
There was some fun sprinkled in.

My alarm went off at 4:30 so I could run 6 rainy miles before my PT session.

I learned some new exercises at PT. I'm doing lunges with the TRX and even starting some Turkish Get Ups! The office was festive due to the fact that it was Cinco De Mayo.

After a very stressful week, I tried to put myself in the proper mind frame so I could get through the work day without having another panic attack. My plan of action:

1. Stay calm.
2. Don't try to be Super Woman.
3. Do. Not. Yell. If I am yelling, something is not right.

I am happy to say work was a lot better even though I had the exact same classes as the day before. I did make one of my 4th grade classes do a boring packet due to the fact that they weren't following directions during our ukulele lesson the day before. I have a feeling after one or two music classes working silently, they will be on their best behavior when I let them give the ukes another shot. And if not? I've got more packets.

I was spent, so after work, I had a margarita, a big salad, and some ravioli. Paul was busy getting ready for the Chili Cook Off the next day, so I took the opportunity to go to bed at 6:30!

This week can bite me.

I woke up refreshed, which is a good thing because it was CHILI COOK OFF DAY! Paul and I headed up to Millersburg bright and early in the morning for the Cherry Blossom Festival's Chili Cook Off.

I kept envisioning what a police officer would say about the contents of our car if we got pulled over!

Paul had a lot of fun watching people sample his chili. He got a lot of compliments! Unfortunately he didn't win, but it was still a lot of fun! We saw lots of friends and family.

 Chef Paul! My mom strung all those peppers!
Mom and dad were so much help setting up the booth!

A local business sponsors each contestant. My mom (Hats By Peach) sponsored Paul!

Aunt Betty and Uncle David stopped by the booth to taste some chili!

 Haley and Mel made "Road Kill Chili" and won People's Choice!

And the winners of Judge's choice were from Riverview Bank!

Tyler brought the kids, so of course I had to do a photo dump of Clementine, Ellie, and Clark!

When we got home, I went to Planet Fitness for a major lifting session and did my PT exercises. While I was there, I smelled a dude with the FOULEST body odor I ever smelled in my life. It was like there were 100 onion subs right up my nose. I seriously almost gagged. How did he not notice how bad he smelled?

That night, we went out for sushi! We hadn't been out to eat in so long, and I wanted to make sure Paul was happy. I felt bad for him that he didn't win any prizes.

For the record, I was drinking sangria, but I felt Paul's beer more accurately described how I felt this past week.

When we got home, I basically went straight to bed...

... and slept for 14 hours. I woke up not feeling refreshed at all. I wasn't motivated to do anything. But I had blogs to write and Colberts to catch up on. So I parked it on the couch with some iced coffee.

Jelly joined me.

Then I had to take Paul to Empire Asian Bistro so he could meet some friends for sushi. I went grocery shopping while he was doing that and then just waited for him in the parking lot.

At this point, I was feeling really shitty. I get depressed sometimes (like everyone) and this was basically a really bad day. I can't even think of a reason I felt so bad.

When I got home, I made myself do my PT exercises but that was it. No running, nothing. I simply didn't want to. I showered, laid out all my clothes for the week, and then parked it on the couch to watch the Sunday morning news shows on my DVR.

This is my "unimpressed with Paul Ryan" face.
I can't think of someone I want to punch in the face more than I want to punch Paul Ryan in the face.

I'm going to wrap this up now or else it's going to get really dark and negative!
Who do you want to punch in the face?
Did you drink a margarita on Cinco De Mayo? I may have one now...
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. The chili cook-off looks so fun! Do you think Paul is motivated to enter again next year and try to win? Sorry you had one of those days yesterday. You should have texted me! After my bike ride yesterday morning we spent the day on Rick's Harley. Rode up to Estes and did a few things, came back to Loveland and headed out the the HD dealership where we scored on some clearance clothes (still overpriced but not quite as ridiculously over priced). So not ready for Monday....

    1. Yes, he definitely wants to do it next year and hopefully win. When I have one of those days, I don't want to talk to ANYONE, so you KNOW it's bad if I don't reach out. OMG YOU WERE IN ESTES uuuuugh. We do not have a CO vacation planned this summer but I am already wishing we did and am trying to figure out how to add it in there... I want to see you dressed up in HD gear!

    2. I have some pics on my FB page. I only have a jacket and boots. No chaps! LOL. I wish you were coming to visit this summer, too!

  2. Congrats to Paul on doing the chili cookoff even if he didn't win. I'm sure he had one of the best chilis out there and besides, it takes guts to enter something like that. I always say Clay should do something like that because he cooks really well, but sometimes I think it's biased toward who actually "wins". I hope you feel better soon and get some relief from the stress of work/school! I know how it feels to feel depressed and just want to lay around and sleep, and this is a really stressful time of year for teachers and with you going to PT and all. I'm glad PT went well and you got a run in, and that you guys went out for sushi. It seemed like you really needed some family time this weekend and glad you got it!

    1. It does take guts. It took some convincing to get him to step out of his comfort zone and do something like that!

      I did enjoy the family time this weekend! I need more of it. :) This coming week is going to be crazy BUT I slept for over 24 on Fri and Sat night so I think I should be ready haha.

  3. Hmm, something I did fun this weekend? Well, as you know, I went to Kohl's after work and that was a bust! I did see a dress I liked but decided I needed Pool chemicals instead so I walked next door to the pool place and spent a small fortune there instead (and wouldn't you know when I got home I had seen Scott already bought the chemicals we needed)! After that I went to Starbucks happy hour, went to the vet to get Baylee food, bought birthday cards and mother's day cards and a few gifts. Not exactly a lot of fun but busy.

    That Chili cook off looks cool. So did every contestant have their own tent/booth to decorate? Did they sell bowls to raise money for charity? Was it part of another festival?
    I love how the kids are all sporting Hats by Peach, very cute!

    1. Do you like to run errands? Sometimes I am in the mood to do stuff like that and sometimes I am not. Yes, every contestant had to decorate their own booth and provide the booth/tables/canopy/whatever. It was part of Millersburg's Cherry Blossom Festival and all proceeds benefited Millersburg Are Working Together Association, which I think is a business associatioN! They raised a couple hundred dollars!

  4. I'll take the opportunity to tell you my little story that I can't tell on my own blog. So, Andrew's ex wife is really mean and says horrible things about me and my kids, and Callum. She's told her two kids that they're not ever allowed to talk about Callum to her because she doesn't care, because he's not her child. Whenever I bring Callum to any of the kids' sports or concerts, she walks out and mutters mean things under my breath. Well, 3 weeks ago when she picked up her 2 kids for her week with them, she walked up to our front door to help carry out bags (which is rare--usually we have to carry the bags out) and Callum was so sweet--he stood at the door and said hi to her. Then she crouched down and in a super sweet syrupy voice she says to him, "Heyyy buddyyyyyy! Wanna high five?!!!" and she gave him a high five. Meanwhile behind the door, Andrew is physically holding me back from going out there and punching her in the face. It's the closest I've ever been to getting thrown in jail.

    1. I am angry FOR you. I guess that is just one of those situations where you keep having to CHOOSE to be the bigger person... over and over and over and over again!

  5. There is a few people I want to punch on the face... but because this person is local, I'll text it to you later.

    I'm sorry to hear that Paul didn't win! That sucks! But I'm glad he had fun!

    The kids are adorable!!

    You already know this, but my little brother graduated from Penn Sate this weekend.

    1. Ooh I can't wait for the inside scoop. I think my nieces and nephew are adorable too but I know I am biased! Congrats to your brother!!! :)

  6. Sorry you were in a down mood lately. I was having a bit where I didn't feel like getting out of bed. At all. I mean, I was waking up super depressed, which is not me. It went on for a few weeks, which was really bothering me, but luckily it lifted. I blame it on some old age thing. Not sure, but I hope I don't have it again. I really couldn't even feel happy in the morning, no matter how much I wanted to.
    Sorry Paul didn't win the chili contest, but very cool that he was part of it! You just never know until you try!

    1. I'm sorry you were depressed for a few weeks, Lisa. That really sucks especially because I know that generally your soul is quite happy. I hope it doesn't come back either.

  7. The chili contest sounds fun. I didn't do anything big this weekend, just watching shows and finishing my picture gallery.

  8. Awww bummer that Paul didn't win the top prize in the chili cookoff, but he won the grand prize in life: he got to marry you!!!!!
