
Friday, September 30, 2016

Hey hey hey it's FRIIIIIDAY!

Hey hey hey it's FRIIIIIDAY!

Yesterday was such a dreary day. Most of my morning run was actually done in the rain. It was about 60 degrees so I wasn't cold until I got home, but a hot shower warmed me right up.

Satellite problems only clocked part of the run!

While nothing notable happened during my work day, Paul sure had an adventure at home. For some reason Chrissy still has poop stuck on his butt. It could be remnants from the day before or it could be new poop. When he has poop on his butt like that, he drags his butt on the floor and then there is a shit streak throughout our whole house. FREAKING CHRISSY! I love him, though.

Thursdays are weird because I get home from work at 4pm but I don't teach piano lessons until 6pm. Even though I have two hours of free time, it's a little hard to relax and decompress because I know I have to be "on" again in a couple hours.

We did watch Survivor during my break!

Let me show you my piano because I don't have anything else to talk about today...

It is decorated with lots of cat figurines...

My dad made this lamp. He is MacGyver!

Kristina sent me a Snap about not wanting to run in the rain, so Paul and I sent her some motivation!

And then Christmas would just not let me eat my cereal...

Here are some obligatory Snapchat photos I like to put at the end of these random posts!

Happy Friday!!!!!
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
Did you get stuck running in the rain?
What time do you get home from work? I leave for work at 7:35 and get home from work at 4:00.


  1. I love your flute lamp!

    I think a run in the 60s sounds sooo lovely right now; all my runs are still in the 80s, but at least the 90s seem to finally be behind me!

    Maybe I should use SnapChat more just so I can hang out with you guys. I have it (I think my handle is ask_runs but I'm not sure) but I don't know how to use it :(

    1. abk, not ask. Stupid autocorrect.

    2. I was so confused as to how to use it as well. I needed my friend to show me two times. Even though it is not hard at all, I need to be shown new technology a couple times to understand it. Do you have a friend who could show you how to use it???

  2. That clarinet lamp is amazing. Way better than the leg lamp. It was cold and damp here yesterday and I had to get on the spin bike at work just to get warmed back up!

    1. I am sorry you had a dreary day like we did! It is dreary and rainy again today, but I was due for a lifting session so I didn't have to run in it.

  3. I love that snap of you and Paul so much, I'm glad you recorded it so that I can watch it before every single run that I don't want to do! haha Thank you!!

    Chrissy going after your cereal is exactly what Cecil is like whenever we have string cheese or beef jerky!

    I leave for work at 8:30-8:40 and get home 6:50-7:30 depending on traffic (and what time I actually leave the office)!

    1. YES! We can send you more motivation! The funny thing is, you would think it takes convincing to get Paul to send silly snaps but it takes no convincing at all. I just say, "Come over here let's send Kristina her snap" and he just plops down and rolls with it. What a guy! I will hang onto him.

      Ooh Cecil and Chrissy are two peas in a pod!

      Ugh that is so late to get home from work! And then you run after that! I can't imagine.

  4. Love that lamp. Also, is that a Christmas tree I see in the background of the one picture of you and Paul?
    I am home from work by 3:45 and am usually to the gym by 4:00.

    1. Haha that is a Christmas tree. It is up all year because it has cat ornaments on it and all our travel ornaments from when we go on vacation. :)

  5. I love running in the rain but it never happens in CO! I have the best bright orange rain jacket that feels as light as tissue paper but keeps me totally dry. I would have a hard time relaxing in between coming home and then teaching again. My work days ends at random times but I am at my home office so it's not a super huge deal. I love your snap to Kristina! You guys are the best cheerleaders, no doubt.

    1. I guess by the time it decides to precipitate it is so cold that it is snow? Me and Kristina are addicted to snapping!

    2. Pretty much--but we are having rain today. I took a rest day but no running for awhile anyway due to my bitch ankle. But a walk in the rain would be awesome, too. Macy does not care about any weather except the heat. She just has so much hair that she prefers the cool (and cold).

  6. We had a cat who would get poop on her butt, but not on purpose. She was quite fluffy and sometimes it would stick. We could get it off, but she hated being messed with back there.

    1. Yeah Christmas does not want his butt touched either!

  7. OMG, that clarinet lamp is AMAZING! I used to play flute in high school and think musical instrument stuff is kinda cool even now. I haven't picked up a flute in probably 13-14 years though... since high school. I wonder if I'd even remember how to play.

    I work from home and have to be at work by 9 AM (well, online) and have to work until roughly 4:30 or 5 PM. Otherwise, 8 hours after I start working, I guess. Even having set hours, I like the flexibility to not have to work until 9 AM.

    1. You look like a flute player! Like if you said, "Guess what instrument I played in HS?" I would be like, THE FLUTE! :) I played the clarinet, even though I didn't really like it. I don't play it much. I remember how to play but my mouth gets soooo tired right away from trying to keep the correct embouchure. I used to be able to play for hour long rehearsals and now I can barely play 5 minutes without getting tired.

      Do you ever start work early just so you can be done earlier?

  8. I love your snaps. I feel guilty for not responding though. But please keep sending them to me (if you want to!). When I had long haired cats, I'd use clippers on their rear ends so that the hair wasn't all shaggy for the poo to get stuck to. I remember so many times just holding down the cat and cutting out hardened clumps of cat shit off their fur. I'm quite enjoying Brandy's short little fur coat! The cereal video on FB cracked me up!!! I really really want a piano!!!!!! Have a good weekend, Meg and Paul! <3

    1. Do not feel guilty, I enjoy sending snaps so much and as long as they make you laugh I will keep doing it even if you don't snap me back! :)I used to take the kitties to the groomers to get their butt hair clipped (sani clip) but now they are old and ornery and they aren't having it anymore! I hope you get your family piano you want. :)

  9. That lamp is seriously amazing! My cats have totally wiped their butts on the carpet too and it makes me insane. The weather here has been pretty dreary, but I haven't minded too much because I've been so sick I can barely crawl out of the bed. Trust me, you don't want details. I'm not fit for public viewing either - way closer to being the beast than the beauty! Have a great weekend!

    1. I am so sorry you're sick. :( I hope you feel better very soon and that the sunshine comes back for your return!

  10. Awesome lamp!
    I have to tell you that last night, I went to my 9 year old's back to school night (he's in 4th grade) and I met his band teacher, who is your doppelganger! Now, I know I don't know you, but from what I can gather from your blog, you and she are twins! She was awesome and full of energy by the way and I am thrilled that she is teaching my son to play the sax! Have a great weekend - I am going to attempt to run even though I have a nasty cold! Kristen : )

    1. That is hilarious! Are we twins in looks or twins in like personality/mannerisms? I am so glad he has what appears to be an awesome teacher to help him learn the saxophone! That's a great instrument. I hope you're feeling better... being sick sucks!

    2. I would say in both! just by seeing some of the vlogs you have done. he seems to like the sax (my husband played it in school and helped him a bit over the summer). I played the flute all through school and really enjoyed it. I am glad that he also wanted to play. good for the brain! Kristen

  11. I have a silver clarinet. My dad bought it for me at a farm auction in Wisconsin back when I was a teenager. It's one of my favorite things.

  12. You are lucky you have so many cats vying for your food!
