
Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday 5! What I wore to work this week...

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share the 5 outfits I wore to work this week! Thank you Meranda for giving me the idea!

When I first thought about doing a post like this, I was worried I would purposefully wear outfits that were more stylish than normal. But then I remembered I had already laid out my clothes for the week (yes, I do that!) so as long as I just stuck to the original plan, everything would be legit.

**Note: We ended up having a snow day on Thursday, so look #4 is on Friday. Look #5 is what I plan to wear on President's Day... the day we are going to have to go to school to makeup the snow day!**

Okay, here's the FASHION!

(Don't worry, this is not turning into a fashion blog!)

(Also, I know I am not a picture taker. These pics are just taken in my classroom!)

1. Monday.  I call this look... "Lots 'o Brown".

This faux wrap dress is from Rainbow at the Harrisburg Mall. It is very old. If you have been to that store lately, you will wonder how a dress this conservative was ever sold at that store, but it was!

I had been wearing my hair in a pony tail all year until last week I decided I was going to wear it down. But I don't do anything with it. I just let it dry and let it go.

I love these boots from Target! It's hard to tell, but they are grey. You can sort of tell how thick my brown tights are in this picture.

I think I got this necklace at Forever 21.

Just some studs I got in a big pack from Forever 21. I love that place for cheap jewelry!

From left to right: Burlington Coat Factory, and then two rings from Avon handed down to me from my mom.

The flower bracelet is Avon and is from my mom. I have had it since I was a kid. The gold bangles are from Forever 21. I like to layer them.

2. TUESDAY. I call this look... "Student Teaching Throwback".

The dress is from Kohl's. I have had it for a really long time because I remember wearing it when I was student teaching... in 2004! It's held up pretty well! The denim jacket is from Target and something I often wear over short sleeved pieces in the winter.

I love these boots! I got them this fall when I went on one of my shopping sprees. They were only $30!

My new statement ring from Etsy.

An old bracelet from I don't know where.

Silver hoops from I don't know where.

3. Wednesday. I call this look... "Lady in Black".

I think I got this dress at Ross or somewhere similar.

I wore my grey Target boots again. These tights are Vera Wang for Kohls. Grey and black hounds tooth.

Talk about a statement necklace! I can't remember where this is from! I wore fake pearl studs from Forever 21 on my ears.

A hand me down Avon ring from my momma.

4. Friday. I call this look... "Holy Purple Leggings, Batman!"

This grey sweater is from JC Penny. I have had it for several years. I got the purple leggings when I went shopping this fall. I believe they are from Ross. You've seen the boots earlier this week!

Choker: Etsy

Earrings: Forever 21

Bracelet: Hiogashi 
(My good friend Maren gave it to me for my birthday.)

5. President's Day. I call this look... "Pantsuit Nation"! I plan to incorporate more *comfortable* blazers into my wardrobe.

I got the blazer at Sears for only $12! It is soft and stretchy. Normally blazers make me feel boxed in (I talk with my hands!), but not this one!

Under the blazer I wore a silky black tank. I'm not sure where I got it.

These black stretchy dress pants are from the junior's department in Macy's. They were on sale for $19.99. They are very comfortable!

The black flats are Dr. Scholls from DSW.

Necklaces & Earrings: Forever 21
Bracelet: ???
Ring: Avon from my mom

Fun fact: I only wore a bra with a couple of these outfits! I am phasing bras out!!!!
Do you have any Avon jewelry? Does Avon still exist?
What's your "work look"? 
Do you wear a bra every day?
What's your favorite look on me?


  1. I didn't realize until you mentioned it that you haven't been wearing your hair down this year. I don't blame you. I would wear mine up more if I could but it is still too short. My fav is look #3. That dress and necklace go great together! We should plan a shopping Nordstroms! Haha Happy Friday!

    1. Thanks Molly! LOL we should go to Nordstroms but it's probably out of our price range. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, can I please stop wearing a bra? I hate them so much! Your outfits are so cute and make me want to go shopping!

  3. You did so well! You even mentioned where you got your clothes in true fashion blogger style! I think this needs to be a regular feature on your blog!

    1. Thanks! I tried to be like a fashion blogger. :)

  4. Cute outfits. Love the booties. I just purchased my first pair at TJMAX. It was a great deal and couldn't pass it up.

    1. Booties are so cute and go with a lot of stuff!

  5. You look great. Much better than the teachers at our local grade school!

    1. Thank you! The most comfortable outfits were Monday and Wednesday.

  6. I love that Forever 21 has super cute jewelry that is also very affordable

    1. Same! I don't mind buying trendy stuff there because if it goes out of style, oh well, it was only a couple bucks! I have had necklaces break though... you know, like the $3 ones haha.

  7. I am super impressed that you plan all of your outfits out for the week in advance! Love all the dresses what a fun post

    1. It saves me time in the morning and I feel in CONTROL. That's basically why I do it.

  8. Super cute outfits! I also plan 3 outfits for the week (the days I am in the office) and the days I work from home I still get dressed as if I could be going to work but I just decide that morning--I'm crazy that way. Wow...phasing out bras. Good for you. I could totally go braless but I don't ever--like ever! I want my girls to be perky forever...even if they are small (they look bigger if they stay perky). Plus, I don't think bras are uncomfortable (I wear the same type you do)--just like I don't think jeans are uncomfortable (but I know you don't care for them).

    1. Mine are soooo small that there really is nothing to hold up! I feel like they will be perky forever, but maybe I am wrong and I will regret not wearing bras???

  9. I could never phase bras out, because after breastfeeding for so many years, my nipples are like whoa, and they hang down quite low and off to the side so I feel like they would really distract people from what I'd want them to pay attention to: what I'm saying. Ha ha! My kids would be horrified. And I think I torture them enough. Plus, I like pampering my boobies. I like holding them up like the champions they are.

  10. Cute! I love it when clothes last a long time. I don't have any work clothes like that, but I have plenty of workout clothes. I can't wait till things become more consistent with the weather, and I can get my dresses out again.

    1. Me too! Especially if they are inexpensive! Sometimes the inexpensive stuff lasts awhile!

  11. I like how you look with your hair down! My favorite outfit was the black dress!! but I love it when everybody wears black.

    I never accessorize anymore! when my son was a baby, he used to tried to pull out my earings. I have tons of rigs! a long time ago, I was obsessed with big rings.

    I love your feminist ring!!

    I wear bras everyday, and to sleep, I wear soft sports bras. My boobies need to be held up to be comfy.

    1. I am loving rings right now! I would like to see your ring collection. :) My boobies are so small, there is nothing to hold up.

  12. I love all your work clothes! Typically my work clothes consist of a race t-shirt and khaki shorts because I work at home and need to look just acceptable enough to go to the grocery store or gas station :). Sometimes I just wear my running clothes all day if I'm going to run that afternoon, it saves from getting dressed twice.

    A few times a year I go into the office and I do love getting dressed up for those days!

    1. You know, I never wear my running clothes all day, not even on the weekend. I only put them on right before I'm going to workout.

  13. Great week of fashion Meg! I wondered the same thing about Avon. Do they still exist? I don't think I knew they ever sold jewelry.

  14. Check you out Megan! Very fashionable! I'm surprised you wear so many dresses, only because I picture teachers wearing pants a lot. I used to help out in the class on Friday's and that must have been casual day at the kid's school because they wore a lot of jeans. Do they wear jeans at your school? Also, YES, bra every day for me. Not so much to support, but more to create the illusion that I have boobs and to cover up the nipple situation :)

    1. Well I wear thick tights or leggings underneath so I can get down on the floor and stuff with kids. I actually find dresses very comfy. I normally feel like I am in my jammies!

  15. Great outfits! I also have some favorite dresses that I've had for years. I did wear one out, though, and realized one day that the fabric was disintegrating!

  16. It's fun to see what others are wearing! I started doing a #fridayfashion post on Instagram a few months ago, and they seem to get a lot of positive feedback. I used to do image consulting, so I love putting funky outfits together with non traditional pieces. Probably the art geek in me ;-)

    1. Image consulting sounds like a fun job! I would like to think I am an image consultant for my husband.. hehehe

  17. You are so stylish! I love all your oufits and you make me jealous for winter weather! I have a dress code at work so my weekday outfits are super boring!

    1. Thanks Ali! You are always welcome to come visit us here in PA and borrow some of my winter clothes.

  18. I wish I could phase out the bra!

    You have a great sense of style!
