
Friday, October 6, 2017

History will judge us harshly.

Every time I see our president do or say something completely insane and beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency, I think about how history is going to judge all of us harshly.

I'm going to be honest. I'm becoming immune to the horror that is the Trump Administration. I'm becoming immune to the tweets that risk our national security. I'm becoming immune to the blatant racism.

Yes, it still makes me EXTREMELY ANGRY. But it doesn't shock me... at all. It doesn't shock me that people still defend and support him. Not a bit. None of this is shocking anymore.

And that's really fucking scary.

But history is going to judge every single one of us. And I'm afraid my lack of shock and the numbness I'm beginning to feel is something a lot of well meaning Americans are feeling. I don't want this feeling to prevent me from continuing to speak out when something is not right. I don't want it to prevent me from supporting institutions that need us right now.

Sometimes I just don't know what to do though. Am I doing enough during this dangerous time to even make a difference? Is the resistance there, and will it prevail? How is this dark chapter going to end?

I feel like there's two ways...

The Trump presidency ends and America comes out stronger at the other end because citizens and congress protected our sacred institutions.


The Trump presidency ends with the maximum amount of damage created because we all just sat back and did nothing that helped.

How are you feeling? Can you relate to any of this?
How will history judge us?
Any thoughts are welcome.


  1. We will always have good & bad presidents and of course people have different views on just what constitutes a good or bad president.

    I think the bigger problem is that government in general is just completely broken - and was before Trump came along. And I have no ideas on how we fix that. :(

    1. I cannot believe someone as dangerous as Trump is still in office. This is insane.

    2. I truly believe if lobbying didn't exist our government would be in a much better place. There are too many special interests that make reasonable politicians speak and behave in irrational ways.

      Also I think at the grassroots level we need to mobilize for third party candidates. Two party system leads to too much gridlock in congress.

  2. Can I tell you something? when you posted on Tuesday, I read it, but couldn't bring myself to comment, because I couldn't agree with the statement of "The greatest nation in the world"... I love this country and it's my home, but I'm struggling with believe the notion of greatest nation when this administration, starting with the president has shown so much hatrated towards Hispanics/Lantinxs. I used to think The president hated Mexicans, but has proven with the treatment he is giving Puerto Rico, that he hates all Hispanics, man he hates all people of brown skin. So I can't say that a country whose leader hates all brown people is the greatest, I just can't.

    I know that not everybody is like that, but he is the man that is representing the country, and he is doing a horrible job at it. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW CAN ANYBODY STILL STAND BY HIM!!

    And now, Home land security will be "monitoring" social media of immigrants, even if they have become naturalized citizens!! This is looking more and more like Nazi Germany... what is next? Starting to round up Hispanics and muslims... wait, he is already rounding up Mexicans. Man, I really need to have an exit plan.

    1. I completely hear you on your first paragraph. I see why you feel that way. I don't think Trump represents all of us. Yet, as you say, he's our president. People knew what he was when they voted for him... I am just so looking forward to the day we have an actual adult as our president. What is happening now is insanity.

    2. What is happening is totally insane. His treatment of all minorities is just astounding. I said to Adam the other day if North Korea does manage to bomb us, I wonder if he'll round up all koreans and put us in internment camps like we did with the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

      I mean I was born in south korea, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter at all. It's not like Japanense internment camps made sense, and it's not like anything we're doing now makes sense.

      The monitoring of social media is totally insane in this country. I am a naturalized citizen. I came here when I was three months old because I was adopted by American parents. How does someone like me get grouped in with potential terrorists? And most naturalized citizens are going to fall into my category ... you know the non-terrorist category. What's happening is totally insane.

  3. As a German, I am just completely horrified that this kind of finger-pointing and surveilling is possible again in a society... but here we are. You would think people have learned from history (oh, and don't get me wrong, but Americans love to point fingers at Nazi Germany, so this is not remotely funny anymore...)... I am a naturalized citizen and he can still surveil me? WTF?

    Trump is just an embarrassement. When I saw the media coverage of his visit to Puerto Rico, I just wished the ground would open up and swallow him.
    How can he go there and joke that Puerto Rico is throwing our budget out of whack? How insensitive can a single human being be!? Trump trumps all of it (<-- ha!).

    I really don't know what to do. I feel helpess in many regards and don't know how I can make a difference.

    1. The visit to Puerto Rico is what prompted me to write this post. He is a buffoon, and I agree, a huge embarrassment. I cannot believe this is real life.

      I feel helpless too. It's a horrible feeling.
