
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Weekly Workouts

I have either been resting or just going through the motions of my workouts for the past 2 weeks. Being sick really affected me physically and mentally. But FINALLY on Thursday I felt like I was BACK!

I ran 34 miles this week and hiked 7.4.

Saturday- 10 miles in Millersburg. I was very tired and not feeling that great, but I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful spring like weather. I ran up and down a mountain.

Sunday- Hiking 7.4 miles @ Swatara State Park w/ Paul. More spring like weather! Hiking/walking really takes it out of me! I was exhausted after this beautiful hike.

Monday- 6 neighborhood miles before work... in SHORTS! It looks like this whole week is going to be nice.

Tuesday- Light upper body lifting @ home. My lifting really suffered last week due to being sick. I didn't want to jump back in with heavy weights so I did a combo of back/chest/shoulder stuff, dropped the weights and added some reps.

Wednesday- 6 miles. This run felt a little creaky. You know what I mean by creaky!?

Thursday- 6 WONDERFUL MILES. This run felt GREAT! It was my first awesome run in like two weeks. Being sick suuuuucked the life and love of running out of me!

Friday- 6 miles. I ventured over to a business park I sometimes run in on the weekends. Normally I don't go over there before work because it's dark but now it's light in the morning for most of my runs! It was a shorts and short sleeve shirt kind of morning!
How were your workouts this week?
Anyone in the North running in shorts?


  1. I didn't do any workouts this week or running. Just cross training. Sucky injury. Thankfully my ankle is feeling much better but I haven't run yet. Lots of elliptical and arc trainer and also some strength training so at least I'm active. Maybe I won't lose too much fitness or gain too much weight.

    Glad the weather there is nice! Even if you weren't feeling the best you logged a lot of miles and hiked, and it looks like you had a wonderful time.

    1. I am curious, you say you didn't do any workouts when you take time off running, but you always do lots of cross training. Why don't you count those as workouts?

  2. Glad to see you had so many good runs this week!! I ran in a tank top yesterday, woohoo! Then, froze my butt off today in cold windy weather :)

    1. It's warm again today! But it is going to storm really bad later starting at 3pm. Still trying to decide what I want to do...

  3. Yay for finally feeling better! That is great and what a wonderful week in workouts. Hiking--beautiful and yet completely exhausting. We are having some nice weather in CO. I was able to complete 4 runs, 3 swims, 4 yoga, 2 strength! I still have to manage my training around Mother Nature, though. We finally got a decent snow on Thursday but I was pleasantly surprised the roads were clear on Friday (it never got out of the 20's either day). I know I keep saying this, but I am so ready to get out on my bike! Come on spring.

    1. Since my ITB has been feeling good, I want to try biking again! Paul and I thought about borrowing bikes from my bro and SIL to see how it goes. That is an activity he and I could do together. Do you and Rick ever cycle together? I know you MOTORCYCLE :)

    2. Yes, you should do it! Rick and I have cycled together a few times but honestly he is into T-25 and skiing and golf. I do none of those things and he doesn't really do my sports so we have just decided we are best to WATCH sports together, go see movies, and ride the motorcycle. We did do one hike last summer so maybe we will try more of that (easy hikes due to my hammy). Plus we have the whole "I like to get up and workout when everyone else...including sleeping".

    3. Does easy hike mean flat for your hammy?

  4. Glad to see you're getting out there--34 miles is impressive! Onward and upward!

  5. The weather has been so warm! I love running in shorts this time of year. Glad you are feeling better and running is feeling good again!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I really enjoyed the warm weather. Today it was back to the reality of February...

  6. Yay for feeling better !! I had a squeaky run last Wednesday, just couldn't find a comfy rhythm for it and my knee felt squeaky.

    1. Yes, it only hurts after sitting for a long time and a bit sore after running. Thanks for your help last Monday!

  7. "I was tired, so I ran up a mountain." That's hilarious, and totally an "only runners will understand" type of thing. Love it!

    1. I know haha. I try not to do stupid runner things!

  8. I'm glad you finally feel better and back to normal! You really got in a LOT of miles despite feeling icky.

    I love that those miles included a mountain and a hike. When I feel sick and exhausted I can barely force myself to shuffle a couple miles around my neighborhood. Maybe the mountain and pretty sights are more motivating, even when sick!
