
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ready for fall!

I think I'm finally ready for fall! It gradually hit me this week... 

Sunday, I moved all my spring and summer clothes to the basement and brought up my fall fashion. Boots, sweaters, fuzzy leggings, scarves... I was looking forward to wearing it all!

On Wednesday I had to go into Michael's craft store and it looked like fall exploded. I would have rather seen Christmas decorations, but I didn't hate the fall stuff. In fact, it was kind of nice...

Then on Friday night, Paul and I were leaving Giant, and as soon as I stepped outside, I could smell the pumpkins and mums they had on display. Yes, fall was here, and it smelled good!

There are some fun activities coming up this season. We're going to a costume party in a couple weekends and at the end of October we're going to NYC. My brother and SIL are also having a family get together that will be fun, and if I can convince myself, I may do some last minute fall races.

And you want to know the best part about fall????


Do you have anything fun coming up this season?
What is your favorite fall outfit to wear?


  1. I love fall! It really is the best because you can wear the more winter type clothes but it's not winter so you don't have to be covered w/ a jacket, hat and gloves! Plus, I love football and right now it's all college and all pro football. We have a Halloween celebration & "the creepy walk in the woods", a Halloween party and also going to Vegas to watch CSU play UNLV! I wish fall could last forever....then be summer again :)

    1. What is the creepy walk in the woods???? OOH VEGAS!!! How long of a plane ride is that?

    2. Its basically a haunted house outside...just west of Loveland! Vegas is a quick trip for us--like an hour and 1/2. Not a Vegas fan per say but looking forward to time at the pool, the football game and some yummy dinners at yummy restaurants!

  2. My favorite Fall outfit... long sleeves? Does that count? Gotta love SC...

    I too am ready for Fall although I don't do the whole clothes switching out thing. I'll do that for winter to a lesser extent but we're pretty much shorts year round here (at least for running, and i tend to wear my workout clothes all day since I work at home). Christmas is already out here in the stores, at least at Costco!

    1. Haha sure long sleeves counts! So what's the absolute coldest it gets in SC?

    2. Depends on where you are in SC, but Charleston is always fairly warm. If you're downtown or on the coast you get a breeze. Inland where I am and in Summerville, no sea breeze.

      I ran a race a few years ago when it was below freezing the entire 5K race. It was 29 degrees, it did warm up but that was after 9 AM when the race was over. That's the coldest I can remember it getting here.

  3. I was in denial that fall was here but. The weather this weekend just proved it. It's not cold, but just cool and actually feels okay. I bought a pumpkin this weekend and all our mums are in full bloom!
    I don't switch out my closet with fall/summer clothes because they are all in my closet at the same time. Do you pack your other clothes away?

    1. I do put my clothes downstairs in the basement hanging because I have a very small closet. Paul gets the closet in our room and I get the closet in the guest room. :) I bet your mums look beautiful! This sure was a dreary weekend... helps make it feel more fall like!

  4. I love fall, even though not to much changes in the weather here. :( I already broke out my Halloween decorations, and I LOVE thanksgiving. Sadly, the holiday cheer ends with that holiday though and could easily bypass Christmas. lol!

    1. Ah yes, I remember you are not a fan of Christmas! Enjoy Halloween and Thanksgiving!! :)

  5. You are so funny with the Christmas love and I can't believe its already out there - I mean pre-Halloween! I have to say that I'm pretty excited to wear dresses with thick tights and booties :) I'm also pretty pumped that it's okay to wear flannel again!

    1. Oh, I saw Christmas shit in August! I love it! The earlier the better!!!! But I realize not many people feel that way, so for the 95% of people that hate seeing Christmas stuff before Halloween... I am sorry. :) Booties!!! I love booties! I just got a pair today.

  6. I am SO jealous that fall has arrived for you! Today it's sunny with a high of 90...not very fall at all!

    1. You're right, that is not very fall! If it makes you feel better, we are still kind of forcing it up here. :) It was in the mid 60s today! Our real fall weather will come end of Oct and through Nov and even Dec! Jan-Mar is when it's bitter. Freaking global warming.

  7. I just ordered a pair of fall "booties"--I cannot wait to wear them with tights and skirts. But my favorite fall clothes are corduroys. What is it about them?

    1. Ooh post pics of your all booties! I'd love to see them. :) I have not worn corduroys since 8th/9th grade! That was the mid 90s when they were ALL the rage! Though I could see myself getting down with some stretch corduroy leggings these days! I'm not much of a trousers girl but leggings I can do.

  8. I love Halloween so I'm very happy for it to be fall. The weather has been so much better, but I can tell the sun has shifted. The shadows are longer in the afternoons, and I'm not ready for shorter days.

    1. Do you decorate for Halloween? What are you dressing up as this year?

  9. Our neighbors go all out for hallo ween just like yours! Yeah blast some music and clean out your closet!
