
Thursday, February 1, 2018

I did a double yesterday.

On Wednesday, I did a double run. I did 6 miles in the morning and 4 more after work.

Morning run with the SUPER BLUE MOON.

I haven't done a double in YEARS. I used to be addicted to exercise and did two hours of cardio a day. It was horrible and not healthy at all. But I have been out of that terrible cycle for nearly five years.

So why did I suddenly decide to do a double yesterday? Several reasons...

1. I had a two hour break after work before having to leave for rehearsal and I was scared that if I didn't get my body moving I would crash on the couch and not want to get up. (I only got 2.5 hours of sleep the night before.)

2. I am having some body image issues at the moment.

3. There are a couple things stressing me out and running helps me unwind.

My plan was to do 2 miles but secretly knew I would do 3 if I felt good. Well I felt so good that I ended up with 4! And I was 30 seconds faster per mile after work than before work.

I'm okay with the double just this once. But I definitely don't want to make this a habit!
Do you do doubles?
What helps you unwind besides running?


  1. I haven't done a double in forever! I could see how it would help you to get some energy to get through the rest of the evening. Usually after work I am just ready to crash!

    1. Me too! I was actually surprised how much energy I had once I started running because I certainly didn't have it before my run!

  2. I will sometimes do a double but only in the summer time when I am finding excuses to be outside more.

    I like to unwind by watching judge Judy...haha

    1. I loooooove that you watch Judge Judy. :) I feel like Paul and I should start DVRing that.

  3. Oh I never do doubles. That sounds intense. If I want more exercise I usually turn to yoga, climbing or hiking instead of a second round of running. Congrats on the run though! That’s pretty awesome that you were faster for your second run. I think I’d just be exhausted. Haha!

    1. It is weird that I felt so good on my second run. I think the key is that I ran cause I really felt like running, not because I felt like I "had" to, if that makes sense?

  4. I rarely do doubles... but I can see it happening ;)

    Besides running, I read or knit to unwind.

  5. I will occasionally do doubles when I have to split miles because I don't have time to run let's say 10 miles before work, but I know I can get in 4 before work, 6 after etc.

    1. That makes a lot of sense! When you are training, you gotta get it in when you can. Kudos to you for making it work

  6. I don't do doubles often, but when I couldn't fit it in for my marathon training I would split up a long run. However, I am doing a double today! It's another Track night for me, but it was beautiful outside this morning, AND my day off work, so I had to get out there. Just 2.5 miles, but I loved it! Hopefully I haven't messed up my Track night workout!

    1. 2.5 miles shouldn't mess you up. Glad you got some rest air on your day off and I hope your track workout good well tonight!

  7. Wow..that is amazing and you only had 2.5 hours of sleep! Girl!! I don't do doubles. Like you I had an exercise addiction for almost 10 years and did doubles almost daily. Now I am one and done. I have a lot of non exercise things I can do to unwind...bake, art, watch documentaries, spend time at the library reading all the things!

    1. That is so healthy to have many things to do to unwind. I hope I don't get this urge often. Although I will say this double was different from my exercise addiction doubles because yesterday I wanted to run, it wasn't that I felt like I had to run.

  8. I don't think I've ever done a double run, but I've definitely done double workouts. I don't like to do them because I think my second workout is always half assed, but if I go for a run in the morning and Adam wants to workout together in the evening I'll usually say yes... or at least I used to back in the day when I could actually run lol!

    You know I don't think body image issues ever go away completely. They sit inside us and rear their ugly heads when we're under stress or some other trigger comes around. The best thing we can do during those times is acknowledge what's happening and use the tools we've hopefully gained to manage those thoughts and feelings. We're only human, we just do the best we can.

    1. I know exactly what you mean about the second workout being potentially half assed. I'm into quality, not quantity.

      I agree body image shit is always there. I hate when it comes through...
