
Friday, October 7, 2016

Friday 5!

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I hope your day is magical!

1. It's Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Day! Today is our annual field trip to see the HSO perform their Young Person's Concert at The Forum in Harrisburg. Just me, 13 other teachers, and 230 third and fourth grade students. I am so happy the HSO performs this free concert for school children. It should be a fantastic morning at the orchestra!

2. Pumpkin Butter! One of the aides at my school makes pumpkin butter and she brought it in for me. It is so good! It tastes like apple butter but of course with pumpkin.

3. Our arborvitae went rogue! A couple nights ago we opened our bedroom window for the first time since spring and a grape vine was growing through our screen! Last night I went out to rip the vine down and noticed our arborvitae had grown so far over the fence that it was blocking part of our neighbor's gate! I felt so bad. 

My neighbor was in his yard mowing his lawn and came over to me. He offered to trim it for us so that it wasn't blocking and also so it would start growing correctly. I said that would be awesome and offered to pay him, but he wouldn't hear anything of it. He said "I'm happy to do it for another Clinton/Kaine supporter." HAHA!

4. Paul makes everything special. Paul is a really sweet guy. On Thursday afternoon, he fixed my sangria for me. When he served it, I noticed he had made it quite festive! 

I wish I didn't bite my nails.

5. Snaps! Here are my obligatory snaps for you this Friday. Hey, the cat pictures were yesterday. Enjoy!

This one freaking GROSSES ME OUT!!!!!!
I think it's because I have TRYPOPHOBIA!!!!
Do you have TRYPOPHOBIA??? Click HERE to find out!!!!

What do you have going on this weekend?

Do you like your neighbors?

What was your favorite field trip as a student?

Do you have TRYPOPHOBIA!!!??



  1. I don't snapchat, sorry.

    Neighbors... I do like my neighbors but don't talk to them like I should. With this hurricane coming my husband did talk to them and found out our neighbor has leukemia. This is the 4th time he has had cancer, too. I hate that it took a hurricane for us to find that out :(.

    Hope you guys have fun at the orchestra!

    1. That is very sad about your neighbor. We chat with our neighbors when we see them outside but not often enough. There are a lot of nice people that live in our neighborhood.

  2. I am So glad it's Friday cus I am SO tired!
    Yes, we like our neighbors. The house next to us was just sold this summer and the people still have not moved in. It's going on a month and a half and the garage light is one every day, but no people. Very odd.

    1. So wait, do you like your neighbors because no one lives in the house or are you talking about the houses that are actually inhabited? :)

    2. Ha, we live in a cul de sac, so I mean we like all the other neighbors. And actually we really liked the ones who lived right next door before they moved! I am very anxious to meet these new neighbors if they ever decide to move

  3. I'd say I'm ready to sleep in, but I know I won't. Not when it's the weekend and have time to sleep in. Today's a rest day though, and we're getting rain today so yay rest day. Rain makes me sleepy.

    1. Rain makes me want to hunker down inside and chill too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lesley!

  4. LOL your neighbor sounds like a great guy!

    Paul was so sweet to add the bow to your drink. I have to tell you, this year I am already SO into the Christmas spirit. I can't wait to start putting up Christmas decorations, haha! Normally I'm a grinch about Christmas but this year I'm leaning in! ;)

    1. I think I know why you are going to lean into Christmas this year... is it because you are going to have your very own home???

  5. Have so much fun at the symphony! That sounds wonderful! I love hearing good neighbor stories. We have great neighbors and all the guys are out there during snow storms helping shovel each other out (we have one neighbor w/ a snow blower so he's the fave!). My neighbor Melanie will also pick up packages from my porch if I am not home (I recently had one stolen). Happy Friday, girl!

    1. Oh we had a great time! They played parts of Beethoven's 7th and two movements from a Hindemith piece. That is so nice your neighbors come together during snowstorms. Our neighbor/friend who lives several doors down from us came over with his snow blower last winter when we had like 3 feet of snow. It took him 20 minutes and it would have taken me at least an hour and a half. He was just being nice but I did make him some chicken soup.

    2. I always make them banana bread :)

  6. Some of the snaptchat filters freak me out. It's like my brain is too sensitive to process it. My dad asked my sister to stop sending him the pics because after his stroke his brain has a hard time making sense of it and it scares him.

    I saw the IG pic of you on the school bus. HA HA! I could NEVER be an elementary school teacher EVER.

    1. Oh wow that is interesting about your dad having a hard time processing the snaps. The only one that has freaked me out so far is the strawberry cause all the yellow dots. EW.

      I could never be an elem BUS driver. Omg they should make SOOOOO much money.

  7. LOL I knew you would get a kick out of it!

  8. OMG! You were practically in my work hood!! I can see the Forum from my office! I hope you and the kids had a great time at the symphony! my son went to see a high school symphony one year and came home wanting to learn to play the violin!

    Can I tell you a cyber secret? I used to get along with our neighbors, the guy was really nice to me and my son, he was an Bernie supporter, but Roger got into an argument with him when their dog wouldn't stop barking, and now he doesn't even say good morning to me or my son. I asked Roger to apologize and he refused.

    1. The Symphony was wonderful as always. Does west shore SD offer violin lessons? My sil teaches privately in EnOla. That sonny's that your neighbor won't talk to you because of a squabble with Roger. Just be nice!

  9. Aw, you're so cute as a strawberry!

    I love that you have a Clinton/Kaine supporter neighbor!! He sounds nice - democrats gotta stick together!
