
Friday, November 23, 2018

Most Popular Blog Posts - 2000!

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Hey all! I am linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5!

Today is my 2000th consecutive blog post! It's insane, right!? I thought it would be a good time to share my most viewed blog posts. I don't know if they are my best posts, but they are most viewed for one reason or another!

In honor of 2000 Meg Go Run posts, feel free check out one of these popular posts!

I would like to think this post is popular because it's funny (it truly is kind of funny) but I think it's actually popular because there is a Seinfeld gif at the end.

I used to give a lot of advice on my blog. I don't do that much anymore. However, I do think most people would really benefit from weight training. I'm not sure I would write this post in the same way now. Ah well, we learn and change.

This race was the scariest, most dangerous race I ever ran. Everyone got home safe and sound, so it's okay to look back and laugh! Read it if you want to be SHOCKED!

This is my brother's recap from his Ironman. It is long but fascinating!

Did you ever read about the time my mom and I met Hillary Clinton? It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life!

I may have an 8x10 of this hanging in my living room...
and a 7x5 on my hutch in the dining room...
and a 4x6 magnet on my fridge!

Once upon a time, I was a personal trainer. The test was long and hard, but I passed! Right after the test, I wrote down every question I could remember... and then POSTED THEM ON MY BLOG! Needless to say, I got a very angry voicemail from ACE threatening legal action if I didn't take down the content. I edited the post to just include very general test taking tips. What an idiot I was!

It's crazy that just 4 years ago, Paul was not able to get medical marijuana legally in the state of PA. Oh, how times have changed! Now he has a medicinal card and can visit the dispensary that is like two miles from where I work!
Who is the most famous person you have met?
Is medical marijuana legal in your state?
Did anyone ever threaten legal action against you?


  1. Wow 2,000 consecutive blog posts is amazing! Its always fun to see which posts get the most views. Sometimes they are not the ones I would expect!

    1. Yeah! Some of them were shared a lot, so I get that. But a couple I am just like... why?

  2. Oh my, I did not know that ACE threatened you about your blog post.

    1. Yeah it was scary! I felt dumb. I should have known better.

  3. Isn't that kind of fun that ACE actually found your blog? Those web spiders must be set up to crawl for things like that every day! Ohio is not legal yet. I didn't know PA was. I do remember that blog post. That's great for Paul!
    Happy 2,000 posts! that's a TON

    1. Yes I agree, I think they have a lookout for things like that. I wonder if there is a push for it going on in OH?

  4. How fabulous that you have had so many blog posts! I have no idea how many I have written but now I am curious. Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving

  5. Thank you for your blog! It is how I start most mornings and I love the friendship we have made and I love your stories! I remember all of those posts and anytime you but in a Seinfeld reference I am very happy.

    1. I should put in more Seinfeld references! I was just talking about you the other day to a friend of mine. I said my friend Susan lives in CO but we never met in real life BUT SHE IS STILL MY FRIEND. :) Thank you for your friendship. :)

  6. It’s always fun to see which posts get the most attention! Usually they surprise me!

    1. Is there a certain recipe you have that gets a ton of views?

  7. Medical marijuana is not legal here but it should be (granted I think it all should be, I probably still wouldn't use but don't think it's a bad thing). I'm glad Paul can get it now!

    That Safe Harbor race still amazes me. I'm glad that's a popular post because maybe people will stay away from it.

    1. Yes I try to let everyone I know and all the running clubs about that RD. I think eventually medical marijuana will be legal in every state but it will take some time.

  8. I think the first post I ever read of yours was the Safe Harbor Race Report. I had considered running that race. I am still amazed that the RD was so clueless and reckless with runners' lives! So glad you survived unscathed. I saw the same outfit is still advertising races!

    1. Yes they are advertising! I shared the shit out of that post to warn people not to run with them.

  9. Wow, 2000 posts! I always enjoy your candid posts--kind of funny about the ACE post because I've posted stuff I shouldn't but no one has ever threatened legal action! LOL

    1. Thanks Wendy! I do try to keep it real here. And after 2000 posts, what else do I have to hide?
