
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wow, what a debate!

I'm trying something new this week where I write my post the night before rather than doing a lot of planning ahead of time. I'm enjoying this experiment! Now let's chat, shall we????

I gotta start off by talking about the debate Monday night!

Honestly, going in, I was nervous for Hillary. The bar was set so low for Trump but it was set so high for her. She had to be ON POINT the entire time and he basically just needed to show up and not go crazy.

Hillary exceeded my expectations. She was prepared, measured, and gave actual solutions to problems. Trump was a mess.

Paul doing a Trump impression!

I had a headache by the end of the debate even though I hydrated properly throughout. I vowed not to pee for the entire 90 minutes to be in solidarity with Hillary, but then I realized I drank too much water and simply had to pause things and run to the bathroom.

Due to being super hyped up watching post debate coverage, I didn't get to bed until nearly 1:00am, which gave me a little over four hours sleep.

For some reason, I run really well when I don't get much sleep! I swear I just ran a comfortable pace and didn't look at my Garmin at all the entire run. And this is what my sleep deprived body produced:

Splits: 7:52, 8:27, 7:49, 8:07, 8:06

I know it says I only did 4.65, but my Garmin was searching for satellites for the first .35 miles.

Tuesday afternoon was pretty busy because I had piano lessons after school. But I did get some time to veg out on the couch and work on the new puzzle I started:

Confession: I quit the last TWO puzzles I started! I am trying really hard not to quit this one but it is hard!

Well, that's all I have for today! I hope your week is going well. Tomorrow is my last "fly by the seat of my pants" post for the week because I am trying to plan out some Runfessions. Although I can't think of anything I have to Runfess right now!

Have you added me on Snap Chat yet??? DO IT! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!!

***** runningmeg82 *****

Oh, hey, if you liked Will & Grace you HAVE to watch this! They filmed a reunion scene in honor of the 2016 election!

How pissed are you that they haven't aged a day?

Do you run well on little sleep?
What did you think of the debate?
Did you watch Will & Grace?


  1. I couldn't sleep after the debate despite having had vodka during and 2 Benadryl after! I was so wired. I was shouting at the TV so much Matt had to ask me to calm down so he could hear! I'm so happy with how Hillary did. Now I wonder...if Trump prepares for debate #2, what will that look like? Will he be able to hold in his disdain and temper? Will he actually KNOW anything and be able to get some jabs in? He completely let Hillary slide on things that could have had the potential to lose her a few points. I wonder if he'll hire a better debate prepper for next time!

    1. Man I have no clue what he is gonna look like at #2. It is in a town hall format, which I am sure he will do better at, partly because he is so good at not answering questions. I think Hillary will have a chance to show how she connects with people in the town hall style, so I think it will be good for her too. It is hard to fathom trump doing worse than he did on Monday. I mean, a 400lb guy in his bedroom hacking into the DNC emails? WTF DONALD???

  2. Ha, the debate gave me a headache too. I agree, Hillary handle herself very well.

    I think you found your new picture for the Purple is your color!

    1. I am just having too much fun with the filters. :)

  3. I do run well on little sleep too! Especially in the fall/winter because it's dark out during my long runs and I actually close my eyes and go on autopilot for short periods! It's like getting in a little nap on the run :D! I used to think this was weird but then one time I saw Ali say that sometimes she closes her eyes on runs too! (i'm pretty sure she said this anyway, it's possible i dreamed it! haha)

    Hillary sounded like a knowledgeable politician who has a lifetime of experience in many aspects of public service. Trump did not sound knowledgable about political topics, which would be okay since he doesn't have a lifetime of experience, except he's running for president. I thought Trump started something good when he was talking about violence in communities and describing the reality of the situation (although with bad statistics), but his conclusions about how to solve the issues were atrocious.

    1. I have closed my eyes! I run in the morning though so I really think the lack of sleep doesn't catch up with me until later in the day. If I got 4 hrs sleep and then had to go to work and THEN run, I bet my run would suck.

      I hate how Trump gets credit for acknowledging problems (like every candidate does!) but he has NO SOLUTION. And when he does have a solution, it is something that has been deemed unconstitutional.

      Whether Trump wins or not, this is going to be an election to be studied for years to come. A sociology study to figure out what the heck is going on in this world that people look at him and think, "He's the answer!"

    2. When people say "he's the answer" we should just reply with a Trump quote... "WRONG!"


  4. Yes, my fastest 5K ever was the July 5th last summer. I had only gotten a few hours of sleep and then was Ms. Speedy the next day! I totally miss Will & Grace. That show was seriously one of my faves (and also loved Mad About You....and Seinfeld). Loved starting my morning w/ a laugh!

    1. What is it with no sleep = a great run? Now if I got several nights in a row of no sleep, things would be bad for sure! I loved Seinfeld, never got into Mad About You. I'm glad you watched the Will & Grace clip. It was so freaking smart and funny and just SO Will and Grace!!! It was like exactly how the show was! "Where can I find an angry white man from PA?" ENTER JACK. LOL.

  5. Yes I know for you it is heat and dew point! The humidity has not been around on my morning runs this week.

  6. Most of my best races are when I have had crappy sleep, haven't gone to the bathroom, and am not satisfied with my training. I think what happens is on those runs, I lower my expectations and relax and that helps me just... run. Freely and faster.

    I didn't watch the debate but everyone I talked to basically said the same thing as you that Hilary's performance was better than Trump's and he basically lost his cool up there and didn't know what he was doing.

    1. Wow you know what I did have low expectations for myself. I declared the workout a win as soon as I started because I figured with 4 hours of sleep, the fact that I actually got up to run IS a victory.

  7. I had trouble sleeping after the debate as well! I was so hopped up. Trump just completely imploded and Hilary was like the smart girl she is. What is blowing my mind is the commentators who are calling the debate a draw, or even saying Trump won. Hello? Did you watch the thing? How did he win? By being a bully? By name dropping all his connections? Talking about his investments? Dramatizing how much of a "disaster" our country is? OMG. This guy cannot possibly win. He's awful. Tremendous.

    1. Wendy, you should host a virtual race that has to be done right after the presidential debates. It could be a 5k. I bet we would all PR out of anger!!!

  8. You know, I end up running really well under the worst circumstances. I'll be hung over, sleep deprived, hungry and thirsty and I'll knock out some insane splits. But then next time I'll be all prepared and then ride the struggle bus. It doesn't make sense!

    1. It sure doesn't! I like what Amy said, maybe our expectations are so low that we relax a bit more? Who knows. Or maybe we don't need to be feeling as good as we think we need to be feeling for our body to perform well!

  9. I didn't watch the Debate, because I get way to excited and I can't have that much digital excitement before going to bed... but I did end up dreaming that I was hired to be the debate moderator and that I couldn't because I was so angry with Donald Trump.

    I read somewhere that Hillary was interrupted way more than both of the men, and it made me very angry!

    The clips that I heard sounded like Trump was doing more of his word vomit he spreads around. I know it's nothing new, but I hate that he makes the USA sound like they are a defenseless kid being picked on by the world and my minorities! He is so out of touch, a jerk and does not deserve any of all the attention he is getting.

    I loved the Will and Grace!! Karen is awful, but her and Jack were my favorites! And Rosario at the end with the "Basket of deplorables!" that made it way more awesome!

    1. Oh man that is a nightmare! I would be so nervous to be a debate moderator. There's so much riding on it. AND you have to come up with your own questions. I would have a hard time not being biased. :) He did interrupt her a lot. I know people get interrupted during debates but he did it A LOT. She did a VERY good job of continuing to talk calmly. I guarantee you she practiced doing that!

      I never really liked Karen but Jack was my FAVORITE!!!!! Oh man, Will and Grace. Best show. Besides Seinfeld. And Survivor. And Big Brother. ;)

  10. That Will and Grace short is GREAT!! I watched that show and forgotten how much I liked it. Hilarious! I tried to watch the debate. I really did. Then got bored after 10 mins and turned it off.
    I think we all run a bit better on lack of sleep. How else can we pull off these awesome races because I'm sure most of us aren't getting quality sleep the night before!

    1. Does it make you really miss Will & Grace???? :) Hey that is a good point we prob don't sleep super well before a race!
