
Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday 5 - CRAZY DREAMS!

Before we get started, I wanted to tell you to pop over to Kristina Running because she interviewed me about qualifying for Boston and she is posting my answers today! Note: I AM NOT AN EXPERT!!!! I did qualify for Boston twice but I don't really feel qualified to give too much advice about it. At any rate, check it out anyway. Kristina is my friend and I love her blog! And if you like my blog, you will probably like her's too. Running + Cats = A GOOD TIME!

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

I had a hard time figuring out what to share with you this Friday, mainly because it was a very up and down week for me. Some great things happened and some bad things happened. But I'm having trouble focusing on the positive!

So instead of telling you about my week in general, I'm going to share with you some of the CRAZY dreams I had! It seems like every night I had very vivid dreams that I actually remembered.

Are you read to dive into my sick brain? Of course you are. Why else would you come to Meg Go Run!?

1. I dreamed Anderson Cooper was giving me recorder lessons. The lessons only cost $4. What a bargain!

Ummm... of course you can teach me to play the recorder!

2. I dreamed I met Hillary Clinton. She was VERY tall, as if she was on stilts, and she wore a trench coat. Since I already planned what I would say to Hillary Clinton if I ever met her in "real life" (who knows, maybe I will run across her in the woods someday!?), I knew exactly what to say to her in my dream. She smiled but didn't say anything back.

3. I dreamed our friend Bob sneaked into our house while we were sleeping. He redecorated our front room, which I call our music room. He got us new furniture and everything. When we woke up and saw what Bob did, we told him we didn't like his decorating. Bob stormed out because he was mad at our reaction to his hard work.

That's Bob on the right.

4. I dreamed I witnessed an airplane crash. I was walking on a street near the house I grew up in and I saw a plane going in for a landing at a nearby airport. (There isn't actually an airport in my hometown.) The plane landed but skidded off the runway and burst into flames. Suddenly, people from the plane were falling out of the sky all around me. They had blood coming out of their nose, ears, and mouth. I kept trying to comfort them but they all looked like they were in a lot of pain and couldn't talk. I had this dream two nights after I booked our flights for California. Just BOOKING the freaking flights gave me nightmares!

5. I dreamed we moved back to my old apartment. I remember instantly feeling really sad in the dream. Paul and I love our house. I never ever want to move. In my dream, I remember thinking, "Why did we move!!??" and I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. Even if someone gave us a really, really, REALLY nice house, I don't think I would want to move. I would miss this house too much...

Oh, that's not the end of the dream! I had a housewarming party for my "new" place and some of my coworkers came. My friend Peggy was sitting on our sectional sofa and I apologized to her because it smelled like cat pee.

That's not the end of my dream either. Suddenly, my dream CHANGED. I was laying on my belly on a stability ball on Route 11/15 in front of the Camp Hill Mall. I was at a red light. When it turned green, I slid down the wet streets on my stability ball, kind of like it was on a water slide. I slid fast past the mall... 

Suddenly, in the middle of the road were the administrators from my school district. They had silk flags (like in a marching band) and were doing a routine for me as I slid by. "How nice!" I thought. Then, I slid off the exit to get to my house, and the same coworkers that were at my housewarming party (including Peggy) had silk flags and were doing their very own routine for me.

Boy did I feel special that so many people from my school district decided to perform for me as I slide down 11/15 on my stability ball!


This was my hair when I woke up Thursday morning:

Tell me about one of your crazy dreams!

Do you dream about plane crashes?

Would you move if someone gave you a house a lot bigger and nicer than the one you live in now?

Did you ever have a dream you would never ever tell a SOUL? I have!


  1. I very, very rarely remember my dreams & I've never dreamed about a plane crash. I used dreamed I was in a gondola & someone on a bridge was going to throw a boulder at me. I threw myself out of the boat & actually threw myself out of my bed in RL! My husband never even woke up.

    I had a house I loved. And then we had to move for my husband's job. I don't love our house, but it is what it is. Someday my husband will retire & we'll move somewhere else.

    1. Oh my gosh I can't believe you actually threw yourself out of bed! That is crazy. Were you hurt?

  2. Wow! You have had some crazy dreams lately. I never seem to remember mine. It's funny, I was a flight attendant for over 5 years and never once dreamed about a plane crash!

    1. REALLY!? That surprises me! I mean, I dream about work all the time. I always dream I am yelling at the kids to be quiet, they refuse, and then I start crying.

  3. That stability ball dream is hilarious! I never have funny dreams like that. All of my dreams are about normal every day things that could really happen. My brain is not creative at night!

    Adam and I love our house right now (esp. because it is still new to us) but I would totally move to a nice house right on the beach. My ideal sleeping scenario is to listen to the waves crashing every single night while I fall asleep!

    1. Oh Kristina I have weird dreams in the same realm as the stability ball dream all the time!

      If someone offered me a house in the beach, I admit it would be hard to pass up...

  4. Crazy dreams and crazy bed head! I don't have really really crazy dreams and I remember them when I first wake up but they don't stay with me too long after that. Oh, gotta go read the interview on the blog!! Awesome!

    1. I have read that if you lay still right when you wake up, you are more likely to remember your dreams. I do that if I have one I really want to remember because like you, sometimes I remember them right when I wake up but then and hour later it's gone.

    2. yeah, that is probably my issue...I pop outta bed and hit the ground running--you know how I LOVE my mornings!

  5. I've had crazy dreams and most recently I've had steroid induced crazy dreams. That's a whole other animal...

  6. Have you ever had dreams where you go back to a previous house....almost like you somehow sneak in (?) and you discover secret passages that you didn't know existed when you were living there. I have that recurring dream, frequently.

    1. I have never dreamed that, but that is a very interesting recurring dream! The one recurring dream I used to have as a child was that I was falling down the cellar steps. There was also a weird scary one involving this miniature barbie doll I used to have, a boulder, and a camping chair.

  7. I love that picture of your hair! My husband always has weird dreams... he has dreams about us buying a haunted house and the other day dreamed about a coffee shop opening in the downstairs of our home.

    1. Ooh a coffee shop in your home sounds okay to me!

  8. ha ha I do go through phases of having really weird dreams sometimes. My husband says I talk in my sleep sometimes

    1. I do too! He says when I talk in my sleep I sound very confident so it creeps him out.

  9. Oh I always have crazy dreams that never make any sense at all, lol. It's been like that for me since I was a teenager so I'm used to it now :)

  10. I've had weird dreams, but it's hard to remember them. I just wake up thinking that was weird. What was I thinking about going to bed the night before?

    1. I know! Sometimes I know why I dreamed something. I mean, I teach recorders, I watch Anderson Cooper, I booked the plane tickets... but the stability ball water slide!???

  11. Hahaha okay I'll comment properly. I just love you so much. I'm laughing so hard right now. So when I was in therapy, one of my assignments was to write down my dreams each night. I'd have paper and a pen beside me. I journaled my dreams every night for two weeks and when my next appointment came up, I read them all out. The common theme? There were no women in my dreams. Zero. Interestung eh? Years of therapy later, dealing with all sorts of HUUUUUUGE issues from my past regarding men, I can safely say I'm much healthier and I now have dreams about women. Hahaha! That sounds hot.

    1. Wow that is so interesting you only dreamed about men. Did you dream about children or animals or even female family members?

  12. OMG, I sat at my desk reading this and I was LITERALLY laughing out loud at the dream about you sliding down 11 and 15 on the ball. Maybe it's cus I know where that is and cn visualize

    I have had 2 Very vivid dreams of a plane crash. One of them was when I was in my front yard and saw a plane flying really low. I though, o man that's gonna crash. By the time I ran to the back yard to get. Better look, it had crashed.

    1. I'm glad I could make you laugh! :) PLane crash dreams are so scary. Usually I am SEEING the plane crash, not that I am IN a plane that crashes.

  13. Oh, PS, HRC is coming to Scranton so maybe you really can meet her.

  14. I go through periods where I remember my dreams and other times that I don't. Lately I have not been remembering them, although with all the moving stress I'm sure that they are pretty strange. BTW dreaming about Anderson Cooper sounds pretty great! Tell him that I need some recorder lessons too!

  15. wow! those are very intense dreams! Some very detailed! I love how crazy dreams can be!

    I had a dream that I never told anybody about before... but i'll tell you now. Back a few years ago... like 9 years ago, I dreamed that I was in a meeting with my then boss, and he kissed me and I kissed him back. I wasn't attracted to him, he is 30 years older than me, and happily married, but he was such a nice guy to me.

    1. Thank you for sharing that even though you never shared it with anyone! I have had weird dreams like that before... I won't tell anyone about them though! Honestly I don't even remember them always but I know I have had them.

  16. crazy dreams and crazy hair!!!

    I have had dreams of a plane crashing. Mostly I have dreams I'm traveling! and something always goes wrong... I am not packed and I have to leave... I cannot find my suitcase... my plane is delayed... I'm in the wrong airport... I do actually travel quite a bit and I'm very organised now with travelling. I have checklists and I know how to pack a carry on perfectly so that I don't ever have to check my bags in. But in my dreams it's TOTAL CHAOS!

    Right now I live in a very small apartment. I would most definitely move to a bigger house if someone arranged that for me!

    1. I loooooooooooooove lists. I imagine you would have to be really organized if you travel a lot. I have dreams similar- not that I am traveling but that I am not READY for something. I also have naked/topless dreams. HORRIBLE.

  17. I used to dream frequently, but now I sleep so deeply I rarely dream. Once in awhile I have a recurring dream where I'm running through a cemetery and take a running leap and get a tree branch impaled on my foot. It's very weird lol.

    I used to analyze friends' dreams in college using basic literary analysis. I am an A+ bullshitter and apparently I should be a psychic because my interpretations were always spot-on!

    1. That cemetery dream is crerps. Okay well can you analyze one of my dreams? :)
