
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Weekly Workouts!

I ran 23 miles this week!
Much better than last week.
I think the rest helped my aches and pains go away.

Saturday- 5 neighborhood miles. My leg felt pretty good until mile 4, where it started to feel "tight". So I ran home and got in 5 miles. It felt fine the rest of the day, so I was optimistic!

Sunday- Lifting back @ home. I did all kinds of pull ups, row, glute/hip stuff, bicep curls, and core work.

Monday- 6 glorious miles! I felt SO GOOD! My left leg felt perfect. Then at mile 4, my right leg (the "good one) felt a little tight! WTF? Okay, I hope it was nothing... It was still a really good run. I was just loving every minute of it and drove to work hyped up on the BEST enorphins! No wonder I was so sad last week. I think I am addicted to endorphins!

Tuesday- 6 more glorious miles. I kept waiting for one of my legs to hurt but they DIDN'T. Other than the apprehensiveness, this run was really good. OMG I MISSED RUNNING!

Wednesday- 6 miles again! I was due to lift, but we were supposed to get snow the next day, so I wanted to run while I could. It was really warm. I wore shorts!

Thursday- Lifting chest @ home. Snow day! It was nice to take my time.

Friday- Lifting back @ home. I really wanted to run but I was afraid it would be icy. Since it's dark when I run, I didn't want to risk it. I will just have to save all of my energy for an epic run tomorrow!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Love the mug (and the cat). It's nice when it all clicks & feels good!

    With snow/ice on & off all week (and next week too, apparently), running has been challenging lately.

    1. Winter weather can throw a wrench into things for sure. It is raining right now and I really don't feel like running in it!

  2. I hurt my ankle so my mileage is way low this week. We're talking 14 miles instead of 40. I'm hitting up the arc trainer but hope this issue is gone as quickly as it came on. I feel like the arc trainer keeps me in decent shape at least! You had some good workouts and way to juggle things around to get your run in before the snow. I hope you guys are warm and safe!

    1. How did you hurt your ankle? Running or "real life"? I think the Arc trainer is the machine that is most like running- besides a treadmill of course! I remember using the arc trainer and depending on the incline and resistance, I could really make it feel like running.

  3. Yay for bringing back running and I am glad both your legs are cooperating! I would miss my endorphins if I could not workout. I had 4 run/row days, 2 swim days, 3 weight and 4 yoga sessions. It was a good week but I am SO READY to get back on my bike again. I miss my long rides outside. P.S. your run around the lake looks amazing! Bet that felt wonderful and so invigorating!

    1. You had 13 workouts this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Yes, I love Pinchot Park! The Lakeside Trail is almost 9 miles but it seems so much shorter than 9 miles on the road. That's the longest I have run in WEEKS. Months!?

  4. Im so glad the rest helped your leg! You are helping me stay optimistic about some time off!

    1. I am relieved it seemed to work! I hope it works for you too, girl.
