
Sunday, October 9, 2016

A dreary run but a good run.

On Saturday morning, Paul and I had plans to have a disc golf/running date at Pinchot Park. I really wanted to run the Lakeside Trail loop- about 8-9 miles depending on how many wrong turns you take.

Unfortunately, it was dreary and rainy all morning. It was the kind of weather that made us just want to curl up and stay inside.

Finally around 1:00, I hit the streets. I wanted to do at least 8 miles, but as soon as I started running, my joints felt creaky and my legs felt heavy. Hmmm this may turn into a quick five miler.

Luckily, my body quickly warmed up I was feeling good after about a mile. They say that happens, right? It eventually started pouring but it was warm and humid, so the rain didn't feel bad.

I ran all kinds of weird loop dee doops around my neighborhood. The amount of Trump signs in my hood has doubled over the past couple days. Freaking crazy. It felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. After Friday's release of the tape depicting Trump as a sexual predator, I thought maybe some of those signs would disappear. 

I didn't check my pace until the very last mile. When I saw I was at 8 minute miles exactly, I sped up a little bit to get in under 8. I do that sometimes!

I was starving by the time I was done running. After I stretched, I had a bowl of generic Life cereal and two pieces of provolone cheese. Cheese is a good post run snack, right!?

It was a rainy, dreary run... but it felt good!

Good luck to everyone running the Chicago Marathon today!


  1. Yes, I thought after all that went down w/ Trump recently people would tone it down but on FB yesterday someone posted this picture that said "if American women are so outraged by Trump's use of naughty words, then who in the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Grey". I can't even...this angered me so much I had to reply to the post and I normally just stay quiet when I read stuff that I don't agree with. Can you even believe it?!? This is one of the most offensive things I have ever seen and it was posted by a women! I feel like I could barf...

    1. Ew!!!! See that woman is comparing sexual assault to reading about consensual sex! It's not the words he said it's the actions he described. Oh i know I am preaching to the choir....

    2. Ugh...just pissed me off!!! OMG, I need to calm down.

    3. WHAATTT! I can't believe anyone would make this comparison. Awful!

  2. Hasn't the weather just been crazy lately? I was down your way last night shopping and I was walking around Susquehanna Commons at 8 pm in a tank top and it was so humid.

    Great job on getting that run in. I feel like that sometimes when I think i should just turn around early but then somethings clicks and it ends up being a worth while run.

    1. Did you get anything good? The there are some nice shops there! Yes I am glad I kept going! I think when I wait too long to run it think I don't feel that great at first.

    2. My shopping was a bust! The only thing I bought was a peach green tea at
      I did some shopping earlier at another place and got a dress and a pair of shoes but still didn't get anything else on my list.

    3. Lol well that stinks! I have had many shopping trips like that though. I am very picky when it comes to clothes. It's partly because I always look for cheap things but then sometimes cheapo things don't look right. I just love a deal though!

  3. I am always surprised and impressed when you say you go for a long run around your neighborhood. I find running local streets so boring, I can only make it about 2 miles before I start heading towards some sort of destination (the park, the beach, etc)! I don't like looking at houses, haha!

    1. I understand that! Most of the time I like the comfort of my running route. I am a huge creature of habit in most areas of my life. I used to be more exciting...

  4. When I read that you can run at 1pm I am so jealous...I do tend to WANT to run in the early afternoon or evening but it's still so muggy and hot. Like, 95 degrees yesterday. I just can't :( I'm glad the run turned out good! It really does take some time for my joints and legs to wake up these days!

    With the added proof that Trump has sexually assaulted women, I now find I can't look at his supporters in the same light. They're not "people who are desperate or angry or scared or don't know better." They're excusing his behavior. To me, that makes me wonder if they'd act the same and feel like it was okay because HE did it. It makes me feel like they're physically dangerous. It freaks me out!!

    1. This campaign has really enlightened me to who some people really are...

  5. Glad you got a longer run done. Sometimes the rainy dreary weather brings good runs...

    Gearing up for the debate as we speak!

  6. We drove by a Trump billboard on I-95 yesterday on our way home from our Evacuation Vacation and I told my husband that I wished Hurricane Matthew had taken that billboard out. I will say for a red state we do not have very many Trump signs here but that one stuck out. I have mostly seen Gary Johnson signs...

    1. There is a Johnson sign on my running route. That is the only one I saw but I do know Johnson supporters. A donut place put up a Trump billboard on a major highway here!!! I'm with you Matthew should have taken it dowwwwwwn!!!

    2. There is a Johnson sign on my running route. That is the only one I saw but I do know Johnson supporters. A donut place put up a Trump billboard on a major highway here!!! I'm with you Matthew should have taken it dowwwwwwn!!!

    3. There is a Johnson sign on my running route. That is the only one I saw but I do know Johnson supporters. A donut place put up a Trump billboard on a major highway here!!! I'm with you Matthew should have taken it dowwwwwwn!!!

  7. Cheese is such a good snack. I used to be afraid of it but then I learned that is a great protein!

  8. I say Robert De Niro for President. Actually, anything, anyone. My cat would be good. Even the fart I just trailed through the kitchen would do a better job of running a country.
