
Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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I had a great weekend! It was the perfect amount of "me" time and family time. This is long. Hunker down or just look at the pics. I know I have been getting wordy on these wrap ups...

My morning started with a chest workout at home. I was bummed that there was no chicken left for breakfast so I stopped at the gas station on the way to work and spent too much money on a protein bar.

Work was work. I couldn't wait for the weekend to start!

Don't worry, I dyed it as soon as I got home!


Paul had a really weird day- mainly because the cats got in a HUGE fight about a half hour before I got home. When Paul was describing the fight to me (where Jelly basically tried to kill Christmas) Paul MIMICKED the animal-istic cry Jelly did during the fight. Well obviously that was a STUPID idea (sorry Paul!) because both cats COMPLETELY flipped out and started attacking each other again. We got them separated into different bedrooms without any bloodshed. We kept them apart for the rest of the night by having them take turns being out of the bedroom. It was not fun.

Here is Jelly in timeout...

Dinner was Paul's chili. I have been eating it all week and blowing up bathrooms left and right!

It was sort of dreary when I got up in the morning but it got sunny and hot as the day went on.

Since I was spending the day with my family, I drove up to Millersburg to do a 10 miler up there. It was gorgeous, and you can read more about it here!

Then I went to visit my grandma! We had a nice talk!

After that, my parents and I met my Bro, SIL, and their kiddos at the Gratz Fair. We had the best time! I am SOOOOO happy I have nieces and nephews!!!

My brother and I rode that ride that spins you so fast that you get stuck to the wall. I was a kid the last time I rode this thing!


My SIL dyed her hair blue. I love it!

The cats were home alone all day and I was really hoping they would both be alive when I got home. I was gone from 10:30am-9:15pm. Luckily they were both alive, just very hungry!

Paul was gone all day Saturday and part of Sunday. He went to VA with his dad to visit his nanny. When daddy is gone, the kitties always sleep with me!

MY HILLARY STUFF FINALLY ARRIVED!!!! I got a car magnet, a bunch of pins, and a yard sign.

I was pretty productive on Sunday. And now I am going to brag about everything I did:

1. Packed my lunches for the week.

2. Laid out my clothes for the week.

3. Ran some errands.

4. Switched out my closet from summer clothes to fall clothes.

5. Lifted at home.

6. Made roasted rosemary potatoes.

7. Cleaned the whole house.

Do you put out yard signs? This is my first time!
Have your pets ever attacked each other?
Who else has substantial  premature grey like I do?


  1. What a great weekend. I love the family pictures and yes, your nieces are adorable! Both our labs have been attacked by other dogs. Cuervo got bitten so bad by a pit bull we had to go get her ear stitched. The other time for Cuervo and the time for Macy weren't bloody but they are so traumatic. Your Sunday was like my Sunday. Rick had to work and normally I would be all over doing stuff and seeing friends but instead I turned on football and got so much done in my house. It feels great to start the week like that! Happy Monday!

    1. That is so scary that your babies were attacked. :( Were the owners apologetic? I would feel so bad if my pets attacked another animal.

  2. Wow, you really were productive on Sunday! I had a somewhat lazy weekend. I wish I packed all my lunches and got my clothes ready for the week over the weekend. I think that would help alot during the week! And I guess its time to switch out my summer clothes....

    1. Yes, ready or not I think fall weather is here. At least in the evenings! I can still see it being warm during the day when it is sunny out.

  3. I have SO much grey hair now. At 14 years old my hair dresser told me that I might be totally grey by the time I'm 30 but it isn't that bad yet! Thank goodness! Although at some point I think I'll just embrace the grey and go with it. I almost wish I was totally grey now because grey is in! I love your SIL's blue hair. For the last year I've been saying I want to do something with purple (maybe purple tips) but I'm too nervous about how it would go down at work. My boss wouldn't say anything but I wonder what clients would think!

    1. Do you dye your grey? I don't care if grey is in- it makes me look old! I think you would look awesome with purple tips. Don't you think you are in the industry where your clients wouldn't mind that?

    2. IDK! I would like to think i work in an industry where it's more acceptable, but then again I am not a graphic designer or art director - I'm the director of marketing so i feel like I need to project a more professional image :/

    3. Yes I suppose that makes sense. Luckily I can get away with wearing weird stuff because I am an elementary school teacher. Like I could basically wear a sweater with a cat on it to school and it would be okay because it's "for the children" hahaha.

    4. Hahahah I love that. I sneak in cat wear by having a cat watch :). one time I was meeting with the founder of a fashion company and halfway through the meeting I realized I had worn my cat watch that day and I wondered if she saw it and what she thought! Haha

  4. You are so lucky to have nieces and a nephew!
    I don't have grey hairs yet (at least I don't think) but I asked my hairdresser if she has any clients my age that are still naturally blonde and she said NO. I want to wait as long as possible to start the dying processes. I guess something about it just scares me (like I'm gonna get black roots or something). I don't know, I know it's weird!

    My grandma loved amusement parks (bless her soul) and I remember she loved that spinning ride you mentioned. I was never on it but I thought it looked SOOO

    1. You are so lucky you have beautiful blonde hair you don't need to dye!

      The spinning ride makes you feel WEIRD! I liked it but as an adult, in the back of my mind I am like "Okay, how could I potentially die on here?"

  5. My weekend wasn't too productive, but I did get some cleaning done at home. I FINALLY tackled the clutter drawers because I couldn't find something. I'd been putting that project off for a bit but couldn't take it anymore. 2 drawers in the kitchen, one bin in the bedroom.

    1. Cleaning out drawers and bins must make you feel so accomplished! I love the feeling of having everything organized.

  6. Um hello productivity! The one time we put out a yard sign, someone stole it. Sheesh. Sorry about the cat fight. I wonder what gets into them? Ooooh the wall ride. Last time I rode it I felt like I was slipping down. Noooo!

    1. I am afraid of someone stealing mine! So I have another. And if they steal that one too, I will just make a $100 donation to Hillary's campaign. That'll show 'em!

      I was trying to figure out the cats because they almost got into it on Sunday. I think it has to do with Jelly being territorial about his food. :(

  7. We can't do a yard sign because we are a house divided. Hubs is voting for Gary Johnson. In SC no one's vote really "counts" because this is a solid red state but I just can't see myself voting for a third party candidate in a two party system... although I find it very unfair that he is not allowed to participate in debates and think he should be able to. I love your Hilary stuff though and it looks like you had a wonderful weekend!

    1. I guess you have to poll at 15% to get in, and that's just such an arbitrary number, so I am not sure if that needs to be lowered? I think basically the Libertarian party needs to not only come out of the woodwork during presidential elections. Get out there and run for local office, state office, etc. Make a name for yourself and your party, you know? If they didn't show up just every 4 years they may poll higher!

  8. The fair with the nieces and nephew look like so much fun! Your nieces are adorable! And the blue hair looks very good on your SIL! The picture of you and your grandma on Instagram made me miss my grandma so much!!

    You had a super busy and awesome weekend!!

    When I was married, my ex-husband was running for local office, so we had his sign and all the other republican signs in our yard. I used to tell him I was going to start parking two blocks away and coming in to the house on the back door, bc I didn't want to be associated with so many republicans.

    By the way, I tried to do the Trump Fartleck in Camp Hill on Friday, and there were barely any signs up anymore! This one block used to have 3, now they are gone! and I did see 2 Hillary signs.

    1. Maybe we will have to change the fartlek workout to just ANY political sign!

      I think my nieces are adorable too but maybe I am a little bit biased. :)

  9. "I have not been stuck to a wall in along time lol" <---- Those are the random comments I love from you. :)

    I love the color of your hair!

  10. Omg I can't believe your cats got into such a huge fight! Haven't they been together for a really long time? It's funny how Paul's reenactment made them do it all over again. Ha ha I'd pay big bucks to see Paul do that (but without the cat fight).

    1. They have been together since Jelly was 8 weeks old! So basically 9 years! But they still have very animalistic qualities in them and it is SO scary when it comes out. Christmas actually attacked me twice and I was never so scared in my whole life.

  11. What an awesome weekend! A great 10 miler, adorable kids, and goats! I love it! I'm hoping that being blonde makes my turning grey a slower process ...

    1. It seems like blonde will hide it more too if you do get some grey! My hair is naturally medium brown so it shows up.

  12. Late posting here... even though by body seems to be falling apart lately, I only have just a few gray hairs at 48 yrs old. Winning!!
