
Monday, April 3, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Monday!

Here's what we were up to this weekend...

My 6 miler in the morning sucked because my mp3 player was dead so I couldn't listen to podcasts. I need to figure out a way to use my phone. I know there's a way, I am just not tech savvy. (Update: I figured it out!)

Not to brag, but my entire work week was extremely productive. I am proud of myself because there were a lot of tasks I was pushing off and I began to feel overwhelmed. But I am all caught up and I now I feel like a million bucks.

I was a rebel and didn't eat my broccoli for lunch, just my chicken. I am so over broccoli and I need a new veggie!

Friday afternoon was WONDERFUL because I got to see Paul for the first time since basically Sunday night! What a reunion! More about that tomorrow...

That evening we watched some of the shows we normally watch together and shared a frozen pizza. It was a lot of pizza but it was good.

Chrissy demanded his dinner at 9pm sharp. This is his "feed me dinner" stare down...

I was up pretty late on Friday night, but I was so excited to sleep!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't sleep all week due to Paul being gone and me being afraid of getting murdered. Again, more on that tomorrow!

I slept until noon. It was glorious. I clearly needed to sleep as I believe I only woke up once during the night, but other than that, I it was straight through until noon!

My run wasn't that great. I did 8 miles but I was tired and had zero no energy. It was my own fault. I ran around 1:10pm and the last thing I ate was.... at 7:30pm the night before when I had half a pizza. Very irresponsible on my part. The run was hilly and I averaged in the 8:50s. Ugh.

That afternoon, we celebrated my mom's 60th birthday at my brother's house!

My nieces are very special!
Nanny opening her presents.

Clementine plays airplane with Grandpa!
My dad used to do this to me when I was a kid!!!!
I have the best dad!

I can't take how cute they are!

Mom, Dad, and Clemmy

Clark partied HARD.

Tyler and Mom

It was also CHRISSY'S B-DAY!!! My baby boy turned 10 years old on Saturday. I love him so much!!!

What a day, what a day. I slept in, of course, and then I ran. Once again I didn't eat before I ran, but I did 6 miles at a sub 8 min pace! I know why. Because I had Chinese the night before. I always run well after Chinese, I'm serious!

Then I got ALL OF MY HAIR CHOPPED OFF. I'm not even joking. I'll show pictures after I get it colored tomorrow. It turns out, I have A LOT of grey I didn't know about!
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
How much grey do you have?
Give me a suggestion for a veggie to replace my broccoli...


  1. Oh how I wish I could sleep in that late sometimes! Wow, that is amazing. Well, I already love your hair but think when you get it colored it's going to be amazing--it will really "pop" (whatever that means...but you know what I mean....kind of?!). Rick worked all weekend (working on our dentist's office so has to be in there off hours) and I took advantage of a rainy weekend and got so much done around the house. I was a cooking and baking machine! Do you like green beans? Or what about Brussels sprouts?

    1. I definitely know what you mean by POP! What do you mean he's working on your dentist's office? What did you cook and bake? Green beans are... meh. I love brussel sprouts but I feel like I wouldn't make it through the afternoon teaching if I had those! If you know what I mean... ;)

    2. I can't wait to see it. Rick owns a painting company so he is painting the interior of the dental office and had to be in there during off hours. I made cookies and banana bread and also a few crock pots meals for the freezer! Yes, I know what you mean about the BS. Do you like cauliflower? I don't but just a suggestion. We buy the frozen mixed veggies so it's broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc. Rick sautes them in olive oil. Delish!

    3. That is so funny because the first hair place I called was closed due to being painted!

    4. Yeah, well if Rick would have done it he would have gone in on his weekend and when they are closed. He's such a good egg!

  2. I asked my hair dresser to tell me when I start getting gray and have to color my hair and she said she would. I hold her to that!

    We also shared a pizza on friday night as we watched "fantastic Beasts and where to find them". I fell asleep of course. That is why I don't normally go to the movies!

    1. That's awesome you don't have to color it yet! I get the early greys from my dad's side of the family. I wanted to ask if Fantastic Beasts was good, but I guess not because you fell asleep!?

    2. That's not saying much because I fall asleep during most movies (if they aren't comedies). The first part was at least interesting. Plus Friday night was when I got hit pretty hard with this cold.

  3. Oh Meg, I'm so gray that I have to get my hair colored every 4 weeks. My mom isn't even as gray as me...

    I thought all teachers were tech savvy?

    1. You must get your greys from your dad then??

      Some of the teachers at my school are really tech savvy but I am not AT ALL. This is the first year I am using a playlist on my phone for the music for our spring concert rather than a cd!

      I'm sure you can tell from my blog I'm not tech savvy! ;)

  4. I want to see the hair pictures! Like, now! I do dye my hair as well and need to dye it again soon but I might get it cut first as well. I kind of want it a bit shorter for the hot weather this summer because otherwise my ponytail gets sweaty and heavy in the humidity/heat/torture that is Charleston.

    Looks like you had a wonderful weekend with the family and the birthday party! Glad you got some runs and workouts in as well.

    1. Sorry! I am not one to keep people waiting. :) Shorter hair for the hot summer sounds good to me. Mine is so short I didn't need a hairband while I lifted this morning!

  5. I love your new hair!! it looks great !

    Your nieces are adorable!! Lots of birthday celebrations for you!

    I can't think of a replacement for broccoli? cabbage? I love cabbage! What other veggies do you like? I like green beans, but I can't ever cook them correctly.

    I am starting to get a little patch of grey in the middle of my head.

    1. I have to poop just reading about veggies lol! I think I am just over them. Maybe I need to make a salad. I do like salads.


    1. I'm sorry. :( Does it happen often? I am so not tech savvy.

  7. Can't wait to see the new 'do! I got my highlighted this weekend and it was a great refresh.

  8. I don't know about veggies, but I've been trying to get better at the carbs I have with lunch. I roasted a couple sweet potatoes yesterday, and I'll have mashed potatoes too. I'm trying to have more complex carbs during the day instead of the junk chips.

    1. That is a really good idea. I used to always have sweet potatoes at lunch.

  9. Awe! Such cute pics! Your nieces are adorable! My hair is really starting to grey too. I guess that's being in your 30's, right? Lol

    1. I thought greys weren't supposed to start until later!

  10. All I eat these days are Brussels sprouts so I have no good veggie suggestion besides sprouts! I eat them with my dinner every night to adam's dismay because he thinks they smell bad. Hmm what about squash? I love baking cubes of orange squash with some garlic/onion powder!

    1. Okay I think I have an idea. I could do like yellow squash, zuke, and brussel sprouts mixed together. I could make them ahead of time in a pan with olive oil and stuff. this will be more time consuming than dumping a freezer bag of broccoli but after broccoli for like 4 years, I need something different!
