
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Just another day in America.

Yesterday... just another day in America... turning on the news to see footage of a mass shooting and dead people laying on the ground. And I'm watching it ALL because I REFUSE to become desensitized to all of these gun massacres.

Why can't we figure something out to prevent these mass shootings!!!???

America is the GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD! Surely, there must be something that can be done! Let's do the scientific research... or analyze the research that already exists, and figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of people who want to kill us!

As outraged as I am, and as hell bent as I am to not become desensitized to the horror, I still am not hopeful. I wish I were, but I'm not.

It all goes back to this... In 2012, a gunman killed twenty 6-7 year olds at Sandy Hook Elementary School.


And that didn't stop the violence. Has something even been done to prevent massacres like that from happening again? No, because they keep happening.

As dark and hopeless as this sounds, I really believe that if 20 children shot dead in an elementary school does not motivate lawmakers to figure out how to fix this problem, there is nothing that will motivate them.

Not Aurora.

Not Charleston.

Not San Bernadino.

Not Pulse.

Not Las Vegas.


I hope to be proved wrong.


  1. Waking up to this news yesterday was horrifying.

    I'd be very interested to see how lawmakers would behave if the NRA wasn't spending millions of dollars per year lobbying. Hell, I'd be interested to see how they would behave if every company was barred from lobbying.

    1. I just saw an article that posted all the reps that take money from the NRA and how much. It is ASTOUNDING. And not surprising many of the GOP reps individually get as much as the dems as a whole. I am wondering what dems take money from the NRA???

  2. I agree! What is wrong with people??? The sad part is that regardless what lawmakers do or don't do, people will still find a away to cause destruction if that's what they want to do. It has got to be a mental thing???

    1. Since addressing the fact WHY so many Americans seem to have mental health issues is much harder than gun control, let's start with that, yes?

    2. I'm not saying there shouldn't be gun control, i'm just saying that sadly people always find a way around things.

    3. And I am just saying, let's make it a little harder... ;)

    4. Some people will find a way around things, I agree. But I feel like this is too much of a public health crisis to just sit back and accept the status quo. I am baffled that lawmakers are not analyzing scientific studies and not resting until they find a solution to this daily problem. I'm not sure what it will take for them to make it a priority. I really do believe that we have so many smart, bright, people in this country and that as Americans, we can be SO determined so find solutions. Why do we just sit back when it comes to gun violence?

      Thanks for being willing to discuss, ladies.

  3. I feel like mental health care is the answer. I am all for more gun restrictions as well, as no one non-military should have access to those kinds of weapons, but if people want to cause destruction they will somehow find a way (still, we don't need to make it any easier for them!). It's so hard for people to get access to mental health care, even with insurance it doesn't pay for entire stints in treatments.

    1. I agree with this. There is no reason that non military people need access to machine guns or this type of weaponry!

    2. I actually KNOW someone who has a semi-automatic weapon and it just boggles my mind. Why does someone need one of those? Common sense would say let's only have police and military have those kinds of weapons.

  4. As a foreigner, let me just tell you that the "America is the greatest country in the world" talk gets old really fast when you see news like this literally every single day... and especially when this is the only country in the world that obviously can't figure out how to prevent this. (Gun control comes to mind. Has worked in lots of other places. Just sayin.).


    1. I apologize, I see how the "greatest country in the world" comment sounds like big talk. I guess a better thing I could have said is that America is BETTER than all of this and it shouldn't be this way. There are a lot of great things about America, and I love my country, but yes, this is shameful.

    2. I apologize, too. I am just really frustrated, because every time something like this happens NOTHING changes. But I agree, Amerika - a place I chose as my home - IS better than this. Or at least, I hope so.

    3. No need to apologize. I feel your passion and we feel the same way. I am ashamed that I don't have much hope anymore on this issue. There is one party that doesn't want to do any exploring on how to prevent this, so unless citizens are willing to vote their asses out of Congress, nothing will change.

  5. This is all just so sad and horrific. What is wrong with people to be filled with such evil :(

    1. People can just be so, so, sick. I wish he wasn't able to get his hands on those weapons.

  6. Money talks and the NRA has plenty. Until politicians stop being bought, this isn't going to end.
