
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up!

Happy Monday!
It was a crazy busy weekend!
These wrap ups are getting long...

For the second morning in a row, the cats woke me up at 3:30 (normal), but I couldn't fall back asleep (not normal)!!!

I was able to finish my puzzle before I worked out. Woo freaking hoo.

I found the missing piece later on. It's actually ON THE PUZZLE. Do you see it?

I lifted back at home. I planned to run Saturday and Sunday, so I figured it would be good to rest my lower body.

One perk of getting up super early was that I had enough time to make dippy eggs for breakfast...

... and hot coffee for the drive to work.

My work day was busy yet very productive and rewarding. My last class of the day made me teary eyed (in a good way) with their wonderful attitudes and their willingness to try new things and have fun. My heart was full!

After work, Paul and I had to run errands. We stopped at Dollar General to pick up donations to be sent to Puerto Rico. We'll drop them off at the Latino Hispanic American Community Center in Harrisburg on Saturday. (They are doing a donation drive.)

We also stocked up on cat litter!

Then I went home and gabbed on the phone to Meranda for over an hour! We're gearing up for the Baltimore Marathon Relay on October 21st!

When I got off the phone, I dyed my hair. I dyed it a few days ago but it didn't cover my greys. I had bought an ammonia free hair dye because the last time I dyed my hair, I felt sick afterwards. (Headache and sore throat.) The ammonia free kind did not cover my greys, so I tried again with a different kind. I got the $7 box instead of the $4 box. I was a little scared it was going to turn out orange! But it didn't. It turned out dark brown, it covered my greys, and it didn't make me sick. That extra $3 I spent really did the trick!

We also cracked open a $3 bottle of wine. (They were on sale a few weeks ago and I bought all they had left... five.) It was okay. Very dry. Nothing to write home about, but worth $3!

Then we finally watched Survivor from Wednesday night. It looks like it's going to be a good season but the first tribal council was a little lackluster. While we watched, we ate dinner. I had a ham and cheese sandwich, pickles, and popcorn. (We're currently out of cheese curls.)

I love waking up with my Chrissy Boy! He is so sweet to me in the morning. I know it's 90% because he's hungry and only 10% because he wants to cuddle... but I'll take it!

Chrissy's always in my face and Jelly is on my feet.

Before we headed to Millersburg, we stopped in Harrisburg to drop off some donations to be sent to Puerto Rico. There were a lot of people there and it looked like they were going to be getting a lot more donations as the day went on. They were very thankful for all the help.

We headed to Millersburg pretty early to spend the day with my family. My little brother was Everesting on Berry Mountain! If you don't know what Everesting is, look it up. Or read my blog from yesterday!

The short story is, a cyclist picks one hill and they ride up and down it enough times so that they cover the elevation of Mount Everest... 29,000 feet!!!! There are all sorts of rules. Apparently, only about 6 people have done it in PA, so he is part of an elite group! 

My little brother is a BEAST. He is also crazy. We paid him a quick visit as we made our way into town. We also saw Debby running up the mountain to keep him company. She ran up it three times. BEAST MODE!

Then I dropped Paul off at home with my parents and Ellie, Clementine, and Clark. I took off for an 8.5 miler. I spent some of my time running up the mountain with Tyler. (When I say "with" I just mean we were on the same road, not actually running/cycling together.) I love a good hometown run, and running up the mountain twice wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

When I got back to my parent's house, I showered and then spent time with my family. You should see Debby these days. She lost 80lb in the past year!

The girls and Clark were obviously adorable... We celebrated Ellie's 5th birthday!

Mom got that mask at a flea market for $1.


Before we left Millersburg, we checked in on Tyler one more time. He was slowing down but still making it up the mountain in 12 minutes. My dad was riding some laps with him this time.

Then we headed to Elizabethville to Broad Mountain Winery's tasting shop. We did a free tasting and truly loved everything we had! We ended up taking home a bottle of Star of the Valley, a semi sweet red wine.

Next, we hit up Armstrong Valley Winery in Halifax. They were having a fall festival, which means there were food trucks and crafters. We perused the crafters, then got a bottle of Rutter Red to share. It was divine!

Gotta get one of the shoes!
I only had to paint 3 toenails!

Chicken, bacon, ranch cheese steak!

Fall Paul!

As we were chilling, I started checking Facebook for some updates from my brother. At 6pm, it looked like he only had like 4,000 feet to go. (He started at 3:12am!!!!) It was getting dark and I really didn't want him to be alone when he finished, so Paul hung out at the winery some more and had a beer while I drove back to Millersburg to the top of Berry Mountain to check on Tyler. 

His buddy John was riding with him and at this point, he only had 6 more ascents left. John was going to finish it out with him and Tyler didn't plan on taking any breaks, so I wished him luck and went back to the winery to get Paul.

On our way home, two CRAZY THINGS happened to us... but you will have to wait until tomorrow to hear about that!

I didn't get very good sleep, but too bad. It was race day! I ran the HARRC in the Park 10 miler at Pinchot Park. This is a trail race. The weather was absolutely perfect, and even though I was just running for "fun", I pushed myself and did pretty well- 1:28 and some change!

After the race, I was ravenous! I had a turkey burger and chip n' cheese.

Then I blogged my little hiney off. I have some fun stuff coming up for you in the next two weeks!

Since I was tired from my race, I did minimal housework. I did manage to lay out all my clothes for the week and switch out my summer wreath for a fall wreath!

I should have gone grocery shopping, but I just didn't feel like it. Now I'll have to do it tomorrow after work... when I really don't feel like it!

Paul watched football all day with his friends. He lives for football!

At some point I switched from blogging to puzzles. My mom gave me a punch when I saw her on Saturday!

And that's a wrap, friends. Sorry this is so long! I am toying around with the idea of doing my wrap ups in two installments...
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Did anyone race?
PA friends: Tell me about the wineries we need to go to!


  1. Fun weekend--and such a family full of amazing athletes! Congrats to both you and Tyler. Debby looks beautiful!

  2. I love your dad. I love that he runs some of the same races as you and rode up the mountain with Tyler. He's a good dad!

    It kills me that cats like to eat their breakfast in the middle of the night. I honestly can't remember the last time I got a full night's sleep. I mean, real parents think they have it hard, but after a year their baby will sleep through the night. Cat moms are the ones who really have it hard because our cats will always want a middle of the night feeding! :D Cecil taps my forehead with his paw and as soon as he sees me open my eyes he lets out a big meow in my face and then runs to the kitchen! That's my boy.

    1. My dad is a good dad. I love him. :) LOL at the tapping of your forehead. Jelly bites Paul's finger AND knocks things off our bedside tables to wake us up. He's a dick.

  3. You two are becoming quite the wine tasters! My favorite wine is from Sandcastle winery which I believe is some where near Philadelphia area. I've never been there but they come to the christkindle festivle in mifflinburg and that's where we get the wine!
    When you said Paul was carrying in all the kitty litter on Friday I just assumed it was for your own cats. That's very nice of you to donate that stuff because I bet a lot of people forget about pet supplies.

    1. You know what, the litter actually was for our cats! Pet supplies was not on the list of items they were collecting, otherwise we totally would've bought alllll the cat food. I have not heard of Sand Castle but if we go to Christdinl again this year I will look for them. Or have my mom pick me up a bottle!

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend! Sorry about the early wake up on Friday but glad your workday and classes went well to kind of make up for it. I wish we had wineries and wine tastings here- we mostly have breweries and I don't like beer, so...

    So glad your race went well and even though you were having fun with it, you ran a time you were proud of. Plus you spent a ton of time with family and doing good by donating things... great way to cap off a weekend!

    1. I don't like beer either! They have a lot of beers at these wineries so I wonder if they have wine at your breweries?

  5. I raced!! :) I was super nervous about racing, and in the end I enjoyed it like I always do. So silly. I had to giggle about your painted toenails - when it got chilly last week I took my toenail polish off for the "cool season". However, since we're having unseasonable weather I wanted to wear sandals to work today, so I ended up painting 2 toenails because that's all you can see of my curled toes. Efficiency at it's finest :)

    1. LOL we had the same idea! I can't wait to hear about your race! :)

  6. I went to a pumpkin patch Saturday morning, and then the rest of the weekend was spent on my cousin's wedding. Saturday was the rehearsal dinner, Sunday morning was the wedding, and then the reception.

    1. I read that you were in PA! We were only a couple hours from each other. ;)

  7. I can't believe you were out of cheese curls!! don't you have like 3 bags for in case of emergency?

    How old is Clark now? it feels like he was just born and he is almost walking now?

    Happy Birthday Ellie! She is so adorable!

    Roger LOVES the Armstrong Valley wine! We have two bottles at home right now! Maybe i'll take him there this weekend!

    1. I normally get 2 bags but today I may get three. :) Clark was born on July 10, so almost 15 months! He walks well because he is strong ans sturdy. Go to Armstrong!!! Then stop at Red Rabbit :)

  8. So nice of you to buy items to donate to the hurricane victims in PR!

    1. It's the least we can do. I have been feeling so helpless lately.
