
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weekly Workouts!

Overall, running is continuing to feel a lot easier and enjoyable! Wahoo!

Saturday- 10 miler in Millersburg. It was nice to run somewhere beautiful and not do loop dee doops around my neighborhood.

Sunday- Lifted back @ home. I forgot to write down exactly what I did, but it was the normal stuff!

Monday- 5 miler in my hood.

Tuesday- 8 miles. I needed the endorphins!

Wednesday- 5 miles. (Garmin was searching for satellites so I didn't clock the whole thing.)

Thursday- 5 miles. It rained during my whole run! At least it was about 60 degrees and I wasn't cold. (Garmin was searching for satellites so I didn't clock the whole thing.)

Friday- Chest @ home. Hey, I wrote down my workout!

Chest Press- 5x12x25lb
Push Ups- 10x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Stability ball knee tuck- 5x15
Situps on stability ball- 5x15x10lb
Hip/Glute exercises

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Great job w/ the workouts! I managed to get in 3 runs, 2 bikes and a swim. Now I won't be running for at least 2 weeks so I am supposed to sub in walks which is OK and hoping the brace does it's job. Run some miles for me and I will bike and swim some miles for you!!

    1. I hope your brace works too! Like I said, it is so good you have other fitness activities you enjoy besides running. It always sucks not to run, but the bright side is you can still stay healthy and fit!

  2. Great job, Im glad running is still feeling good! Since I was traveling this week I was able to use the hotel gym on Thursday and Friday. But I also really wanted to run along the water in San Diego! So yesterday I warmed up in the gym on a bike when it was dark out and then did 3 miles outside.

    1. That is awesome you got to run on the legit West Coast! We were in SD last year but I actually don't think I ran while I was there! Oh wait, I did, but just through a neighborhood.

  3. Nice week Meg! It's been raining here almost non-stop and I'm sick of it. 20 miles for me in the morning. Here goes nothing...

    1. Go Marcia!! You will crush it. Get some Starbucks after.

    2. Go Marcia!! You will crush it. Get some Starbucks after.

  4. You are getting a lot of runs in lately!! I'm so glad the Hansons funk has left you :)

  5. I haven't felt like lighting lately so I had to just make myself do it.
