
Thursday, October 5, 2017


Around 8pm on Saturday evening, I was driving on 147 between Millersburg and Halifax. I had just checked in on my brother Tyler to see how he was doing on his Everesting up Berry Mountain. Now, I was headed to the winery to pick up Paul.

I was about 3 miles outside Millersburg when I saw what looked like a firework being shot DOWN from the sky. It was blazing white and SUPER BRIGHT. Immediately after, I saw another one! Was this a firework gone wrong? Was it a shooting star? Did North Korea attack us!?

I decided it was probably a shooting start even though I never saw one, let alone two. I swear I saw two. Does that happen? Or were my eyes playing tricks on me.

Have you ever seen a shooting star?

After I picked Paul up, we hopped back on 147 and headed toward Peter's Mountain. We had just passed Sheetz and were on the part of the road that is pretty hilly and windy, but most people go 50 mph. Before I realized what was happening, a tiny, orange, FLUFFY KITTEN jogged out into the middle of the road.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I panicked! There was no time to swerve or stop.... So I straddled the thing! I did not hit it! And there were no cars right behind me, so we can only assume the kitten lived! THANK GOODNESS!!!

I wouldn't have even told you this story had I hit the kitten...

My heart was pounding and I was sweating. I couldn't believe my good fortune (and the kitty's good fortune!!!).

When I got home, I looked up "what's the meaning of a shooting star" and of course it means good luck. I think that kitten got the good luck from the shooting start that night!

Please don't tell me if you ever hit an animal before! I can't bare to hear the story!!! Instead, just tell me something cute your fur baby does!


  1. I have definitely seen a shooting star and more than once! It's amazing and I feel lucky that I am at the right place at the right time! Your post just inspired me to Google shooting stars to see how often they happen and to my surprise I found that they are common and can happen every 10 -15 minutes each night. I find that hard to believe since I rarely see them but who am I to argue with science?

    1. I wonder why it took me 35 years to see one if they happen so often? Do you think I actually saw two?

  2. such a lucky little kitten. I am sure you were happy to pass your good luck on to him or her!

    1. Absolutely. And I hope he learns to look both ways before crossing the street!

  3. Yes, I have seen shooting stars! One time I ran the 12-12-12K race (on Dec 12, 2012 at 12:12am). That night was freaking freezing, but the sky was so clear. We were rewarded for our crazy midnight running with a shooting star shower that night. It was so cool!

    1. Wow! That race sounds sooooo cool! You always find the best races. It's a little crazy though if it was a work night?

  4. Shooting stars are so pretty!!

    I'm glad you didn't run over the kitten, but those are scary situations!

    I'll tell you a "What is that in the sky" story. Many years ago, my ex-husband was driving us back to our apartment, we lived in Middletown briefly. We were on the back roads of Hershey / Hummelstown, and I kept seeing this weird green, purple and blue lines flashing across the sky. I got so scared!! I was sure that we were being invaded by aliens, I was sweating cold and my heart rate was super high. As we got closer, I asked him what those were and if he was seeing the flashes. It was the Hershey Park Laser lights show!

    1. THAT IS FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I was at HP with my nieces and we were heading to the Wild Mouse (it was dark) we saw flashing lights and we were afraid it was lightening. It was one of those roller coasters with light flashes!

  5. I have seen more than my fair share of meteor showers or shooting stars (is there a difference). Being up so, so early I get to enjoy those things. I am always just in awe! OK, no animal stories but in my defense, I always TRY to miss them (and nothing has been a domesticated pet). Have a great day!

    1. It is strange but even though I run in the dark basically late Sept through... April, I have never seen one before! Maybe it is more foggy where I live or something. Okay you are hovering close to the line with that animal comment. ;)

  6. I have never seen a shooting star but would love to.

  7. I am pretty sure the kitty made it. I know *I* didn't hit him. :) Wow that must have been so beautiful to see that up in the mountains. I run in the dark a lot so why don't I see anything?

  8. That kitten certainly had good luck. I probably would've slammed on my breaks, then gotten out and carried it across the road. I've actually stopped multiple times in the spring to let Mrs. Mallard and her ducklings cross the road.

    1. I stopped for two deer this morning. I was so scared someone coming the other way would hit them so I flashed my lights at every person I passed for the next half mile!
