
Thursday, April 27, 2017

I'm going to Physical Therapy!

This past week my ITB had been bugging me for the millionth time. I started to feel an awareness at my pinched nerve when I was running and NSAIDs didn't seem to make it better. I was just starting to get really frustrated with my running because it seems like I have just been plodding along lately and I know why... my body didn't feel strong.

On Tuesday afternoon, after scaring myself from googling "pinched nerve", I decided to call someone with experience in sports medicine and physical therapy. I didn't just want to wait around for my pinched nerve to go away, like my PCP suggested. What if I was doing something wrong to cause the nerve to be pinched? What if running was going to prevent it from going away? I wanted someone to tell me:

1. Exactly what is wrong with my leg and why it is happening.
2. How to fix it.
3. How to prevent it from happening again.

Quite a tall order, right?

My friend who is a phys ed teacher at my school recommended a PT who has a practice in Mechanicsburg. I trust my friend so I called the place up. My PCP faxed over a script and baddabing-baddaboom, I had an appointment the very next day at 9am!

I've had experience with quite a few PTs. I even wrote a post called Physical Therapy Sucks when I had an experience with a bad PT. (I still get hate comments on that post but I'm not taking it down because it's how I was feeling at the time!) My point is, I can tell when I am working with someone who is very knowledgeable and wants to help me.

I am very hopeful about the PT I am seeing in Mechanicsburg. He did an hour long assessment on me and then worked in the gym with me for 45 minutes. He did the galveston technique on me, taught me how to foam roll correctly, gave me some exercises to help mobility in my thoracic spine (I think!?), and applied KT tape.

As far as foam rolling, he has me doing my calves, hammys, ITB, quads/hips, and back. It is quite the upper body workout because I'm not supposed to put all of my weight on the foam roller. The PT exercises he showed me were for my back, but they also demonstrated to me that my left leg is just so much more weak than my right. Maybe it's from surgery? Maybe it's from my ITB? Who knows. But I have known this for awhile. I just never thought I could do anything about it.

I almost wanted to cry when he told me he wants me running strong again and wants me to be able to go back to the gym and do lunges and squats like I used to. It's been so long since I lifted lower body. It's hard to believe that I may be able to do it someday.

I have three more appointments set up, so hopefully things continue to go well. I've got the crazy KT tape on, which of course sparks lots of conversations with my students. Let's just say they all know what nerves do now!

My homework for tomorrow (well, today) is to run three miles to see how my ITB and the numbness feels. I'm supposed to stop at 3 miles even if it feels great. Before I run, I'm to do my foam rolling routine. It's so weird, I'm used to foam rolling after a run.

I'm not sure I've ever been excited to go to PT, but I am excited. I hope it goes well. I'll keep you posted!

Have you ever been excited for physical therapy?


  1. This is awesome! I love my PT and have been going for a long time. When I am having issues I go more, and then I go on maintenance when things are good. He probably knows my body better than anyone and has helped me through so many of my issues! Let us know how it goes with the run today!

    1. Wow it sounds like you are set up really well with someone who is very knowledgeable and that your trust. I hope this PT becomes that for me. :)

  2. That's so interesting that your PT is having you foam roll before you run. Does he have you do it before and after or just before? Did he say why before is better?

    I'm glad you have found a PT that you like. I don't like going to the PT just because it's an inconvenience, but it does help me to feel better and I've learned so much about keeping my hips in good shape from my PT!

    1. I will ask him specifically why before running, but he does want my ITB to be "supple" lol. Maybe it will help it to be supple for while I run. I don't think that before is "better" but just better for what I'm specifically dealing with. Because I told him how I am usually really hard on my body when I foam roll to get deep down in, and he said there is a time and place for that, but for my situation, he wants me to just gliiiiide over the muscles, not with full body weight. PT is definitely an inconvenience, especially since this one is 20 min away. But *if* it means I can run strong and lift again, it will be worth it, right!?

  3. I just clicked on your post and want to read it. I agree with you NOT to take it down. PTs are just like any other profession and I will say that it's usually a great thing for runners but there are some who are not so great. Thankfully it sounds like this one you just went to was a really good one and took up a lot of time with you. When I went the lady just told me I sat too much and sat all day which isn't true, and she didn't do a whole lot to treat my issue, to be honest. But if I need to go again I will just see another.

    I hope your PT is right and you can do squats, lunges, and lower body weights again! Hopefully that helps your injury and your running- I find that when I'm lifting consistently I run much better.

    1. Yes, I do wish I had mentioned in the post that while there are some AWESOME PTs, I got stuck with a dud. But you know what, it was my fault too for not speaking up. But I wasn't as outspoken back then, you know? As if you could even imagine that, right!? :)

  4. I've been through 3 rounds of physical therapy, but I was excited when I felt like I was getting stronger. it's quite a persistent injury.

  5. Oh I love my physio guy so much! He ALWAYS brings me relief. I've been seeing him since I played soccer in University which was in 1998, and not once has he not fixed my issue. I LOVE HIM. I'm just scared that he will retire soon! I think you meant to type that you haven't lifted lower body in a while, but you typed upper body. Right? Cuz I know how much you life upper body! You're so strong! It'll be nice to be able to do all those squats and lunges again!

    1. I'm glad you have a guy you love! Yes, I meant lower body- THANK YOU, I fixed that. I know I can't wait to maybe be able to lift lower body again. As if my butt needs to be bigger haha.

  6. Best of luck on the PT journey! I'm pretty well bummed out about mine now, and not sure if I'm going back :( It's really a financial decision for me because my visits are all out of pocket payment and I feel like we took a step backward with my PT visits. I am going to keep up with the strengthening exercises he gave me though, but I'll wait and see how it goes. For now. Hey, I don't think it's too much to ask for... we all want to be running pain free, and we deserve it :)

    1. Oh man that must be expensive. My co-pay is $30, which is way better than out of pocket but STILL can add up if you're going 3 times a week! I know it will prob start out 3 times a week but I am hoping there is improvement and I can do some of the exercises at home and eventually only go like 1 a week for maintenance. Why do you feel like PT made you step backwards?

    2. He gave me exercises for strengthening, which I needed, but caused me to be even MORE sore than just running alone. So I quit doing all of them completely, and I think that's what got me through the race OK. It's a Catch 22 kind of thing.

    3. I get what you're saying. I hope that doesn't happen to me. He had my doing squats which normally aggravates me.

  7. KTape looks so fancy! I hope all works out with your PT! and he has you feeling better soon!

    I hope your run went well today!

    1. It does look fancy! It's peeling off though... He said it would stay on, little did he know this was the sweatiest day in my life as a music teacher haha.

  8. I always think its helpful to have a professional look at you and make recommendations. Even though I have a great chiro I sort of wish I had a PT too just as a second opinion. I think both can bring valuable info to the table. Good luck with your PT!

    1. I honestly wondered why I hadn't done it sooner? Why had I settled!?

  9. I am hopeful about this PT, too! He sounds like he knows his stuff and really wants you to improve! What did you think of the Galveston technique? Did it hurt? I wonder if I am foam rolling my calves wrong!

    This is totally random but I like that there is a city called Mechanicsburg. It's like a place where all the mechanics live! :)

    1. Galveston felt fine. I have had it before. Does not compare to the pain ART can bring! Compared to that Galveston is like a massage!

      I'm glad you like the name Mechanicsburg! I live in Camp Hill, but I am right on the line before it changes to Mechanicsburg. :)
