
Monday, February 13, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up!

Happy Monday!

Here's what we were up to this weekend...

My morning started with a lifting workout at home. I drank coffee throughout the whole workout instead of water. Bad athlete!

I arrived at work a little early, so I ate my chicken and listened to podcasts until it was time to go in. I'm stubborn.

Work was relatively stress free as the students had an early release!

After work, Paul and I used a gift card we got for Christmas to go get Sushi at our favorite place, Tokyo Diner!

Paul enjoyed his first beer at sushi in years!

What's the pink stuff in this cucumber salad? Fake crab? Do you guys eat this? I do! SALTY!




When we got home, we watched Seinfeld reruns.

Chrissy wanted my milk. This is his "pathetic" face!

I got up at the respectable hour of 8am! 

Good morning, Chrissy!

I relaxed for a little bit, then headed to Pinchot Park to run the Lakeside Trail. Conditions were snowy, muddy, but run-able. The loop around the lake is nearly 9 miles and I was all hyped up on endorphis by the time I was done.

By the time I got back to my car, my family had arrived. My brother and his family as well as my parents came because Tyler wanted to try out open water swimming. He is doing a tri in May. He has only ever tried his wet suit in a pool and wanted to try it in the lake. It was so cold out and we all deemed him CRAZY!

Clementine is trying to decide just how crazy/cool her daddy is!

Clementine, mighty FINE!

Clark loves Grandpa's beard.

Clarky poo!

Tyler's swim went pretty well, except his face was cold!

That afternoon, Paul and I ran some errands. Grocery shopping and a trip to the library was in order. Our biggest score of the day was at Wegman's. As much as I hate that store, we did get an awesome deal: 18oz boxes of Life for $2.50! We got eight boxes!

I have a lot of reading to do...

While we were out and about, we stopped in Community Aid to see if they had puzzles. I found three awesome puzzles that I really wanted to get, but unfortunately, the store was SO FREAKING CROWDED. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that there was at least 50 people in line. Maybe more. It was so hard, but I put the puzzles back on the shelf and left. Tears...

That evening, we had Mexican Night Part 2! Margaritas and burritos! Oh, and games.

I poured a tiny bit of wine and ended up shattering it in the bathroom. We laughed so hard because when I I got my wine glass out, I bragged to Paul that I had it for two years and hadn't broken it yet. Five minutes later, the bathroom looked like a crime scene...

This was the glass. He got it for me for Christmas two years ago. We called it my princess glass...

I went to Community Aid as soon as it opened at 11am on Sunday morning to get my puzzles! When I rolled up at 10:58, there was a line of 20 people outside already! What the heck was going on? I didn't have to wait in line because I went straight to my puzzles and headed for the cashier. I asked why it had been so busy the day before and she said because it was a dollar day- all clothes were only a dollar! Wow, what a deal! Today was also a dollar day, but I didn't need anything so I grabbed my puzzles and left.

I kept putting off running because it was so cold, rainy and dreary out. Finally I realized that if I didn't want to run, there was no one forcing me to do it! So I decided to lift instead. Then I changed my mind and ran 6 miles! My legs were numb (stupid decision to wear shorts) within half a mile. Once I pushed through the first 15 minutes, my run was borderline enjoyable.

The rest of the day was spent doing the puzzle on the bottom right and chilling with Paul. Lots of Seinfeld episodes were watched!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
What's the longest line you stood in?
What's your favorite episode of Seinfeld?


  1. Fun weekend! I can't believe Tyler did an open water swim in the cold. BRRRR. What a beast. Your run around the lake looks fabulous. We started in vacation mode this weekend which meant a swim, a massage and a spray tan for me on Saturday and a run and lots of relaxing on Sunday. It was really nice to start our wind down from the work week so we are nice and ready to leave today! Favorite Seinfeld...ugh, how can you pick one? Do you guys have a favorite?

    1. Have an awesome time in Mexico!!!

      I like The Parking Garage, the Chinese Restaurant, and when they're all trying to meet up at the movies. :)

  2. Every time I go to TJ Maxx, the line is huge! But it moves pretty fast. Glad you got your puzzles. Seinfeld? We watch it every night. My dad and I alway quote Seinfeld to each other. I couldn't pick one episode--it's too funny!

    1. Hey another Seinfeld lover! Okay I have several episodes I love. Mainly, seasons 3-5 are my favorites, I think. I love The Parking Garage in The Chinese Restaurant. I love the one where they are all trying to meet up at the movies but they keep crossing paths. While the show is still really funny, so many of the plot lines would not work anymore due to the invention of cell phones! There are also a lot of borderline politically incorrect stuff that is said but obviously that kind of stuff was fine in the 1990s haha.

  3. Wow, kudos to Tyler for taking the plunge (literally). I'm actually surprised that there isn't a sign posted about no swimming in the off season. Do you think he could get some kind of waterproof mask for on his face so he's not so cold?

    That candy puzzle looks like fun. I don't do lines either. But then again I don't really enjoy shopping and would rather shop online.

    1. Well there is a sign that said there are no lifeguards on duty, but a lot of tri athletes actually do swim there in the "off" season. It's roped off, etc.

  4. Hi FaF - I had neoprene gloves, socks, and a full hood that went down my neck to my chest. That gear worked great, no issues there. I had about a 2 inch paremeter around my mask goggles that was exposed skin between the goggles and hood. That exposed skin is what made me have to stop. I think I can pick up a cheap ski Mask that covers the entire face then just cut the eyes a bit larger for my goggles. I am goin to give it another go after that.

  5. Tyler just looks cold. I don't know how triathletes do it even in wetsuits, I think I'd be too cold (and I live in the South, i can't imagine swimming up north). The sushi dinner looks so amazing and I'm glad you had a good run and a good lifting session!

    Believe it or not I've never eaten Life cereal...

    1. Aw that's before he even got in the water. He took it like a champ! It was just his face.

      You have not eaten Life Cereal? Come on over to our house for breakfast. :)

  6. I loooove Life cereal. Nice choice. Crappy about those long lines though! I'm so sad for you about your princess wine glass! So great that Paul got to have a beer with sushi! I'm glad you guys had a good weekend. We drove down to the States yesterday to hang out at Deception Pass and then we had dinner at Red Lobster. It was a good day. Nice and sunny and warm.

    1. It's okay, the princess wine glass had a good run. Lots of good times with that wine glass! That sounds like a wonderful afternoon with your man!

  7. Your arms are looking strong!!!!

    Matthew and I watch Seinfeld every night in bed before falling asleep!!! We love the Jean Paul episode where he sleeps in!!!! LOL

    1. Thanks!

      Of course you would like the Jean Paul episode. ;)

  8. Tyler is in total beast mode!! Was the water super cold?

    That is an awesome Life tower!! I read your Wegmans post on FB and it made me laugh! Saturday is the worst day to visit Wegmans! I should offer to pick up your chicken, since I'm always at Wegmans.

    You are so amazing for running yesterday!

    I love the episode of Seinfeld where Newman is trying to find a hair with Seifeld's hair, to prove that he got a haircut somewhere else. So hilarious!

    1. It was cold, but other than his face he was fun. I am glad I could make you laugh about Wegmans. I freaking hate it there. We really needed chicken though. No no you do not need to pick me up chicken no worries. :) I got 3 family packs so hopefully I won't need to go back for three weeks.

      I am glad I ran yesterday because I couldn't today because I was afraid of the winds!

      Omg I can't think of that episode!

  9. Gotta eat protein after a lift! ;) I know Clementine is the cutest little ladybug. My brother is very committed to everything he does. I LOVE BOM!!! What is your favorite song? I love I Am A Later Day Saint!

  10. I will admit, I didn't watch Seinfeld, BUT I ended up watching quite a few episodes at Disneyland last May. I spent the whole afternoon off my feet, and TBS has a Seinfeld marathon.

    1. Did you enjoy it? I feel like the humor still works, but then again, I watched it back when it was on so I don't know if it's funny on a FIRST watch all these years later.

    2. I did. I found myself laughing at a lot of the situations.

  11. I can't believe it was so cold up by you and sooooo hot here. We really need to do a house swap some winter because I want SNOW! I will take good care of the kitties and also drink wine in your honor!

    1. That would be awesome! I could leave you directions for the best places to get on the Appalachian Trail. :)

  12. Spoooooky Mormon Helllll Dreaaaam! Okay now that is going to be stuck in my head all day!
