
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I chopped off my hair!

I have been thinking of chopping my hair for quite awhile. Finally, on Sunday, I took the plunge! Here are some before pictures... 


I went to AKS Salon and Spa in Mechanicsburg. My stylist, Sunny, was very good. She looked at some pictures of haircuts I liked and then we talked through what would look the best. Here are some pics right after my cut!

I bought some hair wax for the sides but I'm not sure what it's supposed to do? The next day I tried to style my hair the way Sunny did the day before. Here is what I was able to do with it for work. I'm sure I'll get better at it the more I practice! I like how it's kind of wavy on the sides!

I went back to the salon the next day to get my grays all covered up with a color that is similar to my natural hair. We may go lighter eventually. 

Getting my hair dyed burned... Normally when I dye it from a box it burns/tingles a little bit. This dye burned more than that. I started to get worried I'd have an allergic reaction and I got myself so worked up that I was hot and sweaty. But after about 15 minutes the burning subsided. I was worried! I had to text Susan and Kristina to talk me down because I was at the point that I was going to put myself in a panic attack!

This is my "I'm about to die" face.

Sunny styled it curly for me after I got it dyed. I'm not sure I like it this way!

Here's how I was able to style it for Day #2 with short hair..." width="480" />

So far most people have been really surprised because I didn't tell anyone but Paul that I was going to do this! But everyone likes it. (Well what else are they going to say!? It's not like someone will tell me I look ugly to my face!) 

It is definitely taking some getting used to but I normally wear my hair in a ponytail away from my face so it's not like I went from long, flowing, perfectly coiffed hair framing my face to a pixie cut.

I also recorded Paul's reaction to seeing my cut for the first time!

If the video didn't show up, click here!

Have a good one!
Have you ever chopped off all your hair?
Does hair dye ever burn you scalp?
Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction!!!???


  1. lolololololol i love Paul's reaction! How cute is he! Your hair looks seriously so great.

    I have never chopped off all of my hair but I am planning on getting a tattoo this year. I have finally moved from "thinking" about it to "planning" it which is a big step because I am scared of needles but I really want to get a small one. Like super small... small to the point where it can be done in 10 minutes because I don't think I could handle anything more!

    1. Paul is the best!! :)

      That is exciting that you decided you are definitely going to get a tattoo! What/where are you going to get it???

    2. The where part is difficult to say. I thought for sure on the inside of my wrist, but the more I look at examples the more adventurous I feel. Probably no surprise, the tattoo will be of a cat =^._.^= This year is the 10th anniversary of Leo passing and also Cecil's 10th birthday -- and I am feeling brave so it's time. I can't imagine there will ever be a time that I will stop loving cats so it feels like a very safe tattoo!

    3. Yes, AND if it is small and minimalist, if you really ended up not liking it someday, you *could* get it removed. I mean, easier to remove a tiny black tattoo than like, well, Cecil's face across your whole back. :)

      No tattoos for me. I have two awesome scars from when Christmas bit me, so I feel like he is officially part of my body forever!

  2. I could watch that video over and over (have watched it 4 x since you sent it). Paul is the best! I have chopped my hair off more than once. It's only hair and I personally think short hair is super cute! Right now I would say mine is more medium and it's good. I don't want it really long but I enjoy being able to wear it up when I need to! How did your students react to the beautiful new 'do?

    1. Paul is HILARIOUS!!! I'm glad the video shows his personality. :) How often do you get your hair cut/trimmed? It was mostly 3rd and 4th graders who noticed my hair and they told me they liked it. :)

    2. I get my hair colored and trimmed every 5 weeks. So it grows but slowly!!

  3. I think the short hair looks great on you! Because you don't like to spend time messing with or styling your hair much, I think the ease of the short hair will be perfect...and I am jealous that you can pull off such a cute cut. I always say that someday I'm gonna do a pixie cut, but I just don't feel like I'm "ready" yet. Does that make sense?! Anyway, it looks super cute. I can't wait to see if you eventually decide to do something different with the color; I bet deep blonde would look really good on you!

    1. Thank you Ali! I think one reason it suits so well is that I normally wear my hair pulled back anyway, so it's not like it is a shock to not see my face framed with hair. My one worry was I didn't want to look OLDER. I don't mind looking more put together (I don't look very put together in the before pictures!) but I didn't want the short hair to age me. I can totally see you with short hair, maybe because I have seen pics of your mom with short hair and it looks cute!?

  4. What did the kids at school say? I notice one little change throws them for a loop. I wore glasses one day and I never heard the end of

    1. The kindergarteners didn't say ANYTHING. I had one first grade class, they just stated the obvious: "You cut your hair". Most kids said they liked it, especially the girls. One boy told me I looked like a boy. I said, "Thank you?" How do you respond to that?

  5. Wow! You look great. Now you really notice your eyes--so pretty!

  6. Oh wow! That is quite a change! It looks really good on you! You definitely pull it off well :) Alan says he likes my hair short, but I think it's too hard to style (what, wash it every day?) and it's curly, so keeping my hair longer makes my life easier. It's always fun to learn about hair styling and products I think. I'm pretty darn clueless when it comes to hair and makeup, so it's always a learning curve for me!! I bet that was super odd not having a ponytail bouncing around when you run!

    1. I too am clueless about hair and makeup styling! But I have a friend who is going to help me. She reads the comments so I bet she is reading this right now... :) Hello, my friend, you know who you are!!! ;)

      Anyway, I normally wrap up my poneytail when I workout because I HATE having hair touching me at ALL when I workout. I am so anal about it that I actually still wear a hairband now when I run!

      My hair is super curly too! I think the curls are going to show more when it gets a little longer. Do you straighten your hair?

    2. Flat iron for me. It's a pain, and probably killing my hair, but that gives me 3 days of no fuss hair, so it's worth the time initially! I wrap my hair in a little bun too most times when I run.
      I'm thinking Kristina is the one to hit up. I've never even worn foundation before! She's be able to get me all set. ;)

    3. I seriously wish Kristina could give me a makeover. :)

  7. You really did chop it off! Looks great to me.

  8. I love the new hair! You look amazing!

    I don't mean to make this sound rude or like I'm an asshole... had you told Paul you were getting it haircut? I don't mean to ask as in "did you ask for permission" more of like did he know to be ready to be surprised. He had the best reaction!

    Years ago, I had really long hair, and I cut it all off and donated it. I had a guy ask me if I had asked my husband for permission, and he told me that if his wife would have come home with hair as short as mine was, he would have beat her. I slowly walked away from him and put him in my misogynist psycho list of men.

    1. Yes, I did tell Paul! Don't worry, that's not an asshole question! And as I'm sure you know, I'm not the type of person who need's my husband's permission to cut my hair! I did give him a heads up and showed him pictures of pretty girls with short hair so that he'd feel better about it. But he truly likes it!

      Did you know this psycho guy or was he a stranger????!!!

    2. I knew the guy, he worked for a partner agency. I still had to interact with him, but he crept me out after those comments.

  9. Megan - Your hair looks amazing - it really suits your gorgeous face and eyes. The color is great too. and your husband's reaction is so sweet. what a doll!
    I chopped off all my hair one time, i really liked it, but prefer medium length hair on me (for now at least). Never have been burned or had an allergic reaction, thank goodness! Kristen

  10. Cute! I'm not adventurous at all with my hair, and I've been trying to grow it out for years. It may be at the longest it wants to be, but I'll keep trying.

  11. looks fantastic - and your husband is just a doll ! Kristen

  12. Megan... you two are such sweethearts. I love how much you support each other, and I love how cute you are together, and I just yeah. I'm going to cry. You look so beautiful with your hair short like that. It's like you were always meant to have that hair. <3

    1. Aw thank you so much, Suzy! I love Paul! I am glad we found each other.

  13. I LOVE it so much. It defines your face so well. I always let my hair grow for about 2 years until it's too my waist and I can no longer stand it, then I chop it off to my chin. This is not deliberate, I am SO lazy when it comes to getting regular cuts! Next time I might give your length a try.

    1. Thank you, Eugenia! Wow, so it only takes 2 years for your hair to get from your chin to your waist? That is awesome! I wish my hair grew that fast because growing up especially, I really wanted looooooong hair.

  14. Oh I love it!!! It's so cute and edgy. I've always wanted to cut my hair super short, but I'm too afraid. My hair is super curly and would probably just be a giant fro. I love the length on you!

    1. I was worried about a fro too! I think when it gets a little longer it will fro.

  15. Your hair looks great! I would be way too nervous to do anything like that. I have never had my hair shorter than my shoulders!

    1. Thanks girl! Your long blonde hair suits you really well!

  16. I love it! And I love how brave you are! I am so emotionally attached to my hair I don't think I could ever do that!! It suits you perfectly. I feel like it brings out the features in your face even more and your face looks so pretty to me in all these pics!

    1. Thank you! I guess it was easier to be "brave" because I didn't really like my hair and don't feel an attachment. I'm sure if I had long pretty hair like yours that actually looked nice it would be a bigger steP!

  17. The more I ask people about the burning the more they say, nope, doesn't burn. That sort of freaks me out!
