
Sunday, February 26, 2017

No one calls me Meg!

My friend Ana wrote a really interesting post the other day all about her name. You should check it out! It prompted me to think about my name and tell you a little bit about it...

This may seem weird to tell you... but no one actually calls me Meg except my MIL. I don't even know why she started calling me Meg, but she does. (I don't care that she calls me Meg, for the record!)

Obviously my blog friends (many of whom I consider "real life friends!) call me Meg because they know me through my blog.

99.9999% of people call me Megan...

... except for Paul! I actually don't like when he calls me Megan. It sounds weird. Normally he calls me Baber or Doodlez. I don't know when we came up with "Doodlez", but that's what we call each other!

If he actually calls me Megan, then I know he is PISSED.

My middle name is Hillary. My mom got the name from a soap opera she used to watch. I never really thought much of my middle name growing up other than it's not a "normal" middle name... I always thought of middle names as things like Elizabeth, Marie, etc...

Obviously now I LOVE that my middle name is Hillary!
Where did your name come from?
What are your nicknames?
Tell me your middle name!


  1. Hi Megan - That is so funny, I too, hate it when my husband calls me by my first name. He calls me "hon" all the time, so when he actually calls me my name, I know he is mad! I don't really have a nickname, everyone calls me Kristen. Except my FIL, he is the only one that calls me Kris, I don't like that nickname, but don't mind that he calls me that. My legal middle name now is Buchanan (my maiden name) but growing up it was Elaine, my mom's first name.
    have a great day!! Kristen

    1. HAHAHA! Sounds like that is the case for lots of husbands nd wives! I LOVE THE NAME ELAINE!! When I was a teenager and thought that I would someday have a kid, Elaine was like one of my top 3 girl names.

  2. I call you Megan because I am super sensitive when people call me Sue...I'm not Sue, I am Susan! I remember asking you about it one time and from then on, it would feel weird for me to say Meg. I am not sure how I got my name. Everyone calls me Susan except my nephew Kyle called me Suzy growing up and it stuck so now one of my other nephews calls me that which is OK (but NO ONE else!! LOL). My middle name is Kathryn. No one can ever spell it correctly :) I like it because it's a bit different. I mean, I like Susan but it's just a very plain name but it's what my mom obviously loved so that makes me love it too.

    1. I don't think I ever even noticed what you called me! For the record, I am good with Megan or Meg, it's just most people call me Megan. Although I AM sensitive about my last name. I hyphenated it at work but regret that since I never actually changed it in "real life". I am going back to Ms. Michael next year. I already told Paul and he understands!

  3. We were just talking yesterday about how Rob never calls me Lisa! When he does I know its serious. Usually its "Li" or when its just the two of us we can just be like "hey!" and no need for a name lol. But thats funny that your blog name is Meg go run and no one really calls you Meg!

    1. It's nice to know other couples are kind of like that! Although I call Paul by his name all the time. He just doesn't say my name unless he's pissed.

  4. My middle name is Lauren. In case you didn't know, lol, since it's in my signature when I comment on every blog :). Different people call me Amy or Amy Lauren depending on when they met me, most people who call me Amy Lauren met me in college or later (except Clay, he just calls me Amy and all family call me Amy). We had a couple of Amy's who were in English majors at my college so that's when I started going as Amy Lauren :).

    1. That is cool that sometimes you go by first + middle name! It is a very pretty name. I like the name Lauren for first or middle name.

  5. My mom also said she got my name from a soap opera. Growing up, I only knew 2 other's with my name, now it seems that its pretty popular with people younger than me.

    My nana would sometimes call me "Mandy" when I was younger. Now, When we go out or I have to put my name on a waiting list for something, I usually just say "Mandy", because my name often gets butchered to Melinda, Amanda, Minerva, etc....

    1. You know I used to say your name wrong in my head because I had a friend growing up who spells it the same as you but says it differently!

    2. That's interesting. Phonetically how would she pronounce it?

  6. What the heck Meg? I feel like I don't know you anymore :) With a name as short as "Lisa", I don't get called anything else. My middle name is Marie, of course, because you know "Lisa Marie Presley". And my grandma's name was Marie.

    1. LOL! No you do know me, just as MEG :) Ooh so wait, were named after LMP?

  7. I would call you Meg because your blog title, Meg Go Run. Now that I know, I won't make that mistake! :)

    1. It's not a mistake at all! I don't mind being called Meg!

  8. I have called you meg since you told me 99% of people call you Megan. When I mention you on my blog I always wonder if people think I am being weird calling you Megan instead of Meg! Haha

    1. Meg or Megan is absolutely FINE!!!! I feel like people who call me Megan are part of the "in" crowd and know me in "real life" hehe. But I really do not care at ALL which one someone calls me. It's just interesting that people that know me from different places call me different things. it's all good!

    2. That is interesting! Adam still calls you Mega Run because you are an awesome runner and also because he thinks it's a cool nickname for your blog lol!

  9. I remember that I first learned this when we became Facebook friends, I think. At first I was like, was so weird to think your blog title/name was inaccurate to the "real" you. But actually it's not so weird. I think lots of bloggers have "blog nicknames" in a way. My friend Emily always went by Emma on her blog, for example, and when I first learned her real name was Emily I was gobsmacked lol.

    Do you think you'll ever change your blog name to match your preferred name? Or do you not mind people calling you Meg?

    1. I don't mind being called Meg at all! Meg or Megan is absolutely fine. I think Meg Go Run rolls off the tongue better than Megan Go Run, do you think???

  10. Well, my actual name is Judith but NO ONE calls me that. And I have no nicknames. My husband doesn't have a middle name, just a middle initial -- but mine is Ann.

    I don't like or dislike my name (although I don't much like my actual name, if that makes sense).

    1. The middle initial intrigues me! I wonder where that comes from? I am going to have to google that. :) I like the name Judy! But it is definitely different than Judith.

    2. One of my sisters is Judith Anne! She also goes by Judy--she hates Judith but I rather like it.

  11. I think I'd have called you Meg as well due to your blog title. Each letter of my name was taken from my mom's name (Charmaine). Alrighty then.

    1. Charmaine- now that is a really cool name! Sounds french.

  12. Aww ! Thanks for the shoutout !

    Hillary is an excellent name!

    My other favorite name is Mom! When Roger stated calling me Babe, i hated it. When I first moved to the USA, there was that pig movie, Babe and that's all I could think of when he said Babe. I got over it.
