
Monday, October 3, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

What a weekend! It was dreary the whole time, but we still had lots of fun!

When my alarm went off, I was so excited... not because I had to get up, but because it was FRIDAY!

I lifted chest at home. I wanted to run, but I was due to lift some weights!

Work was not bad at all. I actually got an exciting surprise at lunch because my friend Barb popped in to visit! She retired after last year and this was the first time I saw her since then.

After work, Paul and I went to Giant to get him lots of heathy food for his diet. We spent a lot of money... but did get some healthy, yummy stuff.

I went to bed around 9pm because I thought I might run a 5k in the morning. Then around 10:30 I changed my mind and turned my alarm off...

... but I woke up naturally at 6:24 and decided "What the hell!?"

I'll have a race recap on Tuesday, but the short story is I ran the Run 4 Sun 5k in 20:56. I was first female! It wasn't a PR but I am happy with my run. It was hard the whole time and I don't think I could have run it faster!

That afternoon we went to my niece's birthday party! Here is a photo/video dump of the fun we had!

Ellie is four!

Oh Clementine, you are so cute!

She got a big girl bike!

Clark is an angel.

Look what my mom got me at the Bloomsburg Fair!

Of course I had some fun with Snapchat! Clementine loves it!

My dad tried out snap chat!!!!

I just did not feel like working out today. Okay, correction, I wanted to run, but I knew I should rest up from the 5k and I was due to lift. I just didn't feel like lifting...

BUT I DID IT! I went to the gym and lifted my butt off! I was glad I did it, and it didn't suck too bad.

As I was leaving the gym, Susan sent me this picture with the caption, "Good morning from Colorado!"

So as I stood outside the gym, I had to send her this picture with the caption "Good morning from PA!"


Then I went to Target to spend my gift card! I got these cute boots...

... And then I went on a shopping RAMPAGE!!!! More on that later in the week, but my biggest score was this Calvin Klein down jacket that was originally $275 that i got at TJ Maxx for $79.99!!!!

I texted this picture to a couple friends to get their opinion on whether I should get the coat. 

Kristina said, "I'm not sure you like the jacket very much! You don't look happy in the photo!" 

"I am concentrating and that is my resting bitch face," I replied.

Ali was much more logical. "Do you have something like it? Do you need it? How long will it last? How often will you wear it?"

Paul is the best husband. "Honey, I'm home! Honey, I spent some money!"

He was riding high because the Bills (His favorite team!) beat the Patriots (His second least favorite team. He hates the Cowboys more.)

Who is your least favorite football team? (I have no opinion!)
Do you have resting bitch face?
Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. I am so proud of you on your race! You are amazing, my friend. Your nieces and nephew are beautiful and how awesome to be so close and see them grow up. Yay, my photo made the blog and your reply which made me LOL. So, was I the only one who said to "totally go for it" on the jacket?!? Kristina and Ali live in Florida so can't completely appreciate the necessity of a coat that literally covers everything but your eyes. I think most times I am smiling because most times I am thinking of something completely random and funny. My least favorite NFL team is the Chiefs. I am a Bronco fan and they are a serious rival and plus, a lot of Rick's family likes them and it annoys me....

    1. Thank you Susan! I am so happy I have nieces and nephews! I am glad I made you laugh. I could have waited until I was near more beautiful scenery, but my guy was telling me you needed to see the parking lot at my gym. :) Yes you and Paul both said instantly GET THE JACKET. Florida friends hemmed and hawed. Hmmm wonder why?? Haha jk Ali and Kristina. I will relay all football answers to Paul. He will be excited to hear what teams people don't like. :) HAPPY MONDAY!

    2. When we live in cold/snowy states, any jacket that is relatively cute and functional is a non negotiable purchase! I could talk football with Paul all day long :) Does he still like the Bronco's or was it more of a Peyton Manning crush? And now that we have Trevor and Paxton he's just not that into us. BTW, you can tell Paul I now cheer for the Bills because I know he is a fan! Plus, come on, living in Buffalo?!? Really can't think of anything worse so they deserve to have a winning football team, am I right?!?

    3. HAHAHA exactly to your point about living in Buffalo! We went to a game once (we were dating, would never do that now! I'd send him with his boys!). I think he still likes the Broncos! Touring their stadium was the coolest thing ever! I will read him your comment. Or hell I should just tell him to come on here and read the comments for himself! He says he doesn't read my blog because he "lives it".

    4. LOL--"wouldn't do that now...". Truth! So funny.

    5. He doesn't read your blog bc he lives it!

      Adam used to say that too so now when he asks how my run went I say, "the post will be up tomorrow at 4:30am!"

    6. Hahaha! I love that answer, Kristina!

    7. This is a good point...why did you reach out to us Florida people for coat advice?! lol

  2. Congrats on your race! Thats awesome that it went so well and you just woke up and decided to run at the last minute! I

    1. I get so nervous for racing so deciding last minute cut down the amount of time I felt like shitting my pants. :)

  3. OMG the Patriots lost? Wow! The Bears are so sucky I can't even watch. I blame Jay Cutler. Ugh. Great shopping haul and woot for the 5k WIN! Can't wait to hear more!

    1. Thanks Marcia! Yes I don't know much about football but I do know enough that it is not only weird the Patriots lost but that they lost to the Bills! Sorry about your Bears. :(

    2. Marcia, we had Jay Cutler for awhile...I feel your pain.

  4. Ha, love that Paul likes the Bills. That's my family's team as well!

    I'll be making my fall shopping trip this weekend. I hope I can find some deals too!

    1. Oh cool! Not many people around here like the Bills! Have fun on your fall shopping trip. If you need a coat they have a TON at TJ Maxx!!!

  5. Hahaha Ali comes through with the important questions! The only question I tend to ask myself when shopping is, "will i regret not buying this when I get home and have to drive back out to buy it?" :)

    I thought of Paul during the Bills game. As a Dolphins fan I can only imagine what it felt like to shut out the Pats in their own stadium! Even without TB it had to be a great feeling since Bellichick seems to always pull rabbits out of his hoodie to make magic happen!

    1. Kristina that is hilarious! I am SO glad I got it, especially after I got home and realized it was a DOWN jacket AND it was originally $275!!! SCORE!! Okay, as a non football fan I do not understand your second paragraph BUT I will read it word for word to Paul!

    2. I remember hearing once that if you leave the store and still want the item a week later, it's worth the price. So sometimes if it's REALLY pricey I will make myself wait a week. But now that I can order things online...I'm not that good at holding out!

    3. That is a very good strategy! I was just worried it wouldn't be there if I didn't get it right then...

  6. I went to Sephora to get some more foundation, then gave Allie the tissue paper to play with. I think tissue paper is her second favorite toy behind crinkle balls. I don't watch football anymore, but I was raised on the 49ers so I hate the Cowboys, and I live in Cowboys nation, but not for much longer.

    1. Aw lucky Allie got some fancy tissue paper! Uh oh that must not be fun living in Cowboy nation if you don't like them!

  7. Congrats on that 5k! Woo hoo!

    I splurged on some boots this weekend too. Cocoa chewed a big chunk out of a pair that I already had and I used it as an excuse to get new ones. Plus my FIL gave me some $$ for my birthday...

    1. Awesome! Can't wait to see them. You know, since you post so many fashion pics on your blog. ;)

  8. I got a coat like that too this week except I bought it off a lady on Craigslist! YEAHHHH. It's North Face and SO WARM. I get so freaking cold and I have so many coats and jackets that I couldn't justify going out and spending another $400 on a coat. We're practically twins, because they look identical. What a score for you! NICE JOB.

    1. Oh awesome you got a warm jacket! Did you need one or was it just a really good deal?

  9. Thank you Karen! I am addicted to snappier too. As if I need another thiNg to waste my time on!

  10. Congrats on your race and I can't wait to read the recap of it! Looks like you had a great weekend and some nice shopping finds. I know I could never find that coat at our TJ Maxx because there's no reason to own something like that in Charleston, haha. But it is a great score!

    1. You're right, no need for such a warm coat where you are! As much as I WISH we had warm weather all year, it is nice to have seasons. And the changing clothes styles is fun too. :) Recap tomorrow!

  11. I'm not sure that's your bitch face, I just think you haven't quite figured out where to look at the phone's camera yet!! :) You'll get the hang of it.
    Congrats on the race! Super awesome when there is some $$ involved! I did all the things this weekend. Post going up tonight!

    1. Yes, good point! It was a combo of RBF and trying to work my camera! Yes it was fun to win a prize! Can't wait to see what you and your family were up to this weekend. :)

  12. Happy Birthday Ellie! That looks like a super fun party!!

    Congratulations on your 5k Win!! I have the feeling that if you did more local 5Ks you will win them all!

    I really admire you dedication to go to bed early and get up early for a race at the last minute. If I'm not registered for the race, I have a really hard time getting up. But I am considering a race this Saturday.

    My resting bitch face is also my "I'm at work and you can't force me to smile" face.

    Football makes me sleepy, all football. I don't discriminate on which team. the crowds, the whistles, the description of the plays, if I need to go down for a nap quick, I put on football. just thinking about it is making me sleepy.

    1. Thank you Ana! I really hate racing but I wish it didn't make me so nervous. I can totally picture your RBR face. :) I bet people do not MESS with you at work. :) Does Roger watch fball?
