
Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday 5

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today, my theme for Friday 5 is:

5 Pictures from this Week!

1. I have the best husband ever. Earlier this week, a friend from school gave me a big Gertrude Hawk chocolate bar. I ate about 1/4 of it. I told Paul there was chocolate in the fridge for him. He ate the whole thing! I didn't realize he was going to eat all of it... it was so big. I thought he would leave some for me. Well, I guess I flipped out expressed my opinion clearly because when I got home from school the next day, this was waiting for me!

2. Gross!!! On Wednesday morning, a huge thousand legger scampered across my living room and under the couch! Never fear, Jelly was on the case. He was still staked out there when I left for work. I wonder if he got it?

3. I saw this quote on Facebook, and I love it.

4. We're ready! I was at Dollar General so I picked up some Halloween Candy. We may as well be prepared, right!?

5. Thursday was a crap-tastic day. It began at 3:30am... when I woke up but COULD NOT FALL BACK ASLEEP. However, it was my first bad day of the school year, and it's nearly the end of September, so that's not bad. I got home from work and just crashed... for a little. Then I had to teach three piano lessons. I felt like this squirrel that was outside our window on Tuesday...

It was just one of those days...

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me something fun you're doing this weekend!
Did you buy Halloween candy yet?


  1. Your husband sounds like mine, who ate ALL the dark chocolate truffles my daughter gave me for Christmas because I was "taking too long to eat them." I have to hide my stash!

    1. We will learn someday! Dark chocolate truffles sound delicious.

  2. Awwe that was super sweet of you husband!

    Kudos to you for buying Halloween candy so early! I can't have it in the house too long or else it will be gone by Halloween, lol

    1. Well I put it in the basement so hopefully out of sight, out of mind...

  3. Awe. He is so sweet trying to make it up to you. I live in a condo so we never get any trick or treaters, so therefore no candy is in the house.

  4. If I bought my Halloween candy this early there would be none left by Halloween! How do you not eat it?

    1. I put it in the basement, so out of sight out of mind, well, so far!

  5. I live in the woods with no neighbors so I don't get trick or treaters, therefor I don't have the excuse to go buy loads of candy I would surly eat lots of. Bummer. Your cat is so cute!

  6. Awww, Jelly's a little hunter! I have bought Halloween candy, and I'm stocked up. I'm ready for trick-or-treaters, because I really don't need to eat all that candy by myself.

  7. What will you do instead? Toothepaste!?

  8. I'm joining the club here... awww! Paul was so sweet to buy you some more chocolate. My surprise this week was that Alan cleaned up the kitchen AND put away the laundry (which usually is just sitting around waiting for me to fold it I guess). Love a good surprise every now and then. Will your candy last until Halloween?

    1. Aw go Alan! We have some keepers, that is for sure. I am confident that it will last until Halloween because we put it in the basement. Out of sight, out of mind. Also we have plenty of sweets up here!

  9. I bought an 8 lb bag of Halloween candy....but we don't get trick or treaters lol

  10. I love your husband's response to eating the rest of your candy ;) Super cute and what a good man!

  11. I learned a long time ago not to buy Halloween candy until Halloween...cuz I'll end up going back ON Halloween to replace what I've already eaten

    1. Well we put it in the basement, so hopefully we won't go for it. I am sure it also helps that we do usually have sweets in our house so we would have to eat all of those before diving into the candy.

  12. That is very seeet of Paul, but that's not a Gertrude hawk bar! Don't tell him I said that!

    The other night I bought a big bag of potatoe chips, and waited 3 days to eat it.... by the time I was ready to sink into them, I couldn't even find the empty bag. Roger ate all of them in 2 days. He didn't even apologize.

    We were hoping to finally make it to knoebels, but it looks like it's not our year for it. Knoebels is closed until next weekend.

    1. ROGER! You need to show him this blog post. :(

      I looked up Knoebels because I wondered why they were closed! I also looked up Cherry Crest and it looks really cool but a little expensive if you're not going to do every single activity. Can you buy passes just for kids I wonder? I am going to investigate. I love when a website has an FAQ section!
