
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Weekly Workouts

Hey all! Another week of easing up on the running and cautiously testing the hammy.

Saturday- 2 Deck of Cards workouts. I did a million burpees, jump rope rotations, bicycle crunches, donkey kicks, mountain climbers, and stability ball pull ins. I loved that I got to be in the warm sunshine! Jumping rope is getting a lot easier, burpees are still hard!

Sunday- Rest. Of course I have a picture from my rest day.

Monday- 4.5 mile run and .5 mile walk. My hammy felt good. I was going to stop at 4 and walk a mile, but I pushed it to 4.5 instead since everything felt fine. I was happy to run but I was very tired due to literally not falling asleep the night before.

Tuesday- 2 mile run, 2 deck of cards workouts. So while I was running, I thought I could feel my hammy. But then I wasn't sure whether I was being hyper sensitive or not. But I decided to play it safe and stop after two miles. Obviously I had a lot of time left before getting ready for work so I did my two normal DOC workouts. Later in the day I could feel my hammy. Good thing I stopped when I did, but I was still pissed off.

Wednesday- THREE deck of card workouts! I jumped so much rope my feet fell asleep! Maybe I am doing it wrong? Hammy felt fine.

Thursday- Back down to 2 DOC workouts. I got my period, my back hurt, and I was sooooo tired.

Friday- Short upper body lifting and 2 mile run. My hammys felt perfect. Do you know what's harder than running 20 miles? Running 2 miles, feeling perfect, then stopping. But I am glad I stopped! I'm also glad I tested it. It was so warm and humid this morning and it felt FREAKING AWESOME. Maybe summer has finally arrived!?

How were your workouts this week?


  1. I too think the weather is awesome and don't mind the heat and humidity one bit. At least that's what I'm saying right now! I took your suggestion and added mountain climbers into my routine.

    1. Cool! Hope you like them. It looks nice out today. I'm going to try a short run. Looking forward to the weather!

  2. Girl I TOTALLY know how frustrating it is to run 2 miles, feel good and then stop. That’s been my life the last couple of months but yesterday I got to run 3.5 miles and soon that will be 4 and then 5 and then 10 and then 20 lol! I’m glad your hammy is feeling good though that’s what is most important!

    1. Yeah! It is much better to stop before anything bad happens. That will get us to the miles we want to be running faster.

  3. I hope your hammy is feeling better now!

  4. Oh, Megan...I hope the hammy is OK! It sounds like it is but you are being super cautious (which is really SO smart)

    1. Thanks! I am trying to be smart! I ran 5 mi on Sat (before the sickness) and it felt good. Didn't even start hurting later in the day. But then this morning, when I went down the two steps to our pantry, I got a calf cramp! I thought I pulled it but Paul said it was prob a cramp from being dehydrated. I think he was right, so I am trying to drink water now. I didn't drink or eat for 24+ hours :(
