
Sunday, December 30, 2018

2018 Wrap Up!

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One of the perks of having a blog is that it makes it super easy to go back and see what I was up to in any given year!

We went on some fun vacations and I ran some beautiful trail races in 2018, but the year overall was nothing spectacular. It wasn't bad, it was just a normal year.

Things got hectic and difficult for me during the last three months of 2018, but I am determined to start 2019 with a new mindset and hopefully that will give me more happiness. (More on that on Tuesday!)

Here's what we were up to in 2018...

~ Vacations & Day Trips~

~ Races ~

I ran 9 races and they were all on trail! Here are some pictures and links to recaps in case you missed any!

What an ugly course, right!?

Another ugly course.

~ Injuries/Ailments ~

I tweaked my shoulder in February and it took awhile for it to simmer down and get back to normal. That forced me to take it easy on the weights for a couple months.

 My lower back pain really started to ramp up when I went back to work in August. At the end of September, I started going to PT. My PT was awesome and he taught me so much about my body and how to manage my back pain. It was the only good experience at PT I ever had- not because I am 100% cured, but because I feel like I learned what I needed to help me moving forward.

My sleep issues got a lot worse in 2018. I finally made another appointment with my doctor and got a prescription for trazodone. It is a GAME CHANGER for me. I am not one to take medicine, but at this point, it is way more unhealthy for me to be so sleep deprived than it is for me to take medicine.

~ Other Things ~

Paul and I celebrated our 10 Year Anniversary!

I stopped biting my nails! After having the habit for 36 years, I stopped cold turkey on October 31st. I went from this...

to this!!!

I took over the 4th grade instrumental program at my school. It is causing me a lot of stress because it is so time consuming and my schedule really doesn't allow for me to do my "normal" teaching job plus the job of another teacher. However, all in all, it's worth it. But I'm not doing it next year or you'll find me on FMLA leave for a mental breakdown.

One of the best parts of 2018, particularly the last couple months, is that I reconnected with old friends and started cultivating relationships with new friends. I really want to keep up with these relationships in 2019 because my friends are very important to me!
What's a highlight of your 2018?


  1. Awesome year! We had some nice, fun vacations for sure. This year was a challenge for me medically but I am glad I went through it. Learned so much about my body and what I need to do to stay healthy. As heartbroken as we were to say bye to Macy I would say our highlight was welcoming Annie into our home! She's pure love!

    1. I feel the one of the only good things that can ever come from our injuries and ailments is learning how to take care of our bodies better. You definitely had some tough issues but I'm glad you learned something.

  2. You had a pretty busy year! I started 2018 thinking is was going to be a "nothing" year cus I had no big races planned, no big vacations, nor life changes. Turns out 2018 was not a bad year. I'm looking forward to what 2019 will bring.

    1. That's awesome! Anything big planned for the new year?

  3. My 2018 was pretty crappy but hey, can't win em all. You had a wonderful year though, it's been fun following most of it and the trail races, instrumental/band program, sleep drama, etc. I'll have to say my favorite post this year was the Safe Harbor Trail race because I still remember it! Here's to a great 2019!

    1. I really hope your 2019 is better Amy. It HAS to be, right!? Thanks for following my blog. I love reading your comments and connecting with you. :)

  4. Looks like a very full year! I feel like all of us are being asked to do more these days. I feel you. Just keep running. It's the only thing that keeps me sane!

    1. Thanks Wendy! And I know they know as women we will GET IT DONE and it will be done WELL, but with a detriment to our own mental health. Thank goodness for running.
