
Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday 5! (RANDOM!)

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Hey all! I am linking up with Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5 2.0!

Today's theme is "Things I Wouldn't Buy Again", but that theme was actually a challenge for me. So instead, I just have five random things for you this Friday!

I'm gonna be honest, my week hasn't been great...

My week has been quite shitty for stupid reasons as well as serious reasons.

Here's some stuff that isn't serious.

1. This past weekend, I was super surprised to realize that I didn't throw away my thick pink running shirt that really, really smells. I thought I threw it away last winter but I didn't! Woohoo! I get to wear my stinky shirt for at least another season!

2. I have a new obsession... reading blog posts that are Stitch Fix reviews. I don't know why I like it so much! One blog I found that does awesome reviews is called Crazy Together. Any other recs on bloggers that do monthly Stitch Fix reviews?

3. Next week is the Survivor finale!!! Who are yas all rooting for? Personally, this is the order I wish for them to win:


Now do I think that will happen? Of course not! I do *like* every person that is left in the game. This is a very likable cast with good personalities!

4. I have been sick all week. Nothing major to stay home for, just 4 days in a row of constant chills and scratchy/sore throat. And the fatigue. Oh my gosh, the fatigue.

5. This weekend is going to be a lot of fun. On Saturday we are going to Mifflinburg's Christkindl Market with our friends Bob and Rachel. My mom has a booth up there where she sells her beautiful hats and scarves. Need a one of a kind Christmas gift? Check out Hats by Peach on Facebook or Etsy. Sunday will be a chill day at home. I got a couple puzzles from the Dollar Tree so I will be busy doing those while Paul watches football. A busy day plus a lazy day is the perfect weekend!

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Did you ever order Stitch Fix or similar?

What's your favorite piece of stinky running clothing?

Are you watching Survivor? Who are you rooting for?


  1. What is your fascination with stitch fix? I have ordered it and even did a vlog (I think it was my first one and it was awful, you may remember). I also did Golden Tote which is a similar concept. You might enjoy reading posts about that too.
    Have fun at the Market. For some reason that always falls on the coldest weekend of the, for that reason I will probably not go.

    1. I have no clue what my fascination is, especially because I don't think I would ever sign up myself. I actually like to go shopping (if I am in the mood) and try stuff on. I'm really picky about fit and comfort, so it doesn't seem likely that I was actually like something someone else picked out for me or that it would fit right. Also, I think the clothes are pretty expensive- at least the ones I have seen in the reviews I read. $50-$60 for a blouse or sweater? Ummmm I can get one at Marshalls for less than half of that!

      I do remember your Stitch Fix and Golden Tote vlog. I think I will go back and look at them again, now that I am really into it!

      OMG IT IS GOING TO BE SO COLD TOMORROW!!!!! I hope we have fun anyway.

    2. You are right, I thought the Stitch Fix clothing was very expensive for what it was. I honestly don't understand why people subscribe to it. I understand the concept of not wanting to shop in stores but if I were going to spend that much $ on random clothing I would be just shopping at my favorite online retailers.

  2. I like reading stitch fix reviews, I think it is fun to see what people got, see how it looks on them and how they feel about it, and to see what they keep.
    I have a super stinky running shirt and no matter what I do the stink does not come out of the pits... but I really love it so I keep running in it every winter

    1. That's why I like it too! And some people like/look good in stuff that would NEVER look good on me, so it is fun to see that. Plus just general style ideas.

      Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a stinky running shirt! :)

  3. I bet reading blogs about Stitch Fix is a good way to keep up with the latest trends! Or I guess any fashion blog would help with that. Sorry you're not feeling well- hope you feel better for the weekend!

    1. I never thought I'd be someone who liked reading fashion Vlogs but I guess I kind of do now. I am reminded of a show I enjoyed... it's where they gave someone a makeover or a makeunder. Oh gosh I am going to have to go look that up now!

  4. Have you tried washing your stinky shirt with white vinegar? I have a Tommy Copper shirt I love but it gets stinky and the vinegar helps. Otherwise the Athleta "unstinkable" shirts seem to live up to their name.

    1. Thanks for the white vinegar tip! I think my hubby does his workout clothes in a load of white vinegar from time to time. I will ask him how that works.

  5. Replies
    1. Glad I could make you smile this morning. Have a great weekend!

  6. Oh no, that stinks that your cold has hung around all week. I hope a super relaxing day on Sunday helps you recover and feel better! When do you start christmas break from school? I am counting down the days until the 23rd when we start break from work.

    I have a sports bra that i loooooove that is stinky. The smell seems to be sweat activated. Like I don't smell it when I first put it on, but after that first mile it smells to high heaven! I would just buy another one (and many other ones) but it is discontinued for some stupid reason because it's the best sports bra I've ever had!

    1. We go to school on the 23rd so our break starts the 24th. I really wish we had the 23rd off but we have a short break this year. But we do get out in very early June so that is good.

      "sweat activated" YES! That's my stuff. It's pretty okay until you sweat at all, and then it's like all the sweat enzymes that were ever deposited on the shirt are activated.

  7. I haven't been watching Survivor but I went to the tri store last night and talked to Ruth Marie for a little while. She is starting a training program in 2017 called "Running with Ruth Marie". That's Survivor related so I figured I'd tell you.

    I hate when colds and sicknesses hang around like that! Hope you feel better soon this weekend even if your plans include puzzles and football. It's cold here today so those sound like good plans in my book.

    1. Does Ruth Marie still watch Survivor? I remember her... I think she was on Panama?

      It's so cold here too! I actually had to change into pants a mile into my run because I felt like I was getting stabbed in the legs! I guess it made sense because on my drive to work it said the real feel was 21. The thermometer said 30 so I thought that was warm enough for shorts...

  8. I'm thinking of doing Stitch Fix once I get to Boulder. I need more for my wardrobe, and I don't like to shop because I normally don't like what I see. I'm picky on cut, fit, style, and color.

    1. I hope you blog about it if you do it! :) I'd love to read.

  9. I don't fit sizes either. I have a small waist and a big butt. Big lats and small boobs. Smooth legs and hairy arms.

  10. Mannnnnn, I'm not gonna lie: I didn't know "Survivor" was still on! I used to love it, and I actually had a friend who was on it!

    <3 Christkindlmarket!

    1. Oh yes, Survivor is still going strong! Who is your friend that was on it?

  11. I gotta throw out anything that gets stinky--I can't handle that. Normally my stuff really doesn't because it so dry here, plus today it was only 2 degrees out so not a ton of sweating happening on my run! Rick wants Ken to win (I made sure to ask him for you). He said that David and Adam are smarmy. I really hope your cold goes away soon--that stinks. Enjoy your busy Saturday and lazy Sunday!

    1. Ooh I love Rick's hot take on Survivor! I like Ken as well, I just don't know if he was in control of things the way Dave and Adam were. How can he think Adam is swarmy!!!???

    2. I know...when I read this I shouted downstairs right away and of course he wanted to come up and see your list. I am not sure why he thinks they are smarmy. But he said Ken is "solid" and then he is cheering for Brett and Jay. You guys would have a lot to discuss (debate) if we could only have you over to drink, do puzzles and watch football!!

    3. Everyone left is pretty solid. The only reason I am not rooting for Jay is because he didn't really have control of anything except one vote. But he's the underdog so people are rooting for him.

  12. Something with the colour pink, because I have a pink sports bra that absolutely REEKS. It doesn't have cat pee on it, but my old running clothes smell like a combo of cat pee and semen. It's so gross.

  13. I remember that pink shirt! So funny! Sorry you were sick. I am there right now, although hopefully on the upswing. How'd I miss Survivor entirely this season??

    1. Thanks Marcia :) My stinky pink shirt is famous. :) It is actually a good Season of Survivor this time. :)

  14. That is the same thing I had!! I hope you didn't get it from me! I hope you feel better soon!

    Have you tried washing your shirt with Vinegar? It gets rid of smells.

    1. I have not but I know Paul does it. I will try!

  15. I love it when I find a piece of running gear I thought I'd lost! I have a pair of gloves I seem to be constantly losing -- and then finding.

    I've got the same crud. Only thankfully I don't have to work. Instead I'm basically laying on the couch all day binge watching stuff (which is something I only do when I'm sick).

    At least it hit AFTER my vacation!

    1. Well Judy I hope you feel better soon! I think you partied to hard in FL! :)

  16. I haven't order StitchFix before, but I know of several people that do and get tons of cute things.

    Your Sunday sounds awesome... I'm looking forward to a pajama day on Sunday after my long run.

    1. Getting into PJs after a long run is the best. Enjoy!!

  17. OMG girl, do you have the flu? Chills are a sign of a fever! Sleeeeeeep, woman!!

    1. Nah no flu. Just feel cruddy! Plan to sleep this weekend :)

  18. I'm only obsessed with Stitch Fix because I want it.

    1. You should try it out! I'd like to see your non athletic gear style. :)

  19. I'm sorry you're sick :( I've been fighting congestion that I think is coming on from the cold front we got this week.

    I like watching YouTube videos of people unboxing their Boxy Charm and Ipsy packages - they're makeup delivery systems. I never subscribe to the makeup things but I just like watching them!

    1. That is an interesting, quirky tidbit about you! Now, are you into makeup or is it just something you like watching? I bet Kristina would like that!
