
Thursday, October 6, 2016

How's it going??? (I'm not worthy!!!)

Hey all! It's Thursday! We're almost there.

I hope your week is going well. And I hope my friends and readers in the path of Hurricane Matthew are staying safe!

My week has been pretty uneventful, but that is good! I've been running, lifting, teaching, and lounging. On Tuesday I was up way too late watching the VP debate. I paid for it on Wednesday morning when I felt like I was a zombie doing push ups. ZOMBIE PUSH UPS!

When I got home from work on Wednesday, Paul surprised me with a brand new laptop! I had no idea he was getting me an upgrade!

My laptop is soooooooo sloooooooow. Apparently, this new one is super fast! I will find out soon. Paul is still setting it up for me. I'm not worthy of his generosity!

Welp, that's it for me! Sorry this is short and sweet. I guess the cat's got my tongue. Speaking of cats...
 Fun Fact: 99% of the time, Jelly smells like fresh cotton and flowers!

Fun Fact: 5% of the time, Chrissy smells like poop.
How is your week going?
What's the last thing or best thing your partner surprised you with?
Are you in the path of Matthew?


  1. Wow, what an awesome gift. It looks like he got you an HP computer?!? Next time, let me know--I get an employee discount! In fact, I am waiting for my new one to arrive this week. Then we both have new PCs--YAY. I am really hoping the hurricane passes by with minimal damage. I was in Mexico once and a hurricane was coming but thankfully changed course and we just got very heavy rain. Stay safe everyone!

    1. It is an HP! Thank you I will let you know next time, that is very nice of you! :) I will let you know what kind it is, I didn't really ask him yet, I am not techy at all. :) Do you always have really good PCs since you work for HP?

    2. HP actually split into HPE and HP. I work for HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) but still get HP discount (HP makes all consumer products and my company deals with enterprise customers). Anyhoo...they supply me with a laptop for work. It's nice but not as nice as you can get if you were into graphics, sound editing, etc. And for the one I just ordered it is also middle of the road. I don't need all the fancy stuff and would rather just get a nice, durable PC with good memory and good speed.

    3. That's exactly what I need- memory and speed! Memory leads to speed, right?

    4. Yes, that helps but you also need a fast processor.

  2. We are in Matthew's general area but still here. We don't live on the coast so unless it gets worse, probably not leaving. Clay and I have been through hurricanes before as well. It is not supposed to make landfall here thankfully.

    Hooray for the new laptop! I got one a few months ago and it's been great so far.

    1. I am glad Matthew will hopefully not affect you! I hope you have an uneventful experience. :)

  3. Blogging is going to be so much easier with a faster laptop. It's funny how we get used to what we have and then when we get an upgrade it's like OMG WHAT WAS I DEALING WITH ALL THIS TIME?!

    It's so sweet that Paul surprised you that way!

    1. Since my work computer is SUPER fast, I actually did not how bad my lap top was. It was bad. But I didn't NEED a new one. Leave it to Paul to pamper me and get me something I don't need but will make my life a little bit better! :) That's what husbands are for, right?

  4. Thats so awesome that you got a new laptop! I hope you love it!

  5. Paul is SO awesome to buy you a new laptop! Getting new technology stresses me out! I literally have to do my research on what I want/will suit my needs. That's why it takes me forever to pick out phones, computers,

    The last thing Scott surprised me with was clothes. We is always randomly buying me clothes which I don't mind because he has good taste and I hate picking them out myself. Have a good rest of the week Megan!

    1. I have no clue what tech to get so I am so happy Paul takes care of all that. Can Scott help you with that or are you better at it even though it stresses you out? That is so sweet he picks out clothes for you AND that he has good taste!!!!

    2. I do better picking out my own technology since it's such aa personal

  6. Such a great guy! I hope your new comp is all kinds of better. I didn't watch the VP debate, but watched Rocky Horror instead, up to a point.

    1. Rocky Horror was probably WAY better than the debate! I was in that show a couple years ago. I played Columbia and it was sooooo fun.

  7. Well, that's pretty sweet! I need a new laptop, but I'm an Apple gal and I'm waiting for them to roll out the new ones...

    1. Cool! I hope they unveil them soon so you can get the upgrade you need.

  8. New computer yay!!! That is so exciting! Super wonderful of Paul to do!

    Roger's family is in the path of Mathew, but from the sounds of it, they are not worried one bit. I don't blame them, I did the same when we had the super snow storm last year.

    1. Haha what did you do during the super snow storm? I wanted to go grocery shopping so bad so I tried venturing out on day #2 or #3 and almost got stuck trying to leave my neighborhood.

    2. We stayed in all day during the storm, but there were several fights over the TV. Roger worked out, my son watched Netflix on the Kindle and I cleaned my closet.

      The day after we did go out. The roads were mostly clear around us and the pike was clear too. we went for coffee at the Target Starbucks.... we just are terrible at staying inside for too long.

    3. I want to be more like you and your whole family. I am such a homebody, but I like adventure too. You guys are very adventurous. :)

  9. Awe! Yay Paul! I love your outfit in the laptop pic. So cute.

    1. Thanks! That is my work uniform: leggings, tunic, jean jacket.

  10. When I came home from work on Tuesday my husband had made dinner, AND an apple pie (complete with whipped topping)!! That my evening go so much smoother and more enjoyable. That's pretty darn awesome about your computer surprise!!

    1. WOW go Alan!!! That is an awesome surprise for mom!

  11. WHOA! What an awesome gift from Paul!!!! The best gift Adam has ever given me were the words "I don't want a cat, but if you're sure that you do then fine." :D

    How do you get Chrissy to smell like fresh cotton and flowers?! I'm not sure what Cecil smells like but whatever scent it is I like it!

    1. LOL that IS the best gift, hands down! Adam knows how to make his woman happy. :) Jelly just naturally smells really good. I don't know what it is. He does drink a lot of water. I put a glass on my bedside table and it is his. :)

    2. Adam sure does! Of course you could also say getting Cecil was also the best gift I've ever given him too. At the time he wasn't a "cat person" but look at him now!

  12. Yay for surprises!! I would be ecstatic if I came home to a new computer. Did you have any idea at all?

    Speaking of surprises, this evening I am surprising my husband with a small gathering of his closest friends for his birthday. I am going to drop him off with them and they have arranged for dinner and a poker night. He has no idea and hasn't seen most of these guys in months. I can't wait! Shhhh, it's a surprise. ;)

    1. No idea at ALL! I mean, I have been complaining about how slow my computer is but I have been complaining for two years. :)

      WOW that is an awesome birthday surprise for your hubby! Best wife ever. :)

  13. Thank you! That is my work "uniform" .... leggings, tunic, jean jacket!

  14. I NEEEED a new laptop! Mine sucked from day 1. The keyboard is possessed. The Caveman surprised me with my very first iPhone 4 when they were the new thing. He'd already dropped it before he gave it to me. Prettiest kitties ever!
