
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Meg Go Run UPDATES: Part 2

Sometimes I feel like I tell you stories or bring up issues, and then I never remember to update you on how things turned out. Today, I'm going to update you on a couple things that have been going on in my life! I updated you on some other things last week, hence this post being "Part 2".

I love my short hair. Ever since I cut my hair, I have been loving it. The only problem is, my hair is growing faster than I want it to! I really liked it for about two weeks. Then I had to buy a hair straightener because it was getting long and there were parts that would flip up, curl, and look weird. I wish when you cut hair you could make it not grow until you want it to! I went 5 weeks between my first cut/color and I think I will try to stick to that.

I'm still learning Spanish but my streak is gone. I have been practicing Spanish with Duolingo every day for 107 days straight. There were a couple days I thought I forgot to practice and was worried I'd lose my streak. But it didn't happen... until last weekend. I freaking FELL ASLEEP while practicing and my streak was GONE! I'm back at square one. But honestly, I think I need another way to learn Spanish because I have gone through all the lessons in Duolingo so many times and at this point I think I would benefit from something else. Suggestions?

Nutrition. At the beginning of January, I talked about how I needed to do better with the timing of my meals. I was getting into some bad habits of not eating after a workout and things like that. I am happy to say that while I'm not perfect, I am doing a lot better than I was at the end of 2016. For the most part I try to not let myself get too hungry as well as eat at least a little something after a workout whether I am hungry or not.

Knee Numbness/Pinched Nerve. Thanks to PT, the numbness is just about gone! I can still feel it, but it's a lot better than it was. It's also starting to feel a bit itchy, which my PT said is a good sign. I still feel that "stretchy" feeling in my skin when I bend my leg certain ways, but luckily it's not an angle that I *have* to bend my leg, so it doesn't affect my daily life or my running. It does prevent me from doing certain stretches, so of course I want to get this completely taken care of!

My "Panic" Attack. I'm not sure if what I actually had on Thursday was a panic attack because I didn't need to go to the hospital or anything. And I don't want to compare what I was feeling to what other people experience which can be WAY worse. But after that horrible experience on Thursday, I decided I needed some strategies so it wouldn't happen again. So this is my game plan for the rest of the year at work:

1. Stay calm.
2. Don't try to be Super Woman.
3. Do. Not. Yell. If I'm yelling something is wrong.
Update me on something going on in your life!


  1. You may have had a panic attack! I've never had to be hospitalized for a panic attack. The worst one I ever had I FELT like I needed to go to the hospital but Adam was able to get me to calm down ... to the point that I went from thinking I was having a heart attack to actually falling asleep in like a 10 minute span! Your strategy to stay calm is definitely the right way to go.

    I'm glad that your PT sessions are really helping. Does this mean that you're going to be able to start incorporating leg exercises into your normal weight routine?!

    I think you should book a trip to a spanish speaking country for some real world practice! :)

    1. What made you have a panic attack when you had one?

      I HOPE I can soon incorporate leg exercises. I was squatting and lunging in PT but it started to bother my knee so we stopped. :(

      I like your idea for learning Spanish! There are language immersion classes at the library but they are on Thursday mornings. This summer I hope to go!

    2. They came out of no where. I had my first one in high school just sitting and eating dinner with my family. I had my worst one in college when Adam and I got home from a party. I haven't had one in a really long time now!

      Ohhhh I bet you'll really enjoy and get a lot out of the classes at the library!

    3. I think I am going to have to read up about panic attacks. It is interesting to me that they can come out of nowhere OR someone can like pinpoint exactly what stressed them out. Maybe your subconscious thought something was wrong and it manifested itself in an attack? Or maybe they can just pop up!

  2. Why does your leg feel itchy and why is that a good thing?
    Do you think you will continue keeping your hair short or will you let it grow and sport some new styles as it grows out?

    1. Because it was numb and I didn't have much feeling at the spot. When it started to feel itchy, it meant the nerves were waking up a bit and I was getting some feeling back.

      I'm going to keep cutting my hair every 5 weeks. I know it will be more expensive than the amount of money I normally spend a year on my hair, but after 5 weeks it was just too long and took too much time to do. I just got a trim on Monday!

  3. You don't have to be hospitalized for it to be considered a panic attack. The thought that you SHOULD go to the hospital can be a symptom of an attack, but if you recognize it for what it is you learn it will pass. I've gotten them when I've been stuck in anxiety-producing situations where I felt I had been trapped for a while (a party with my boyfriend's family was one time, and a soft skills training at work where I had to think creatively on the fly was another). Just because it wasn't as intense as it could have been doesn't mean it wasn't scary. Keep thinking of those strategies to stay calm!

    1. Thanks girl! Sorry to hear you had a similar experience. It was just so surprising to have that feeling. It was very weird. I'm going to keep trying my strategies!

  4. If you think you had a panic attack, you probably did. I've had one or two and... you know. It doesn't mean you have to go to the hospital or that you're bouncing off the walls freaking out like you might think.

    I like your short hair but agree that it will grow back really quickly and requires frequent cuts! That's really why I don't do short hair. The worst is that phase when your hair is long but not quite long enough for a ponytail...

    1. Oh yeah, luckily I only had "in between hair" once or twice in my life.

  5. I love your short hair and every 5 weeks isn't so bad. That is how often I go just because my hair grows a lot and my darker roots start to show. My injuries always feel itchy as they heal! I have never heard anyone else describe it that way, so I thought I was weird. I still think I am weird but now it's are you!

    1. I think you knew I was weird before today! ;) I think I will let it go a little longer between cuts in the summer since I won't have to "do" it every day, you know what I mean?

    2. Yes, if it wasn't for my roots I would go way longer between visits and just wear it up when it started being a jerk. It would save so much $$.

  6. I need to cut my hair. Not huge, just lots. That's fascinating about the itchy bit. Bodies are incredible! I'm glad it's feeling better for you.

  7. That's one thing I do enjoy about my long hair - waiting 10 to 12 weeks to cut and highlight it, and being able to make a hair washing (with straightening) last for 3 days. When my hair was shorter I'd never be able to get away with that.
    I'm happy to hear your numbness is getting better!!

    1. You look great with long hair! And it sounds like you have it down where you don't have to mess with it every day and it still looks good.

  8. Do you have a Spanish teacher at your school? I bet s/he could give you some lessons or direct you to another step to learning. Maybe you need something like Rosetta stone!

    1. I did email our Spanish teacher and she gave me some website ideas. I looked online and the library is doing a Spanish language immersion class on Thursday mornings int he SUMMER! Woot!
