
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Freaking sick again.

A couple weeks ago, I was sick for over a week. I had a runny nose and was so lethargic. It sucked big time. Now, I'm sick again. My nose isn't runny but I feel pressure on my sinuses. I have a slight fever and I am sooooo tired and achy. I tried to move a 40lb bag cat litter for Paul (he got a cortisone shot in his shoulder) and I could barely pick it up. 

Don't worry, I'm not running through this shit. I'm not doing anything but laying on the couch and watching TV. My mind is having a hard time focusing, so this is going to be a super short blog post today.

I always get overwhelmed when I'm sick because the work to-do list just gets longer when I miss. Oh well, what can you do, right? I hope if I take it easy I can kick this. I have been getting sick a lot this year. I'm used to feeling invincible and feeling week is not fun.

How's that for a short post!

I hope to have something fun for you for tomorrow's Friday 5 link up! We'll see...


  1. Ugh, I'm sorry you're sick again!! There is something nasty going around our school. We've had dozens of kids out every day and so many teachers our we ran out of subs and I had to step back into the classroom last week to help out! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Oh no! Hope you're feeling better fast. Rest up with that pretty kitty. :)

  3. You take care of yourself. I totally get that overwhelming feeling when you are sick because you know work will pile up. And I also understand when you are frustrated because you keep getting sick. As you know I had shingles and then 3 weeks of a cold that turned into a sinus and ear infection. I was pretty over it and not how I wanted to start my new year. Hang in there, my friend.

    1. Man you really had a whopper. And you didn't even complain! At least to me, anyway. I'm a baby, I complain when I am sick.

  4. Rest up! Don't worry about work piling up, it stinks but there is no use in stressing about it! Just enjoy your murders and take naps with the cats!

  5. Well boo. Hope the crapiness is short lived and you are back at it again. That is no fun at all! I was wondering about all of the kids & germs at school... my kids went to daycare so they were sick a bit when they were really young, but after that they built up a great immunity system and never get sick. Has being around the kids affected you much?

    1. I have never ever gotten a stomach bug in all of my years teaching. Somehow, I am immune to that. I used to get the sore throat/headache combo several times a year but that didn't make me feel tired or achy. This year I have been getting the cold/tired/achy sickness which freaking sucks!

  6. My coworkers are starting to stay home with sick kids, and all I can hope is they don't bring the germs here. I already had my annual cold, and I don't want another one. I hope you feel better!

  7. Ahhhh that succccccckkkkksssssssss.

  8. I hope you are feeling better today!! that cold is evil!! it makes everything hurt!

  9. So sorry you got sick again! Hope you feel better quickly!
