
Monday, October 10, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

Happy Monday, friends!
I hope you had a good weekend.
Here's what we were up to...

My morning started with an awesome 5 miler! 

Then I got myself all gussied up because it was ORCHESTRA DAY! I took the 3rd and 4th graders on a field trip to see the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. They played two movements from Beethoven's 7th and also two a piece by Hindemith.

I normally wear flats to work but on symphony day I break out my Vera Wang for Kohl's black strappy platform heels. They were a huge hit with the little girls. "Your shoes match your legs," a fourth grader observed. They do indeed.

When we got back to school, I changed into my Dr. Scholls flats. They need polished!

The only bad part about field trips is the bus ride. Oh my gosh I can't even take a bus ride with 60 kids...

Paul sent me a picture of him listening to metal and cleaning. YES! I love coming home to a clean house!

As I left work that afternoon, I snapped this picture and sent it to Susan. I had to prove that Pennsylvania can be beautiful too!

That evening, we got sushi at Tokyo diner! We love that place. The sushi is very good and not overpriced. Plus it's like two minutes from our house!

We shared all that, I swear! 

 Paul took my picture and it came out so bad. I decided to post it anyway!

On the way home, we stopped by one of my favorite stores- DG!!! I needed tampons.


We decided to do Halloween this year...

Of course there were Christmas decorations out. I actually don't need any decorations. I have way too many. But I did allow myself to buy this Christmas dish drying mat. I am very excited about! That's how much I love Christmas!

Here's a view from our backyard later that night... sharing just because it's pretty!

It was so rainy and dreary out. We were going to go to Pinchot Park for a disc golf/running date but the weather made us want to stay inside. I did get out for a rainy 8 miler.

I also spent a lot of time listening to Real Crime Profile Podcast while working on a puzzle.

Chrissy gets frisky around puzzles...

Paul finally finished setting up my new laptop for me. It's fast as shit! 

I went for a zoomy 8 miler!

When I was done running, I decided to trim some bushes on the side of our property. Unfortunately, after I had most of the debris in a trash can I realized my wedding ring was nowhere to be found! It slid off my finger while I was working in the yard! I was so pissed. I sorted through every piece of yard waste but could not find it. Luckily, a friend of mine is letting me borrow her metal detector and hopefully I will find it with the help of that. I always lose my wedding ring...

 My ring is somewhere in there...

 While Paul watched football, I did some cooking and baking...

...and packed my lunches for the week!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Have you ever lost your wedding ring?


  1. Ugh, I really hope you can find your ring! I haven't lost mine but Rick lost his one time when he was unmasking a house. It got all caught up in paper/tape and went into the dumpster. He didn't realize it til he was home and went back the next day and by some miracle he found it! I know you will find yours, too. Saturday Rick took me to see The Girl on the Train. Sunday I met a friend for wings and beers and football game watching. Happy Monday!

    1. You had a great weekend! I am so glad Rick found his ring- that sounds like an impossible find! With the help of a metal detector I feel like I will find it pretty quickly... at least, I hope so!

  2. Oh shit. I hope you find your ring. I don't wear mine for any kind of work or even running. I lost my mom's when I was 16 and I "borrowed" it to wear to an REO Speedwagon concert. Yeah that ended very badly.

    1. Omg... was she pissed? I guess that is a stupid question! It was dumb of me to wear my ring for yard work, no doubt about it! Truth is I never really take it off but when my hands get cold my fingers shrink!

  3. Oh I remember that bus ride for field trips. It wasn't so bad in elementary school, but my tolerance for noise got worse as I got into high school. Now I want quiet, so thankfully I don't have to go on buses anymore.

    1. Same with me! I am sure I didn't mind noise as a kid but now I just like silence. That's why I'm a music teacher. Just kidding. :)

  4. I hope you can find your ring! That's why I almost never wear my rings... I only wear them when I go out and even then, I don't wear them to things like the gym or runs. My husband knows I'm loyal and I can tell off any man who hits on me... :).

    You looked really nice for the field trip! And i love your dollar store dish drying mat- that's a neat and cheap way to make the house more festive for the holidays. I don't think we will do halloween this year.

    1. I wear mine all the time but I should have taken it off for the yard work. I even thought about it as I was throwing the branches into the trash can. My fault totally!

      Thank you! I try to dress up "extra" because I make the kids dress up. So even though I have to dress up for work, I step it up a notch.

  5. Omg I can't believe you lost your wedding ring! I flushed mine down the toilet once. It's a long story.

    I thought we were on the same period schedule, until this month I got mine on day 19 so I'm on day 4 of it right now. Did you get yours early too? Wouldn't that be weird?

    1. Haha this is going to sound bad but I don't really keep track of my period!

  6. Oh man, I hope you find your ring soon!! As soon as I get home from work/being out I put my rings on a holder. I don't wear them around the house at all. In fact, my husband and I end up going a lot of places without wearing rings. I think it all goes back to when my kids were babies. I didn't want to scratch them with my jewelry.

    1. I think Paul takes his off a lot too and doesn't wear it when we go out. Mine is just a small plain band so it doesn't really get in the way of anything! I am sure if I had a rock of any kind I would take it off a lot!

  7. LOL yes foreplay indeed!!!! ;)

    I can totally picture Otto holding your laundry hostage!

  8. I hope you find your ring! I havent lost mine but when I first got it it was too big and would always slide off so I got it resized. Looks like you had a productive weekend! I wouldnt want to be on a school bus with 60 kids either.

  9. MEGAN. Chrissy has such an adorable little face, I can't even! I wish I could babysit for you when you go on vacation! You're right, I do live in the wrong state!

    That pic of you at dinner doesn't look bad at all - your eyes are closed but you still look beautiful!

    1. THANK YOU I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! :) I love hearing validation about how beautiful my cat is. :)

  10. OMG that sushi!!! YUUMMMMM!!! Okay, next time we get together, let's get sushi!! It's my favorite and I know some goooooood places we can indulge at!!

    I love those shoes (and your outfits)! You look so put together!!

    1. Yes! Sushi date it is!

      Thank you! Possibly you think I look put together because whenever we snap chat I am in my jammies w/ no make up hehehe!

  11. OK, you need to do something about this wedding ring business. I believe this is what, the 2nd time this year you lost it? Perhaps it needs re-sized? (OK, enough of the motherly

    I'm jealous of your meal prep. So are the meals you make on Sunday still fresh by Friday? I worry about that.
    Also, I just bought a Christmas decoration at DG last week too!

    1. I knooooooow, Mom!!!! Yes, this is the second time I lost *this* ring (I found it) but it is my second wedding ring. The first one is in the salad bar at Giant somewhere lol. I do need it resized I guess. When my fingers get cold, it slides off, but when I am not cold, it is fine. :)

      The meals are fresh come Friday. Meal prep takes like 5 minutes.

      1. Get out 5 tupperware containers. (Make sure squirt bottle is nearby for when CHrissy tries to jump up on the counter.)

      2. Dump frozen broccoli into containers.

      3. Put a piece of chicken in each container. (Paul makes the chicken ahead of time and has it in a huge tupperware.)

      4. Put potatoes in some or all containers. (I made the potatoes.)

      5. DONE!!!!

  12. Did you find your ring?

    The symphony sounds like a great event! I want to take my son to see it sometime!

    I meant to send you a message! Roger LOVED the political signs fartlek! He says that just when he was getting comfy, a sign would pop up and he would have to sprint, it kept him in his toes! and right behind my toes! I finally lost him at mile 4, when I found a row of the Sexual predator signs.

    1. Not yet... hopefully tonight! I'm so glad Roger liked political fartleks!!! :)

  13. Omg, I would absolutely DIE if I lost my ring. I need to get insured. Thanks for the reminder!! (Gosh, I hope you find it!!) <3

    1. Mine was only $70 so I won't be insuring it hehe!
