
Monday, October 24, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

What a weekend! It is officially fall here in Central PA! I think I'm going to need a day or two to recover from the fun I had! Here's what we were up to...

I was excited to start my day! I went for a 5 miler and then headed to work.

Work wasn't bad, it's just my room as been so hot all week. I have come home every afternoon soaking wet with sweat!

Not happy with my room temp!!!

Oh, there was some drama. After our afternoon fire drill, I was walking my class of second graders back to my room. As I was unlocking my door, a little girl started to scream. There was a wasp on her back! I shooed it off her but that angered it, and it started flying all around the children. The kids were freaking out, I was freaking out, and everyone was screaming as I was trying to kill the wasp by smashing it with my coat. Finally, it landed on the floor and one of the boys stepped on it. We cheered!

That evening, we headed over to Randy and Michael's for their annual Halloween party!

Randy as Barb from Stranger Things and Michael as Bob from Bob's Burgers.

Paul came as a NERD.

Me as Nicole from Big Brother.

Michael's sister came as Iggy Stardust.

Here are the obligatory photos of their baby, Brienne of Tarth. Isn't she beautiful???

When we got home, I took off my itchy sweater and my muscles were popping! This is what 3+ years of regular strength training gets you!

Sorry about the nipples. It was cold!

It looked so cold and windy out! I didn't want to run, but I did. I couldn't find my Garmin so I mapped out an 8 mile route and then just went with the flow...

When I got home from my run, Jelly's blanket (which is normally on the bed) was laying in the middle of the breakfast nook! He's such a little weirder! I wish I could have seen him drag that out in his mouth...

Then I went to Knoebels with my family! Tyler sat in the back because he ran 20 MILES that morning and he wanted to stretch his legs.

Knoebels was so much fun! Here are just a couple pictures... A longer post is forthcoming.

First of all, how much do I look like my older brother when I use the beard Snapchat filter!? Scary!!!

My fam!

Tyler and Debby's Fam!

My nieces are just THE CUTEST! I know, I am biased.

Look at my morning hair!

Paul loves Sundays. This is how he starts every Sunday in honor of football...

Since the weather was nice, I figured I'd better run somewhere other than my neighborhood. I drove to Lower Allen Park and did a 9 miler. It was GORGEOUS and I'm going to do a photo dump post of this run later in the week.

When I got home, I did my Normal Sunday Stuff...

1. Grocery shopping
2. Laying out my clothes for the week
3. Packing my lunches
4. Looking for mysterious pee smells
5. Playing with Snapchat

Sorry, Lisa!!!
What's your Normal Sunday Stuff?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Was the weather good for running?


  1. You did so much this weekend! That weather looks perfect for doing outdoorsy stuff like going to KAnobles and long runs!

    I used to go grocery shopping on Sundays and found it to be a real hassle. I hate giving up good weekend time to make my way through a crowded store... so two weeks ago Adam and I signed up for a grocery delivery service! Now we just pick our groceries off of a website and they get delivered to the house within 2 hours! This service has literally revolutionized my weekends (sad but true)!!! :D

    1. I can totally see how that would revolutionize your weekends!! We try to stock up on A LOT of stuff so that we don't have to make big trips every weekend. If we need perishable items I can even swing by the store on the way home from work during the week.

  2. The weather was great for running on Saturday. I switched up the schedule I had just so I could run Saturday morning. I had to be outside, and didn't know what Sunday's weather was going to be like.

    1. I'm glad you had perfect running weather on Saturday!

  3. You are looking strong!! All that lifting is sure paying off!! NO apologies accepted for nipples, we all have them, they should not come as surprises to anybody!

    You have a beautiful family! and it looks like you had a great time at Knoebels! That looks like it would be a beautiful Christmas card!

    My regular Sunday things are groceries, laundry, setting my clothes for the week and sorting my son's lunches for the week.

    1. Thank you Ana! I love my family and I am so happy we were all one place at one time! Okay, minus Paul! But in his defense, he was with *his* family. Hey we do the same Sunday stuff!

  4. You had an awesome weekend! I love your Nicole costume and the guy who dressed like Bob's Burgers (complete with the arm hair hehe). I love that show. It also feels like Fall here and I am glad.

    The pictures from your run are so beautiful. We don't get leaves changing colors here in the South, so I like seeing pics from my friends who get a legitimate Fall experience.

    You are super strong and buff! You're speedy and muscular :). And I don't know who would notice your nipples when the focus of the pic is clearly on the gun show...

    1. I am glad to share my legitimate fall experience with you. I wish you could smell the fall too. It has a very distinct smell.

      I almost didn't post the pic due to the nipples but I am proud of my guns so I was like oh well!

  5. Look at your ARMS!!! WHOA!!! Looking great, Meg! Such a great pic of you with the beard filter--you totally look like your brother. I love all the family pics. I'm so glad you're all able to hang out and have fun like that.

    1. Thanks!!! I am proud of my arms because it took a looooong time. I don't have natural upper body strength at all, had to work at it. I love my fam! We had so much fun! Glad I could share them with you. :)

  6. It was very cold and windy on Saturday! Sunday was a lot better. I ran in long sleeves but rolled them up right away. Could have done short sleeves. I didn't know you like racing! Yes Paul is a little kid when it comes to football. :)

  7. OOOh can't wait to hear more about knobels!

    Yea the weather has been so nice lately but this weekend finally felt like fall. A guy at the gym said we were suppose to get another heat wave next week ( I didn't see that but who am I to argue with an 80 year

    So do you plan you clothes out for all week? I actually thought about doing that but half way through I get lazy and think I will miraculously acquire new clothe by the end of the week....LOL.
    Also, what do you pack for lunch that you can do it for five days without it spoiling? I'm definitely looking for time savers, what's your secret..haha

    1. Another heat wave!? Yes I do lay out work clothes and workout clothes for all week. I have to check the weather so I have the right stuff! As far as lunches, I get out five Tupperware ad put frozen veggies (normally broccoli) grilled chicken and usually some sort of carb like quinoa cous cous or potatoes. It doesn't go bad in tupperware.

  8. Bahahaha!! I did scroll pretty fast at the end... Actually I did enjoy the similarity with your brother and the beard filter!!
    Here's an interesting thing we did on Sunday - collect milkweed plant pods so they can be replanted by the dept of transportation in our area. Our area needs more milkweed plants so Monarch butterflies will thrive. We're all nerdy about butterflies like that.

    1. Well that is a wonderful thing to do! I don't even know what milkweed plant pods look like.

  9. Meg - you are the 2016 version of the Farrah Fawcett poster, except your arms are much more buff than hers were! She's got you beat on the feathered hair look though. That Sunday run must have been awesome. Looks like you chose some great roads to run on. Enjoy the Fall!

    1. Haha thanks! Yes the run was gorgeous! Gotta get out there again this weekend.
