
Sunday, May 6, 2018


Hey all, how's it going? 've got a Currently post coming at you today! Have a great Sunday!

Current Running Situation: I'm really taking it easy on the running because my left hammy was hurting. I'm trying to only run every couple days and stopping before my hammy hurts. I'm running a 25k in the Blue Mountains next weekend so I want to feel good for that!

Current Sleeping Situation: For the most part it has been getting A LOT better. Every couple weeks or so, I'll have a crappy night, but that is happening much less than it was.

Current Book:  A Walk in the Woods. I read this book years ago but remember nothing about it. Guys, it's hilarious!

Current bane of my existence: Students who don't work to the best of their ability. Some don't care and don't want to work hard. It's so frustrating!

Current Podcast(s): Trace Evidence. The podcast covers disappearance. This is one true crime podcast Paul will actually listen to with me. Check out the episode on Bryce Laspisa.

Current Triumph: Finishing all of my lesson plans for the rest of the school year. Boom.

Current Vacation: Charlottesville is next weekend! I hope the weather is good!

Current TV Show: Survivor Ghost Island. This season is okay. I can't stand Kellyn. I guess I'm rooting for Laurel but I'm not sure she'll win even if she makes it to the end. She needs to make a BIG MOVE.

Current Big Purchase: A new patio table and chairs! Now Paul and I love playing cards on the back porch.

Current Food: PEAS! I'm freaking loving peas right now!

Current Drink: Water with diet cranberry juice. It just fancies it up a tiny bit.

Current Puzzle: This Wysocki:

Current Excitement: I'm ready to wear all my cute spring and summer clothes!
Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. Hey, I think I've done that puzzle! It is so nice to be able to enjoy sitting outside right now - hopefully it doesn't get too hot/humid/buggy too soon!

    1. I know, it seems like spring is so short. Oh well, I won't complain because I would much rather be hot!

  2. That is a beautiful puzzles! I've been wearing my spring/summer dresses already and hope to continue till the end of the year (17 more days)!!! I'm glad you are enjoying your patio furniture. One of my favorite things to do is sit out on my porch!

    Hey, is that book about the guys who hiked the Appalachain trail? If so i saw that movie and it is hillarious!

    1. Yes that is the book. :) My parents recommended the movie. I shall have to see it.

  3. Finishing up your lesson plans - that's the same joy I get when I meal plan for the whole month! Satisfaction & accomplishment. Booyah!! :)

  4. A Walk In The Woods is hilarious!! Did you see the movie? they take out the part where his friend is throwing out all the food, I loved that part.

    I am currently super excited for and upcoming trip this weekend. We are going to Niagara falls for mother's day.

    1. I did not see it but I plan to! What a fun trip! Paul and I are going to Charlottesville. :)

  5. I am also very excited to be wearing less clothing now that the weather is getting nicer. Today was the first day I wore sandals! YAY for warm weather!

    1. Oh nice! I wore them to school twice so far. Painted on my fake toenails for the occasion...
