
Friday, September 30, 2016

Hey hey hey it's FRIIIIIDAY!

Hey hey hey it's FRIIIIIDAY!

Yesterday was such a dreary day. Most of my morning run was actually done in the rain. It was about 60 degrees so I wasn't cold until I got home, but a hot shower warmed me right up.

Satellite problems only clocked part of the run!

While nothing notable happened during my work day, Paul sure had an adventure at home. For some reason Chrissy still has poop stuck on his butt. It could be remnants from the day before or it could be new poop. When he has poop on his butt like that, he drags his butt on the floor and then there is a shit streak throughout our whole house. FREAKING CHRISSY! I love him, though.

Thursdays are weird because I get home from work at 4pm but I don't teach piano lessons until 6pm. Even though I have two hours of free time, it's a little hard to relax and decompress because I know I have to be "on" again in a couple hours.

We did watch Survivor during my break!

Let me show you my piano because I don't have anything else to talk about today...

It is decorated with lots of cat figurines...

My dad made this lamp. He is MacGyver!

Kristina sent me a Snap about not wanting to run in the rain, so Paul and I sent her some motivation!

And then Christmas would just not let me eat my cereal...

Here are some obligatory Snapchat photos I like to put at the end of these random posts!

Happy Friday!!!!!
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Did you get stuck running in the rain?
What time do you get home from work? I leave for work at 7:35 and get home from work at 4:00.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

I'm really enjoying shooting the shit with you this week!

Hey! I am really enjoying just shooting the shit with you all every day! I may skip Runfessions tomorrow and just do an off the cuff post again! We'll see!

I was so tired when I got up Wednesday morning. I knew it was going to be a challenging work day. I had a full schedule filled with several classes with behavior issues. I figured the one thing that could get me hyped to take on the day was a longish run. I set my alarm a little early and got in 8 miles.

It was cool and foggy out. Overall, I felt good. I did blow up a port o john in a nearby park. Boy did that "feeling" creep up on me at just the right time!

On my way to work, I took a back road shortcut and saw 3 deer! It was a mom and two fawns. I saw the same deer on the road last week. Today they were standing on the side of the road. Sometimes I drive a little fast but ever since I saw those deer I have vowed to be very cautious on that road!

I always listen to podcasts in the car. Today I listened to a podcast where Tim Gunn was the guest. I love his voice so much. It is very pleasing to my ear. There are many celebrities that have pleasing voices and I like hearing them in my headphones... Terry Gross, Martha Stewart, Jeff Ross, Jane Fonda... just to name a few!

Just as I suspected, work was extremely challenging. Oh, if I could only tell you the stories! Alas, I can't. But if you're a teacher or a parent, I'm sure you can imagine the stories I could tell!

On my way home from work, I stopped at Michael's craft store to get my niece a birthday present. My SIL recommended that I get her some craft supplies. I had no idea what kind of craft supplies to get a 4 year old! This is what I ended up getting her:

When I was a kid, this was our Snapchat!

It looks like a lot, but I spent $12.01. Since we don't have kids, we like to spoil our nieces and nephews at birthdays and Christmas.

I had so much fun wrapping her presents when I got home. It got me thinking that Christmas is CREEPING UP FAST!!!! I freaking LOVE Christmas! I have a cat named Christmas!

Speaking of my kitty Christmas, he got some poop on his butt and hid under our bed in shame because he didn't want to get a bath. But the inevitable happened, and Paul had to wash his booty.

Oh, in Paul news, he is on a DIET. Yes, I got permission to tell you this. He told me the news as soon as I got home, but I would have noticed anyway because he put some reminders on the fridge and the pantry...

 He is hardcore! Okay, so Paul eats really healthy, but he has a habit of snacking late at night, even when he isn't hungry. I get it, snacking is fun! But he really just wants to cut out that mindless snacking. And since he's a young guy that's probably all he has to do and he will get the results he wants.

Don't you hate how easy it is for guys?????

Hey, I hope your week is going well! I'd love some feedback on my posts this week. Do you mind if I am just babbling? Do you like the posts I schedule in a very thought out way? Or do you not care at all? I am going to be honest... I do enjoy the babbling!

Do you ever run longer because you know you are going to have a tough day and you want the extra endorpins?

Do you like wrapping presents? It is one of my favorite things to do! I actually wrap presents for my friends during the holiday season!

Are there any celebrities who's voices you really enjoy hearing?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wow, what a debate!

I'm trying something new this week where I write my post the night before rather than doing a lot of planning ahead of time. I'm enjoying this experiment! Now let's chat, shall we????

I gotta start off by talking about the debate Monday night!

Honestly, going in, I was nervous for Hillary. The bar was set so low for Trump but it was set so high for her. She had to be ON POINT the entire time and he basically just needed to show up and not go crazy.

Hillary exceeded my expectations. She was prepared, measured, and gave actual solutions to problems. Trump was a mess.

Paul doing a Trump impression!

I had a headache by the end of the debate even though I hydrated properly throughout. I vowed not to pee for the entire 90 minutes to be in solidarity with Hillary, but then I realized I drank too much water and simply had to pause things and run to the bathroom.

Due to being super hyped up watching post debate coverage, I didn't get to bed until nearly 1:00am, which gave me a little over four hours sleep.

For some reason, I run really well when I don't get much sleep! I swear I just ran a comfortable pace and didn't look at my Garmin at all the entire run. And this is what my sleep deprived body produced:

Splits: 7:52, 8:27, 7:49, 8:07, 8:06

I know it says I only did 4.65, but my Garmin was searching for satellites for the first .35 miles.

Tuesday afternoon was pretty busy because I had piano lessons after school. But I did get some time to veg out on the couch and work on the new puzzle I started:

Confession: I quit the last TWO puzzles I started! I am trying really hard not to quit this one but it is hard!

Well, that's all I have for today! I hope your week is going well. Tomorrow is my last "fly by the seat of my pants" post for the week because I am trying to plan out some Runfessions. Although I can't think of anything I have to Runfess right now!

Have you added me on Snap Chat yet??? DO IT! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!!

***** runningmeg82 *****

Oh, hey, if you liked Will & Grace you HAVE to watch this! They filmed a reunion scene in honor of the 2016 election!

How pissed are you that they haven't aged a day?

Do you run well on little sleep?
What did you think of the debate?
Did you watch Will & Grace?

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Trying something new!

Since I have zero posts scheduled for this week, I figured I'd try something new! I'm going to just write whatever I feel like the night before and hit publish for the next day.

Monday was a pretty good day. I don't dread Mondays because I don't have piano lessons after work... which means when I get home at 4pm I am done for the day!

The first thing I did when I woke up was pay off my student loan! This is my undergrad student loan. (I paid for my masters as I went along.) I graduated college in 2004, so this was a long time coming! My balance was just getting so low that it made sense to just pay it off in one fell swoop.

Now what am I going to do with that extra money every month? The responsible part of me wants to add it to my 403b. That would more than double what I put into my retirement account every year. The irresponsible part of me wants to use the money for VACATION! We shall see which Megan prevails... the responsible or irresponsible!

My run was awesome. I felt strong, but was shivering because it was so cold. (Like 51 haha!) 

I had to wear a shirt for the first time in months! When I got home, I immediately threw the shirt away. This was my 2009 Baltimore Marathon shirt and it just REEKED. It has reeked for a long time.

I watched the Today Show when I stretched after my run. They were talking about the presidential candidate's debate prep. I learned that Hillary did a mock debate on Saturday night. She did the whole 90 minutes with no break with someone playing the part of Trump. The mock debate even started at 9pm, just like the real debate!

Her debate strategy totally reminded me of something us runners do from time to time- we sometimes do sort of a dress rehearsal run for our big races. Like if we're training for a marathon, we'll try to have our longest run simulate the race as much as possible. We'll wear the clothes we plan to wear for the race, use the same hydration and fuel we plan on using for the race, run a route similar to the course or the actual course... 

I just thought it was a cool analogy!

Well, that's my off the cuff post for today! I hope you have a great Tuesday!

Did you pay off your student loans yet?
Ever have to throw a shirt away due to reekage? 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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I had a great weekend! It was the perfect amount of "me" time and family time. This is long. Hunker down or just look at the pics. I know I have been getting wordy on these wrap ups...

My morning started with a chest workout at home. I was bummed that there was no chicken left for breakfast so I stopped at the gas station on the way to work and spent too much money on a protein bar.

Work was work. I couldn't wait for the weekend to start!

Don't worry, I dyed it as soon as I got home!


Paul had a really weird day- mainly because the cats got in a HUGE fight about a half hour before I got home. When Paul was describing the fight to me (where Jelly basically tried to kill Christmas) Paul MIMICKED the animal-istic cry Jelly did during the fight. Well obviously that was a STUPID idea (sorry Paul!) because both cats COMPLETELY flipped out and started attacking each other again. We got them separated into different bedrooms without any bloodshed. We kept them apart for the rest of the night by having them take turns being out of the bedroom. It was not fun.

Here is Jelly in timeout...

Dinner was Paul's chili. I have been eating it all week and blowing up bathrooms left and right!

It was sort of dreary when I got up in the morning but it got sunny and hot as the day went on.

Since I was spending the day with my family, I drove up to Millersburg to do a 10 miler up there. It was gorgeous, and you can read more about it here!

Then I went to visit my grandma! We had a nice talk!

After that, my parents and I met my Bro, SIL, and their kiddos at the Gratz Fair. We had the best time! I am SOOOOO happy I have nieces and nephews!!!

My brother and I rode that ride that spins you so fast that you get stuck to the wall. I was a kid the last time I rode this thing!


My SIL dyed her hair blue. I love it!

The cats were home alone all day and I was really hoping they would both be alive when I got home. I was gone from 10:30am-9:15pm. Luckily they were both alive, just very hungry!

Paul was gone all day Saturday and part of Sunday. He went to VA with his dad to visit his nanny. When daddy is gone, the kitties always sleep with me!

MY HILLARY STUFF FINALLY ARRIVED!!!! I got a car magnet, a bunch of pins, and a yard sign.

I was pretty productive on Sunday. And now I am going to brag about everything I did:

1. Packed my lunches for the week.

2. Laid out my clothes for the week.

3. Ran some errands.

4. Switched out my closet from summer clothes to fall clothes.

5. Lifted at home.

6. Made roasted rosemary potatoes.

7. Cleaned the whole house.

Do you put out yard signs? This is my first time!
Have your pets ever attacked each other?
Who else has substantial  premature grey like I do?