
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Weekly Workouts

I ran 28 miles this week.
I took 1 tap class.
I lifted twice.
I had PT twice.
Go me.

Saturday- 6 neighborhood miles. It was chilly and rainy, but I got it done.

Sunday- Fishing/running date @ Pinchot Park! I ran 6 miles. Some was on road and some was on trail. My ITB felt weak so it was a bummer.

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles. I was a little faster than normal on this run, which made me feel good. I have been having sort of a complex because my paces are pretty slow these days... but what do I expect? I don't do speed work and I am often pretty tired during the week. Maybe this summer will be a good time to try to get some pep back in my step.

Tuesday- 6 more neighborhood miles. I'm going to be honest with you. The area of my leg where the pinched nerve is making itself known... I felt it. I am feeling pressure. Sometimes it's hard to feel because this week my ITB is acting up too. It's hard to make sense of all these FEELINGS. But it is there. I called a Sports Medicine/PT place recommended by my friend who is the PE teacher at my school.

Wednesday- Lifting chest @ home. I woke up a little early so I was able to take my time... but I didn't want to take my time. Chest is easier for me lift than back so I just plowed through and got 'er done. Then I went to PT, where I learned to foam roll and did some exercises to help my ITB and my pinched nerve.

Thursday- 4 miles. My PT told me to do my foam rolling routine and then run 4 miles to see how it felt. My ITB felt the normal weakness it feels when it flares up. I had no awareness in the numb spot of my leg. That's good. Halfway through the day, I got a severe pain in my lower shin. WTF!? I AM FALLING APART.

Friday- Lifting back @ home. Then PT. I had to get up super duper early because PT was before work. But honestly I'd rather go to PT at the butt crack of dawn than later in the day. He showed me a BUNCH of exercises and they were HARD... mostly because I had already lifted that day. Maybe I should rethink lifting before PT. But I am excited to go to the gym and try my new exercises. I'll need the cable machines and TRX as well. And then of course some things I can do without equipment. I'll have to do a post of what PT exercises I do. Maybe a Vlog... hmmm!
Well, how did your workouts go this week?
Do you foam roll before or after you run?
What about stretching? What stretches do you like?


  1. I'm doing my PT exercises right now! Well, OK, I am taking a break from my PT exercises and reading blogs. But still, it counts. PT exercises are hard!! Hope yours are fruitful! I'd love to see which ones you are doing. Maybe they will fix your random PIMA too!

    1. Maybe!? That would be great. Yes, they are hard, especially if I lift first. Trying to bird dog after lifting!? Bwahahaha.

  2. Yes, yes a VLOG on your PT routine! My workouts were really good--I am able to add in more walking and managed 11 miles! I can't wait until rehab is over but trying to be patient.

    1. 11 miles is great, Susan! I will vlog my exercises for sure. Maybe today because I have ZERO PLANS WAHOO!!! And it's all rainy out so it's a good excuse to go to the gym and NOT run.

    2. Thanks Megan. Trying to embrace my rehab!

  3. Glad you got some workouts in and that the PT seems to be helping so far. I think you should vlog your exercises, even if it's not a substitute for going. For me, it helps to see videos of things like that so I can try it out. It's hard to describe with just words.
