
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Weekly Workouts

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There was lots of running and workouts this week! I am thoroughly enjoying my Winter Break and having more flexibility with when I workout!

Saturday- Zumba, a deck of cards workout, and 1 neighborhood mile.  I tend to get exercise ADD on days I go to Zumba. While the Zumba class was super fun, I barely broke a sweat! I think all my deck of cards workouts and speed work on the treadmill are getting me in better shape.

Sunday- 3 treadmill miles (speed work), a deck of cards workout and 4 miles on the AT. I know, that all seems a bit random, right!? The speed work and deck of cards was done in the morning.

After a family party, I squeezed in some trail miles before it got dark!I will admit, I did this because I felt "fat". Feeling "fat' is not a good reason to go for a run, but it was my reason that evening.

Monday- 7 treadmill miles. It felt great to feel the burn before a day of eating yummy Christmas Eve food!

Tuesday- 6 Christmas neighborhood miles. At 8 o'clock on the dot, a church in my neighborhood started blasting the Star Spangled Banner. I wonder, do they do that every morning at 8 or only on Christmas!?

Wednesday- 4 treadmill miles and lifting at Planet Fitness. I really hope all these treadmill miles make me faster! Not that I am training for anything, it would just be fun to see my "la la la" pace increase.

Thursday- 8 miles on the AT with Allison. We started at Trindle and just did 4 miles out and back. The miles FLY by when I am with Allison because we just jibber jabber the whole time! I'm so glad I met her through a mutual friend and that our paces/schedules align so that we can run together!

Friday- Lifting at PF. I was super tired from no sleep the night before. I wasn't in the mood to push myself.

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Really awesome week of workouts, Megan! I am glad you had the time over break and that your body is feeling good! I walked 18.2 miles, rowed 4 miles, swam 2.2 miles, had 4 strength sessions and 5 yoga sessions. Good variety so I can't complain!

  2. Damn how do you have the time for all of that!? You're right it's a great variety!

    1. I only work out 45 min to 65 min each day. The weights and yoga sessions are only 10-15 min long!

    2. Gretchen Rubin talks about her "high intensity weight training" all the time and she does it once a week for 20 min. I only wanted to tell you this because I want you to picture Gretchen saying "high intensity weight training" lolololol
