
Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday 5!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Last week I was going to share 5 highlights from the week, but I didn't feel like anything good happened! Meranda informed me that awesome things happen every day, you just have to look for them. So I'm taking her advice.

This week, I am sharing 5 highlights! Some days I had to look pretty hard, other days I didn't.

Thanks for making me be more positive, Meranda!

1. On Monday, I had enough time to set up my music room for the next day. The fourth graders are learning to play the ukulele!

2. Paul bought jumbo Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies at the grocery store, so I have been eating them for dessert this week. They are just as good as I remember them being! My mom used to put them in my lunch when I was a kid. Not the jumbo kind, the regular kind. 'Merica!

 3. Do your pets have favorite places to sleep? Ours do. And they are such creatures of habit... which is why I was surprised to see that Jelly is taking a liking to sleeping on the bar stools at our kitchen counter. On Tuesday morning, he stole my spot when I went to the bathroom. When I got back from my run, he was still there. BABY!

Chicky leg!

After 2 years, Christmas finally discovered the top level of the cat condo!

4. Remember how our musical was cancelled last week? Well we FINALLY got to perform and it went really well. Here's some pics from the faculty number because I don't like to share pictures of students on my blog!

Yes, Mr. Houtz jumped off the stage.

Cheers to a great show!!!

5. As I mentioned yesterday, I started seeing a physical therapist who wants to fix my pinched nerve, fix my ITB and get my left side just as strong as my right side, and get me back to running strong and LIFTING lower body! I am hopeful and excited.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me a highlight from your week!


  1. Happy Friday! I'm so glad that the performance went off without a hitch yesterday. I was thinking "I wonder how the concert went" literally 2 seconds before I saw your update on FB! Congrats!!!

    Cecil has favorite spots but he changes them up every few months. At this point he's into laying on the rug in front of the french doors and laying on the dining table. I find it so funny that for months he'll lay in the same spot ALL THE TIME and then never lay there again when he gets bored of it! (I guess he's getting bored, idk!)

    1. Aw thanks for thinking of me! :) Our gym/cafeteria/auditorium (it's used for all three things haha) was PACKED. I wish I had taken a picture of the crowd.

      Was it fun to see where Cecil would like laying once you moved to your new place?

  2. So happy to hear the musical went well, Megan! How fun and great job. Oh, those oatmeal cakes--so yummy and brings back a lot of memories (we actually had a Hostess OUTLET store just a few miles from our house...can you imagine?!).

    1. OMG a Hostess outlet!!!??? We didn't eat Hostess growing up... I wonder if Little Debbie is just distributed more in PA?

  3. Im also hopeful and excited for you with the PT! Its always great seeing someone new who can give you new ideas and a different perspective.

  4. Can in IT band be fixed for good or is it something that you constantly have to be working at? I am very mindful of that and when mine feels good I know to never take it for granted!

    Aww thanks for the shout out today! I do think that awesome things happen every day, even if that means that things are only awesome to us. They may be trival things to the outside world but to us it might mean the world, like little things our pets do, or a moment of peacefulness, or just hanging with our spouse having a good meal or watching our favorite show. I know you are like me in that fact that you are thankful for the little things and they don't go unnoticed! Thanks for linking up!

    1. I have no clue! But as I learn more, I will let you know.

      You described it perfectly- appreciating the little things. Like eating dinner and watching Seinfeld with Paul. Or when I walk past Christmas and he hits me on my leg because he's hungry :)

  5. So many bloggers have ITB issues these days! I hope it isn't contagious!

    When I started working with Becky, it was because she's a corrective exercise specialist--very similar to a PT. I had the same issues as you--very weak on my left side. We worked on both sides, but her goal was to get that left glute firing and to strengthen my left hip. I was very excited to work with her and we gradually morphed into where we are at today.

    1. I am glad Becky has been a great help to you! It is interesting to hear a professional telling me what's going on in my body.

  6. Oh good! I'm glad you got your show done and I'm glad it was successful! You deserve sangria all weekend long!!!

  7. Oh yes, all the family cats have their favorite places, and when they were all together last week, they had their zones in the living room. Two chairs and one sofa, and each cat was on one of those.

    1. Well they gotta call dibs on their territory, right?

  8. My cat likes to take my spot on my bed and my couch. Or should I say I take her spot. :) Good luck with the PT, hope you get better soon!

    1. Thanks Heather! Yes, let's get real, it's their furniture!

  9. Happy Friday! I am glad the musical went off and I saw your picture on FB last night with the wine. You deserve it after all you went through. I hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks girl! I have ZERO PLANS and I am so happy I can just relax.

  10. Does Mr. Houtz have a wig on? I'm glad your show went well! All your hardwork and stress paid off!!

    No highlight yet... but there is three more days in the week, right?

    My doggy Cordy used to sleep on top of the couch, where he could keep an eye on her yard. Those windows were always covered in her spit!

    You look beautiful and strong on your sangria photo!

    1. LOL yes he has a wig on! I bought it for him. I asked him to do that part in the show and that I'd buy him a wig if he'd do it. I asked, "blonde or brunette"? He said, "well, blondes have more fun!"

      Yes, there are 3 days so keep going.

      Awww thank you girl. :) I appreciate you saying I look strong.

  11. I'm glad the musical went well!! I know how stressful and overwhelming preparing for those can be! I love that the faculty gets a number in your school musicals!

    True story: as a kid I never had those oatmeal cream pies. I had those chocolate cupcakes with the cream inside and the white loops of frosting on top quite often, though. As a kid, I never was interested in eating those oatmeal pies, but now as an adult they look SO appetizing to me...but I can't eat them. Damn gluten. But they look yummy!

    1. I'm so glad the faculty participates as well! I always feel guilty because people always give me the credit for the show BUT I could NOT do it without every single other person in the school helping out.

      When did you get Celiac and how did you discover it?

  12. I love the idea of a faculty performance at the school concert! I'll have to put a bug in my superintendent husband's ear -- it would be awesome!

    I also love that your students are going to learn the ukulele -- way better than the recorder!
