
Friday, February 2, 2018

5 Things I Love About Performing in a Show Again

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

It's been a couple years since I've done a musical, but I'm excited to be performing in Godspell at Gettysburg Community Theater!

The show runs: 
March 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18
Fri & Sat @ 8pm
Sun @ 2pm

You can purchase tickets online @ 

Today, I'm going to share 5 things I love about being in a show again!

1. Meeting new people. Even though I'm not a shy person, I was feeling a little shy at the first couple rehearsals. I didn't know anyone and a lot of the cast already knew each other. Meeting so many new people was both scary and awesome at the same time. The cast is kind, talented, and hard working! It's great to be part of this group. 

2. Learning challenging music. We are doing the 2012 revival version of Godspell which has harder music than the original. I am loving the challenge and I am loving that I get to sing something that gives me joy. I sing all day with the students at school, but there, it's all about them. I like that I am finally getting to sing something for me.

3. Dancing. Choreography rehearsals are probably my favorite. We rehearse in the basement where there are wall to wall mirrors, which really helps to make sure you're doing the dance moves correctly.

4. Getting out of the house. Let's face it, I can get stuck in a rut pretty easily. Run, work, teach piano lessons, do a puzzle, go to bed... every day... Throwing in musical rehearsals definitely makes my weeks crazier and I get a lot less sleep. But it is fun to get out of the house during the week and mix things up.

5. NOT BEING IN CHARGE.  Guys, I am in charge ALL. DAY. LONG. at school and at home teaching piano lessons. It is sooooooo fun to go to rehearsal and not be in charge of ANYTHING. Someone teaches me the music. Someone teaches me the dance. I don't have to make any decisions, I just have to follow directions from the director and music director. Normally I am a control freak, but I can't tell you how freeing it is to not have to be in charge once in awhile.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teachers: Do you ever get excited when you don't have to be in charge of something?

Have you ever performed in a play or musical?

Do you like to dance?


  1. I'm glad you're having fun in your rehearsals! Dancing in a room of wall to wall mirrors sounds so cool. It reminds me of watching Britney rehearse in behind-the-scenes documentaries back in the day :). Barbara and I actually belonged to a gym in high school that had a room like that and we loved to go in there and do Britney's choreography lol!

    Adam and I are both required to lead and make decisions at work all day, so when we get home both of us want to take a backseat. This often leads to a ton of "what do you want to do?" "I don't know you decide." "No i don't know you come up with something" conversations! :D

    1. So then who usually ends up making the decisions when you want to push it off on the other person? Or is it 50/50? Sometimes I feel bad because when I get home from work, I don't even want to talk to Paul right away because I was talking all day. I need time for my brain to unscramble.

      How did you learn B's choreo? Did you watch the video and just learn it? Do you remember DAREN'S DANCE MOVES????

  2. #5- Yeess!!! This is why I love playing in my community band or in the pit for musicals! No decision making!!

    Btw, talking about being in a rut... what should I make for dinner?

    1. Hmmmm how about breakfast for dinner??? PANCAKES!

  3. I completely understand why you list getting out of the house on here. The winter makes it so difficult to want to leave since you have to completely bundle up. Glad to hear everything is going well!

    1. Yup, and I am one to ditch plans rather than go out on a school night. Well you can ditch rehearsal! Forces me out.

  4. I'm so glad this is turning out to be such a positive experience for you! That is a long run for the musical! I know you are enjoying it now but I bet you will be happy to relax when it is over!

    1. Yeah 9 shows is a lot! But at least during the month of March it's just weekend shows and no rehearsals. I am sure I will be ready for it to be over though.

  5. I have zero singing or dancing ability! I am so happy that you are able to express your passion and have so much fun doing it

  6. I just think it is so cool that you are in a musical. I have no singing, dancing ability and I am shy so, yeah its not for me. I have to be in charge. when I am not, things don't go well.LOL

    1. Oh yeah!? I think I get all of my control freak tendencies out of the way at work. Although I am sure my husband would say I'm a control freak at home too. :)

  7. I like to dance, but I'm sure no one would want to see it. I put music on at home and do whatever I want :)

  8. What a great way to get out there and meet new people while doing something you love and not "the usual"! (I can't sing or dance to save my life, lol!)

  9. Hoe exciting! I can't sing or act so I'm always fascinated by creative people like yourself!

  10. Good for you! It's great that you're able to enjoy not being in charge...not everyone has that capability LOL I love to dance, but I practically have three left feet (one of my hands inadvertently becomes a foot as I try to maintain balance)...I am SOOOO uncoordinated.

  11. how awesome!! I have never seen Godspell, but I'm going to look it up. We will go check our your show for sure!!

    I love it when the dance rooms have wall to wall mirrors!!

    1. If you decide to come, let me know what day. :)

  12. Its great that you are enjoying performing so much! I bet its a great way to keep yourself occupied during the long winter months!

    1. Yes it is definitely helping to make it not the "usual" winter.
