
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

There's nothing like an injury to make you appreciate running!

A couple weeks ago, I took several days off running to make sure a pain in my adductor healed. Taking the time off running really freaking sucked. I was depressed, tired, and couldn't poop. I really missed my morning time on the roads. I still lifted, but lifting endorphins aren't the same as running endorphins!

One thing that disappointed me was how much I missed running when I took the time off. I don't ever want to love something so much that I get depressed when I can't do it for a couple days.

In January, I wasn't really loving running. It was getting monotonous and there were some days I just didn't feel like doing it. Well, there's nothing like taking time off for an injury to make you appreciate something!

That first day I was able to run 5 miles, I felt as high as a kite on the way to work! There is really nothing like running endorphins. I'm addicted.

Lately, I have been appreciating every step I take. Not that I didn't appreciate it before... It's just always nice to have that kick in the gut reminder to appreciate running.

Happy Valentines Day! Here are some funnies...

What is your relationship like with running right now?
How do you feel when you take a couple days off?


  1. Totally agree with you! My entire demeanor and body composition changes when I don't run. It's crazy. We are truly addicted. Ok those are hilarious! Should have sent my 5th grader to school with those! Haha!

  2. I absolutely agree. Although I feel like I have been dealing with injuries so much this past year that now I just always appreciate running. I guess thats the silver lining to not being able to run?

    1. I suppose so. It's good to see the silver lining of injuries. One thing they do is remind us we're not invincible and we have to take care of ourselves!

  3. I totally agree--any forced time off from running makes you realize how much you love it! I try to appreciate each and every step, every mile.

    1. It's crazy, you'd think we'd already know how much we love it, but time off makes you realize just how much we depend on it!

  4. It's crazy that there are a million other ways to stay in shape but for some of us, there's nothing like running! How are you feeling these days Karen?

  5. Ahhh it's so good to keep perspective! I'm feeling grumpy that I have to run so early in the morning today, in the dark, but your post helped me to readjust my attitude. I'll be thankful instead.

    1. Good! I get like that too. It's always nice to remember each run is a gift!

  6. Happy Valentines day! I love running, but I feel I lose my mind if I don't zumba.. which is why I sing while running.

    I'm glad your pain has gone away and you are back at running!

    1. I love that you sing while running! I feel like some day we're going to be at the same race (but not know it) and then hear you belting something out and I'll know it is you from your singing and your red sunglasses!

  7. I used to hate rest days, but I actually like them right now. I don't mind taking days off when I'm feeling sluggish. Sometimes it's fun to be on the couch with the cat instead of running.

    1. I am fine with days off running, but I only like them when I'm not injured lol. Cuddles on the couch with kitties are vital to any rest day!

  8. I haven't run since Thursday due to ankle pains and issues. I'm going to the podiatrist today and hope for some answers and really hope nothing is broken. I hope it's an easy fix so I can run Myrtle Beach since it's so close (March 4). I've been arc trainer-ing and doing yoga but it's not the same! It will make me so thankful for when I can run again too!

    Also, I'm glad you have lifting and I have yoga and other cross training for when we can't run. Injuries emphasize that it's good to have another physical/exercise activity to do because at some point we all get hurt and have to take a few days off.

    1. Yes, I'm so thankful we have other things we can do and enjoy! I hope you get some solid answers today at the chiro. I'm gonna check in with you on FB...

  9. Forced running rest is the worst! I have an injury looming right now and a sniffly nose so I know what's coming. :( I couldn't run for a few weeks after Chicago because I irritated the tendon that connects the hamstrings to the glutes, I was so sad. I went to hot yoga and started to enjoy it while I recovered. It wasn't so bad, but as you said definitely not the same as running.

    1. I didn't know that happened. :( How long did you have to rest? Is that what is bothering you now?

  10. Love the Balls Inflated joke!!! ;) I'm a bit irked by running right now, mostly because lot of my runs leave me more sore than I'd like, and the weather just sucks. If it's not cold, it's windy. I hear it's supposed to be warmer this weekend, so maybe I'll find some outdoor love then!

    1. I think it is supposed to be warmer here too! I hope your PITA calms down. I know it comes and goes. Have you been able to decipher any rhyme or reason for the flare ups?

  11. I'm so grateful that I've been able to run through my RA journey. I think that's the only thing that's kept me sane!

    1. You're a beast, Wendy! Not just running but LIFTING HEAVY.

  12. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I am loving running more than not loving it but tonight I skipped my run. The last few days at work have been kicking my butt. I worked 12 hours on Friday, like 14 hours yesterday (ended up working at home past midnight) and I worked late today too. I was so busy today I didn't even have a chance to eat lunch. By the time I realized I was hungry the day was just about over. I had no energy to run after that even though I had been looking forward to this run. I will not miss tomorrow's run, i can promise you that. I need it!

    1. Wow! What the heck is going down at your work?? I don't blame you for not running today. Gonna snap you and get the deets...

  13. Yes, this post is so how I felt in my 20s when running was pretty much all I did (I did some cycling but mostly just when I was injured). I had a bad bike accident which led to a series of issues that finally caused me to re-evaluate my plan :) Starting around 30 I added in swimming, cycling along with my running. It not only helped my body but if something kept me from running I could almost always cycle or swim so that helped .... and over the years I have learned to love each one differently. Yes, running is still my BFF most days but nothing like a session in the pool to make me feel totally refreshed and recharged; or a 2 hour bike ride seeing places in my town I could never run to (I have limited views when I only run 3-5 miles each day). In my 40s I added in weights and yoga. And of course, through it all there is walking. I think you know that deep down I feel I won't be able to be a runner forever so this is my way to stay balanced and embrace other things so that I can minimize the "grief process" of letting running go if it comes to that.

    1. I completely understand what you are saying about minimizing the grief process. I look at it the exact same way. Very few of us will be able to run forever. And even if we can, we are gonna get injured, and it is easier to suck it up when injured when you can at least do other exercises.
