
Saturday, December 10, 2016

MGR's Weekly Workouts

Hello, world!
The workouts happened.
Nothing huge to report, but report I will.

Saturday- Rest! I was going to lift but then felt super lazy and didn't.

Sunday- 8 miles in my hood. I hadn't run since my ITB hurt on Thursday. I was nervous! This run ended up feeling really good, though. I just ran "la la la" but today that turned out to be 7:59 average pace!

Monday- 6.3 miles in my hood. (Garmin problems.) So I was pushing my luck but really wanted to run! My ITB held it's shit together and I was thankful!

Tuesday- Lifting back @ home. It looked coooold outside. While my ITB felt pretty good, I didn't want to overdo it. You can always run more... but you can't go back in time and run less!

When I use my band, I can only muster out 6 pull ups. It's so hard! But I have stuck with 6 for like... probably over a year? Maybe next time I lift back I should force myself to do 7. I would probably have to rest more in between sets, though. I wonder what is better- only doing 6, or resting more and doing 7?

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Row- 5x10x25lb
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Planks- 3x60 sec
Hip/Glute/Core exercises

Wednesday- 6 morning miles. I decided that after 3 days of wearing my pink shirt that I should send it to the wash.

Thursday- 6 more morning miles. It was really freaking cold. Still in shorts!

Friday- 5.7 morning miles. I've been sick all week, but this was the first run I *felt* sick during. It was so cold. The thermometer said 30, so I went out in shorts. After a mile, I felt like I was getting stabbed in the legs from the wind, so I changed into pants and put on a hat. Much better. Turns out the real feel was more like 20! Okay, that explains things! I stopped at 5.7 to make it an even number for the week. Plus I was sooooo tired.
How were your workouts this week?
Any ideas about my pull up question?


  1. My workout week is Mon-Fri but so far they are going well. Lots of PT exercises, cross training, a little running, lots of rest. I managed to run 20 miles last week which is good for me coming off injury. IT bands can be a pesky thing but I'm glad you have lifting and I have yoga so there's something else to do there to keep us both sane!

    So sorry about your sickness AND the cold weather! It's like 34 here this morning and I'm finally going to run in pants. I don't want to and normally wouldn't even at this temp, but I read somewhere that the cold could affect my knee joints near the ITBS? I don't know how true it is but coming off an injury I'm better safe than sorry and wearing tights I guess.

    1. Shoot... I mean Mon-Sun. Not a Mon-Fri workout week. Haha. But Mon-Fri went well at least. Let's hope Sat/Sun do too!

    2. I guess tights will keep the ITB nice and warm! I'm glad you got 20 miles in last week. I know that's not what you'd like to be running but hopefully it is enough to keep you sane.

  2. Great job! I'm still pondering over going to my race today or not. I know it's gonna be a cold one!

    1. It looks BITTER out there! I'm about to go run.... eek.

  3. You had wonderful workouts .... sorry you are feeling sick. Has it gotten better. I was able to get running in Monday/Tuesday in anticipation of our snow. Wednesday I hit the pool (it's always super empty when there is snow out), Thursday we got 6 below so I stayed home and did a spin / rowing interval workout, then I braved a 5 degree run yesterday and a 10 degree run today. Winter is finally upon us!! About the pull-ups: you want to add a rep for each set? Or just add a few extra at the end. If it were me, I would do my normal thing and then just a 1 at the end and build from there.

    1. I have gotten better, though I'm sure it helps that today I didn't have to talk or sing all day! :) There were FLURRIES today and it was sooooo cold. I can't believe you ran in 5 degrees. What kind of pants do you wear for that?

      Well I was thinking of adding 1 for each set- so 7 instead of 6.

    2. Just my regular running tights. I honestly don't even wear anything special for winter running except my neck gaiter which is key) and I wear my mittens and put hand warmers inside them. Other than that, I wear a fleece beanie cap (it was my mom's and I love it), a long sleeve winter top, my pink running shell and my normal tights and normal footwear. I don't get cold...which is weird because I am ALWAYS cold.

    3. That is weird! I always put wind pants on over my tights when it's like below 15 or so.

  4. Im glad you put on pants for that last run! Its been so cold here Ive finally given in and started wearing tights. I had to wear so many layers yesterday and felt like I couldnt move. I think adding a pull-up but resting more would be good! If you do that consistently, eventually you won't have to rest as much! Or could you try doing something like 4 sets of you are actually doing more push-ups but it's to as big of a jump? Or you could always try doing 7 during the firs5 2-3 sets and then sticking with 6 for the last 2 sets. Hope you are feeling better!

    1. Thanks for the tips! You made me realize there are many options I could do for adding an extra pull up. I am feeling A LOT better, thank you!

  5. Haha yes I guess new gloves! I have lots of callouses on my hands and I use gloves. I can't imagine how gross my hands would be if I didn't. Make Kenny show you how to do the band! You are a gym princess. He should hang that shit up for you.
