
Sunday, October 23, 2016

What's your superpower?

Last week Paul and I were watching the second episode of the new season of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X. I'm not sure what location this season was filmed at, but it is BEAUTIFUL. And with each new season of Survivor, it seems like the picture on the television screen gets clearer and clearer. I mean, the nature shots and underwater shots in a way look more clear and vibrant than I think they would look in real life.

I paused the show on a particularly beautiful underwater shot. "Look at that!" I shouted at Paul. "How do they do that!? How does that WORK?????"

It's freaking crazy.

Later on that night I took a picture of Chrissy and in just two quick clicks, sent it to Paul. His phone dinged (he was sitting right next to me on the couch) and VOILA the picture was in his phone.

"HOW DOES THAT WORK???" I asked Paul. "Like, just two clicks and BOOM I take a picture and send it to you.

How did humans figure this shit out? Stuff like this makes me feel really dumb. I'm glad the human race didn't have someone like me to rely on to figure out how to create all that technological shit!

Even though I know I could have never figured out how to create all that technological junk (thank goodness we had Al Gore to create the internet), I figured there must be something I am really good at or an area I am really intelligent in. Because there's all kinds of ways to be smart. There's book smart, street smart, emotional intelligence, spacial intelligence... the list goes on. There's all kinds of superpowers!

In just a few seconds, I figured out what my superpower is. I can manage and teach a classroom of 23 five year olds. It's not an easy task and it's not something I was instantly good at. I'm also not perfect at it! This is my 12th year of teaching and I swear I learn new things about teaching and learning every day. When I look back on my first couple years of teaching, I realize I knew nothing! I don't know everything yet, and probably never will! But at this point I can handle a bunch of five year olds without anything too horrible happening! And they may even learn something.

I'm definitely not book smart and I'm not sure I'm street smart either... I feel like I am self aware but I'm not sure what line of intelligence that falls into???

What's your SUPERPOWER?
What's one thing you just don't "get"???
Are you more: book smart, street smart, emotionally smart... etc???


  1. Phones in general bewilder me. I remember being a kid and the phone was corded and my family got an answering machine and that was a BIG DEAL. Most people didn't have that. Not to mention 3-way calling to talk about someone when they were on the other side of the line muted to see if that other person "liked them" ;). 20 years ago as a kiddo, I would have never imagined that we would watch videos on a PHONE, or carry a PHONE when running, or take pictures on a PHONE rather than a disposable camera. Or that kids would have their own and not a family/landline phone. Who knows what the future will bring and what people will come up with?

    Teaching kids definitely is a super power... you got that one!

    1. It is crazy what phones have become! They are basically not even phones anymore, but mini computers! Our phones take better pictures than our digital cameras, it's crazy. I don't even like to talk on the phone buuuuut... I love my phone for all the other things it does!

  2. I have a very "techy" family. My husband is in the tech industry and has been a software and hardware architect/engineer. He is always developing new things for fun, and work. My kids are starting to follow in his footsteps. My son bought a Rubik's cube last week, took an hour to figure out how to solve it, then built a robot which scans the cube and solves it. I was super impressed, and he says, "Mom, it is just algorithms!" Whatever! Then there is me...I guess my superpower is being a mom--most of the time my husband is traveling, and I man the fort by myself.
    ummm...I think you should add music to your superpowers...

    1. I don't even know what algorithms are!! Thank goodness we all have different gifts so we can all make our contributions to the world! Yes, being a Mom and holding down your household all on your own is definitely a SUPER DUPER power!

  3. OMG this is SO true! Still as I am in my 30's I often wonder in amazement of how the telephone works (and I don't even me cell phones, just the old fashion phones with cords). Television and the Internet also amazes me. How on earth can we have access to ALL that info everywhere????
    I have no super power unless you consider being a great lab momma super!

    1. Of course I think your deep love for your lab as a superpower! :) What about teaching? You could add that to your superpower! :)

  4. You are very smart and compassionate, so of course that makes you completely perfect to be a teacher ! I admire teachers and their patience and caring nature. Once a kid in my office touched my arm, and I wanted to burn my arm off. That right there should tell you why I would suck as a teacher.

    I sometimes get mad that I didn't keep up with Physics and Chemistry, I had top grades in middle school and my plan, before we moved to USA, was to study chemistry and to work in a lab.

    I don't think I have a superpower ... Does eating large amount of tacos count? I can be super taco woman!!

    1. I am compassionate but not patient AT ALL. I try every day to be patient.

      Why did you decide not to keep up with physics and chem? I never even took those classes....

    2. After we moved here, my priority was learning English, that put math, chemistry and physics in the bottom of my list. I almost failed chemistry in high school, I only passed because I knew how to write out formulas.

  5. I think you're also detective smart ... being able to review a case and figure out what happened!

    I totally get your awe over how technology works. When I bought my new camera a few months ago I asked my coworker how it's possible that my camera is wifi-enabled and yet I don't pay for any Internet plans for it. Apparently wifi is not actually synonymous with Internet, it's just a type of signal through which you can pass data. You probably already knew that though because it turns out I am one of very few people who didn't know that!

    I'm also not measurement smart either. I thought it was going to take 30 gallons of paint to paint the interior of my house... but apparently it's more like 5-6 gallons. I'm glad I didn't just walk in and ask for 30 since you can't return a custom mix!

    1. Ehhhh I don't think so with the detective stuff but thank you if you think that!!

      No I did not know what wifi was and what does a signal look like? What is the data? I don't understand ANY of that!!!

      LOL I am so glad you did not buy all that paint!!!!

    2. I'm glad I'm not the only one!! You are the first person I have asked who also doesn't get wifi. I bet others don't really get it either but they just won't admit it! haha

      I'm glad I didn't buy 30 either ... what would I do with all of that? Maybe I could sell it on ebay!

  6. I KNOW you are street smart! I could just tell from talking to you on our hike. I also think you are a good listener and VERY funny. The way you write things makes all your readers really relate to you!

  7. Hmmm. I don't think I have a superpower! I just have a lot of experience.

    1. Oh come on! Mother, healer, motivator, tell it like it is... ;)

  8. That is a super power I just don't have. You are a hero! I have a super power of wasting time. No one can waste time like me. Lol

    1. Lol!!! I love wasting time. Now do you lose track of time ? Because that is totally my husband superpower!

  9. YAY Survivor!!! What do you think so far? Did you watch the episode last night? Justin and I are once again in a character pool. I have Adam and Justin has Jay. I think Adam is adorable. And I agree --> they are in such a beautiful place. The images the the air are amazing.

    1. I am not super into it so far but I have been enjoying it. I went to a Survivor event in NYC on Wed and I met Zeke and Adam from this season as well as Michele, Aubrey, and Liz from last season! OH and Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishback!!! :) Update coming soon.
