
Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday 5

Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today I'm going to share 5 random things. I've been sick the past several days so I don't have the energy to get into anything too heavy! This will be short and sweet today...

1. Paul did something very sweet for me on Valentine's Day... When I woke up, he had displayed some sweets and a 6-pack of Diet Coke on the counter for me. He taped some paper hearts all around the kitchen. When I hopped in my car to go to work, I saw he had also decorated my car!

2. That wasn't the only sweet thing that happened on V-Day. We ended our night with a pajama clad DQ drive thru for BLIZZARDS! Paul wore his robe. Super romantic.

3. I got TEN NEW PUZZLES!!! These were only $23! A single puzzle can be $10-$15 so getting a pack of ten for $23 is a deal of epic proportions. Local friends: I love to lend my puzzles out and share the puzzle love, so don't ever hesitate to ask to borrow one from me!

4. I've been sick and I've been a bottomless pit. For the past three days, I've had a runny nose, sore throat, headache, slight fever, aches, lethargy, chills... it has not been fun. I spent a lot of time on the couch. I've also spent a lot of time EATING. For some reason, when I am sick, I tend to be a bottomless pit. I think my body is searching for energy... who knows? I haven't been able to run but I am really hoping to be 100% for this weekend. The weather is going to be beautiful and I want to trail run.

5. Paul and I are obsessed with the phrase, "Cash me ousside howbowdah". I know it's dumb, but it's turning into a "That's what she said," kind of phrase where we try to say it at just the right time to make the other person laugh. Example: I dropped Paul off at an appointment to get a cortisone shot and I waited for him in the car. As he got out of the car, I yelled, "Cash me ousside howbowdah!" and made him laugh.

Tell me something random!

Do you and your partner have a phrase you use to make each other laugh?


  1. Did you hear that phrase somewhere or did you make it up? What does it mean?

    Sorry you've been sick. I do hope you are better for this weekend because it absolutely stinks when we "waste" gorgeous weather! I hope to get a run in this weekend too!

    Love your valentine DQ run in your jammies! WHT do you have planned for tonight?

    1. I think I saw it as a meme in fb. It comes from a 13 yr old girl on the dr. Phil show. Go on YouTube and look it up! It's like 30 seconds. It's dumb though hehe.

  2. I'm sorry you're STILL sick. I am feeling something coming on but I hope it stays in my head until after race day this weekend. Last night I had the aches and chills but it may have just been DOMS and me being cold because it was cold out lol. My head is VERY stuffy though.

    I love that Paul put hearts in your car! That is so cute!

    1. PS, all my students say "cash me ousside...." and I had to have them explain what it means and when to use it. So basically I'm old and uncool lol.

    2. Oh wow so I'm just as cool as your middle schoolers?? Hehehe. Oh girl I hope you don't get sick for your race. I can't imagine going for a run right now.

  3. I feel so proud that I know the "cash me" phrase! Only because Alan shared it with us the other night at dinner. I guess when you are retired you get a lot of time to look at memes and such on the internet! haha Do the kids say "savage" at your school? My son says that all the time and it drives us crazy!
    I think a Blizzard run sounds romantic anytime of the year!!

    1. Look at Alan teaching Yas how to be cool! Our kids do not say savage, I can see how that would be annoying! About two years ago they were saying "sick" which I found weird to hear like 7-8 yr olds say.

  4. Your V-Day sounds great! The little random things are the best. My fiance and I have a few weird things we say, but I think the best one I can come up with is changing the word "pizza" in the old bagel bites jingle to whatever we're currently eating or doing. For example - "turkey in the morning, turkey in the evening" or "when broccoli's on a bagel you can eat broccoli any time!"

    1. Oh that is silly! I love hearing that other couples do weird stuff like Paul and I!

  5. YES!!!! We have SO many phrases. So many. The latest one is the best though. So when we went to the gym together last week, we found a lost gym card with a guy's picture ID on it. His name was Patrick and he looked to be in his late 50's with white hair and glasses. Well Andrew picked it up, looked around and then approached a guy who did NOT look that old and asked him if the card was his. Oops! And ever since then, whenever we pass a man that looks a little tiny bit like Patrick, one of us will say, "Patrick?" while we walk by and we DIE laughing.

    1. That is funny!! It's just the kind of thing that Paul and I do. We often look at each other and ask, are other people as weird as us? I believe the answer is yes!

    2. The answer is definitely "yes" and that's a good thing! How boring would life be otherwise??

  6. When it's time for Blizzards, I'd go. PJs are the best anyway, and drive-thrus mean PJs stay clean.

    1. Oh yeah otherwise right in the laundry they would go!

  7. I love that you went out to DQ in your pajamas. Clay and I go out for ice cream and wear pajamas every year on our anniversary. When we lived in Florence (SC), there was an ice cream shop that gave FREE ice cream if you came in your pajamas on a certain day... and it happened to be our wedding day. So that's one way we celebrate! Since we don't live there anymore, we just go to the local frozen yogurt place down the road.

    Those puzzles look cool. My friend is an artist and some of his art has been made into puzzles and I always think of you when I see those puzzles.

    1. That is an awesome anniversary tradition!!! Question... the new place, do you get out and go into the place in ur pjs or do drive thru?

      My favorite puzzles are the old timey town scenes like Charles wysocki and this here min guy. Jane Wooster Scott is good too. I don't know why I like old times towns but I do. Prob because they are so fun to sort!

  8. Paul is so sweet! Adam is not creative like that. He's super logical and practical. He always says "just tell me what you want so I can get it for you" and I mostly do the same for him. We like this streamlined process... we're so romantic, hah! Sometimes I don't want/need anything so I tell him what I want is a surprise and that drives him crazy! :D

  9. I sure hope you feel better! But I love that you've kept your sense of humor...
