
Thursday, April 6, 2017

My first foray into Domestic Forensics

Paul and I have this inside joke about something called "Domestic Forensics". It's when you figure out something that happened in your house via clues... So it's pretty much what it sounds like!

These are the best examples of Domestic Forensics I can give you...

... When Paul sees indentations from my weights on the couch, he knows I didn't run that morning, I lifted.

... Sometimes I drop a piece of my cereal on the floor on my way out the door in the morning and Paul texts me a picture of it later in the day and says something like, "You had Cheerios for breakfast."

... I'm sure there are other examples, I just can't think of them right now!

Note: Domestic Forensics is NOT snooping. It's when you discover clues naturally and then put two and two together to figure out what happened.

When I was brainstorming for last week's Friday 5 post, I remembered something that happened that really shows that I have always had an attention and appreciation for Domestic Forensics...

As a child, I was a very picky eater. I remember my mom being really good about not making me eat things I didn't like. Sometimes she'd make me have a bite (which of course I hated), but was fine with me fixing myself a bologna sandwich for dinner as long as I tasted what she made. (I actually liked bologna sandwiches a lot.)

But one time, when I was in middle or high school, for some reason my mom decided she was going to MAKE me eat pot pie. I have never liked pot pie, so I didn't understand why my mom was suddenly forcing me to eat it. Who knows, maybe I was being an ungrateful brat that day!? 

Well, I was not going to eat the pot pie and the situation turned into one of those standoffs at the table. My mom told me I couldn't leave the table until I had eaten. As you know, I'm very stubborn, especially when I'm angry, so I sat there for a pretty long time. I sat there for so long that my parent's had to leave for my brother's soccer game. They left and I continued to sit there, staring at the pot pie.

What could I do? Eating it was out of the question. I couldn't throw it away because my mom would see it in the trash. I thought about flushing it down the toilet but what if the toilet got clogged or remnants got stuck in the bowl? There had to be some way to get rid of the pot pie without my mom figuring it out...

Then I had the greatest idea! I grabbed a plastic baggie out of a kitchen drawer and put the pot pie in that. Then I ran across the street to the park and threw it in one of the trash cans!


I put the bowl that had the pot pie in it in the sink. When my mom got home, she never asked me if I actually ate the pot pie and we never talked about the situation again. To this day, I'm not sure if I ever told her the story!
Are you "good" at domestic forensics?
Did you ever have an "I'm not eating that" standoff with your parents or with your kids?
Do you make your kids eat things they don't like?


  1. We must think alike because as I was reading your story and you said your parents went out my first thought was "throw it away in a public trash can!" :D

    My parents were pretty good about not making me eat things I didn't like which was a lot since I was a picky eater too. One time I spent the night at a friend's house and her mom made me eat peas. I haaaaaaaate peas. I never, ever stayed at her house again because I was afraid they would make me eat peas! I still hate peas, they are the worst!

    1. Ew I don't like peas either!! That is funny you didn't want to go back to your friend's house! Why would her mom MAKE you eat something? That is weird.

  2. Haha so now when your mom reads this you will be busted!

    1. Yup! Except I can't remember if I told her about this or not!

  3. I could really have used your skills last night.. one of our cats is quite pesky in the middle of the night, so she is put in the bathroom to sleep (which she likes). Even after we put her in there, she was woke me up at 1:51am this morning!! WTF? How did she get out? I think she has learned how to open the door, which has a handle you could open with just your elbow (full hand not needed). It might be the end of me getting a solid nights sleep ever again!

    1. Wow I am impressed! Did you close the door the whole way so that it latched? Sometimes our doors appear closed but if they're not pulled tight, the latch doesn't hook in and the all bets are off!

  4. I love domestic forensics! What a great name for it! Oh, as a kid I had a stand off at the dinner table but it was with our babysitter who really took my mom seriously when she said to her "she has to finish her dinner" which I did not and sat there all night while my sisters had a blast with our babysitter (we loved her) and my parents were on a "date night" I think my mom kind of felt bad about it. When Kyle comes over and he doesn't finish dinner (because he was Mr. Snacky after school) we just say "that's fine but no dessert" and he's like "OK" (I am sure once he goes home my sister feeds him whatever...LOL)

    1. Wow your baby-sitter sounds like a stickler! Do you remember what you didn't want to eat?

    2. Of course...baked potato! which I love now but not as a kid. P.S. I hate peas too!

  5. You guys are hilarious. The cheerio bit is so funny. I think every kid has a story from when they were forced to eat something gross. Mine was stew. I HATE STEW. My mom never left the kitchen though until I had a bite so I HAD to. But I certainly punished her for it.

    1. What was in the stew that was so gross? When I think of stew, I think of like veggie beef soup! Which actually doesn't sound that great...

  6. I was very picky too, still am but not as bad. My mom and I would have standoffs on occasion, and it usually ended up with me not having dessert. I wasn't going to give in though. It's the principle of the thing.

    1. Haha you sound like a strong willed child! I remember you told me you get that from your mom. :)

  7. I love this post! it is so precious! And you thought of everything with the pot pie!! I was guessing you were going to bury it in the garden!!

    I used to hide my milk behind the fridge, and blamed it on my sisters.

    Whenever I buy chips at home... I don't even have to question where they where they went... but I usually find a little pile of crumbs by the couch.

    1. But my mom was a gardener... she would have dug up the remains! So would you put a whole glass of milk behind the fridge or pour it back there?


    Ewww that is weird stuff!

  9. OMG, that pot pie story is so funny! You were very clever!

    I am sure Matt and I do "domestic forensics" without really meaning to. It probably comes naturally to a lot of couples! I never clean up after myself so I'm sure Matt would have field day with all the clues I leave him lol.

    1. Hahaha! See Paul and I DO clean up after ourselves. We are very "tidy".
