
Saturday, October 8, 2016

I'm so embarrassed! (And my workouts...)

Early this morning at 12:57am (I was up late watching Trump implode on CNN) I was replying to a comment on my Friday 5 post yesterday and I realized #2 was missing- there was only a picture!

I definitely didn't notice it, and you guys didn't notice either or you were too nice to tell me I was missing #2 all together and there was just a random picture of a jar!

What I meant to say about that jar was that one of the aides in my school made pumpkin butter and she brought some in for me. It was so good- like apple butter only with pumpkin.

So there ya go, that was my #2 for my Friday 5 yesterday! Onto the workouts!

Saturday- Run 4 the Sun 5k. It was only my second 5k ever and I was proud of my race performance. With warm up and cool down I did 6 miles total that day.

Sunday- Lifting back @ Planet Fitness. I felt like running but I knew I should rest my legs. I did not feel like going to the gym to lift and almost skipped working out all together. But I went and I got it done! (The trick was I made myself put my workout clothes on before I ate breakfast. I figured if I already had my clothes on I wouldn't change my mind.)

Band Asst. Pull Ups (Wide grip)- 5x5
Band Asst. Pull Ups (Neutral grip)- 5x5
Lat Pull Down- 5x10x70lb
Inverted Row- 5x10
Bicep Curl- 5x10x15lb
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Stability ball pull ins- 5x15
Capt. Chair- 5x20

Monday- Easy 5 miler. Nothing notable to report here!

Tuesday- Easy 5 miler. Nothing notable to report here! (Same as Monday!)

Wednesday- Lifting chest @ home.

Chest press- 5x12x25lb
Shoulder press- 5x10x20lb
Push ups- 10x10
Tricep dips- 5x15
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Stab. ball sit ups- 5x15x10lb
Stab. ball knee tuck- 5x15
Hip/glute exercises

Thursday- 5 miles! This run felt GREAT! I wanted to keep going but didn't have time. I averaged just under 8 minute miles the whole time and the pace felt effortless... probably because of my day off from running the day before. Unfortunately, it is getting chilly in the mornings and I had to wear a shirt. It was bullshit.

Friday- 5 more miles! Again, I felt awesome! Just under 8 minute miles. 

How were your workouts this week?


  1. I saw the jar yesterday but didn't know there was suppose to be a caption with it! Actually I thought the top of the jar said Peanutbutter 10K...In my defense I was reading it on the small screen on my phone!

    1. No defense needed! I freaking proofread my posts several times and I didn't notice! I think I accidentally deleted the paragraph.

  2. I didn't realize the PB was missing. I figured it was just a pic of a snack you had and decided to include, like how we sometimes add pictures of our cats for no reason (except that they are beautiful)!

    When you post your lifts and say 5 x ___ does that mean you did 5 sets at that exact weight, or do you include your warmup set in there too? When I post 5 sets I'm including my warmup set and I sometimes wonder if that's misleading or if everyone else does it too because it's just an easier way to post what we did?

    1. When I say 5x that does mean 5 sets and it is all the same weight. I do not include any of my warm up stuff. I should do a post on how I warm up before lifting!! Basically I do a rotator cuff abduction type thing, bicep curls into a shoulder press, then if I am doing chest I do chest press at 15lb and if I am doing back I do chair asst. Pull ups if I am at home or if I'm at the gym I do some light light pull downs or cable rows.

    2. Oh that's so interesting. I always do bicep curls as basically the last thing I do. I do a warm up set on almost every lift and then do 4 X whatever I want to lift that day, so when I say 5 X ___ it's really warmup + 4 x ___. Sometimes I say warmup in there but sometimes I don't because it looks messier in the post!

  3. How funny that no one commented on the jar...sometimes I wonder if people actually read my posts or just skim them...

    1. Hey we are all guilty of that from time to time. On the other hand I don't think I would tell someone they made a mistake b on their blog unless I was really close to them.

  4. I actually did see the number missing but there was another time I corrected you on your numbers and so I kept my mouth shut...I mean, I don't want to be labeled the "numbers police" on your blog. No one needs that shit, am I right?! Nice job on the all the running! Way to get it done. I am over here just walking, swimming and cycling counting the days til I get this brace off and I can get back to doing what I love!!

    1. Lol!!!! 1. I don't remember you coreacting my numbers before and 3. I hope you know we are close enough that you can be numbers police!! You will be back to doing what you love soon I know it. It sucks in the meantime....

    2. Lol!!!! 1. I don't remember you coreacting my numbers before and 3. I hope you know we are close enough that you can be numbers police!! You will be back to doing what you love soon I know it. It sucks in the meantime....

    3. LOL--OK, good to know I can indulge when I am being super OCD :) I am so glad you can appreciate that!
