
Saturday, September 17, 2016

MGR's Workout Recaps!

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Hola! After a solid week of being sick, I finally did some good workouts this week!

Saturday- I did a light full body lifting session at Planet Fitness. I wanted to demolish the gym, but I did not feel well at all. I managed to get through the workout but I don't remember exactly what I did! It was pretty much my normal routine but with less weight. This Snap Chat basically depicts how I was feeling...

Sunday- 6 miles. I ran 5 miles in my hood and another mile running to and from my car while spectating at the Harrisburg Half Marathon. I think I clapped about a million times, so I got in an upper body workout too... ;)

Monday- 3 quick miles before work. When I say quick, I mean quick! It was so cool out and I felt good. After work, Paul and I went to the gym to lift. I felt a lot better than I did on Saturday!

Splits: 7:42, 7:39, 7:03

Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6 ??? lb asst. (I have no clue who much asst. I am using on this new, dumb machine.)
Cable Row- 5x10x55lb
Lat Pull Down- 5x8x85lb
Inverted Row- 5x10
Bicep Curls- 5x10x17.5
Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 5x15
Captain Chair- 5x20
Hip/Glute Exercises

I upped the weights a bit. It's time to stop being lazy! If I can do more, then I should.

Tuesday- 5 quick miles before work. After yesterday's speedy workout, I was beginning to wonder if I should stop complaining about being slower. Maybe I am just being lazy? Maybe I should wake up my legs and at least try to run faster? I ended up with a really good progression run.

Splits: 8:13, 8:17, 8:08, 7:41, 6:58

Wednesday- Lifting chest @ home. I did a lot more push ups than usual! I normally do 50 but I have decided to officially up it to 100. Doing 100 push ups makes my shoulder presses REALLY hard.

When I do push ups, I use these things called The Perfect Push Up. Otherwise, my wrists really hurt.

Chest Press- 5x12x25lb
Push Ups- 100 total (all different amounts of reps)
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Stability ball sit ups- 5x15x10lb
Stability ball knee tuck- 5x15
Bicycle crunches- 5x40

My triceps were sore the next day!

Thursday- 5 slow miles. I was so tired. Then about halfway through my run, I realized I wasn't feeling that great. It felt like the beginning of being sick... I was very tired and cold. Ugh. I popped 3 Ibuprofin before work and staved off whatever was coming for me.

Friday- 5 miles (intervals-ish). I warmed up with 1 mile, then I alternated running a half mile "fast" and a half mile "chill" four times. I just ran by feel, but my "fasts" were always sub 7s. This workout was another effort to not be lazy and wake my legs up!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Glad you got some good runs and lifts in this week :). I like your speed workout with 1/2 miles too... I would say 800m/.5 mile is my favorite type of workout to do on a track although I don't usually do speedwork on the road. Love the snapchat haha.

    1. Half miles are good, but only if I have a half mile recovery! If I remember, Hansons usually only had a quarter mile recovery and that workout was a little more intimidating! I am too lazy to drive to a track, even though there is one only about 10 minutes away. But that would require waking up earlier! Also, when I am in my hood, for some reason speed is less daunting. Like, this is no big deal, just running around my neighborhood! Of course there are little hills and stuff but I just try to run by effort up those.

  2. I'm supposed to be "resting" but now I'm more sore from doing weights to kill the free time! oops. So nothing going on today. Been doing a bit of cycling though. Looking forward to getting back into the running again. Also thinking about your pull up post. I should try that sometime. It would be quite a challenge for me!

    1. It will be a challenge BUT if you lift 2xs a week consistently I bet you will have a pull up before you know it. :) But now you have your new bikes so I see you putting in some miles on that too!

  3. Hey, way to get the legs speeding up again. You still got your mojo, girl. I am proud of you for all your lifting! Good job, Megan. My workouts were my typical: 3 runs, 2 cycling sessions, 1 swim and 4 days of lifting. I am taking this weekend to "rest" and enjoy the mountains with some very light hiking but mostly sitting around a campfire with friends eating and drinking way too much! I just tell myself it is replenishing my muscles for next week's workouts!!

    1. I am glad you are going to rest this weekend! Rest is so important and your body will definitely thank you. How long does it normally take you to workout in the am? I am sure it depends on what two things you do.

    2. Rest is so important! I used to hate it and now I embrace it. I work out for about an hour each day--maybe just a bit more on the lift days but not much. I have a history of over exercising so it's been good for me (and my body) to embrace shorter sessions (I have learned to workout smarter that is for sure).

    3. We have the ame story. So crazy.

  4. Clapping absolutely counts as a work out!

    I know you have the speed in you !!

    My body refused to do any speed this week, I struggled even one one sprint. I feel I need one long and slow yoga session.

    1. Well you ran a freanking 5k AND a half marathon... and you have a race tomorrow too sooooo your body just probably wanted to rest up before your next adventure!

  5. You are so speedy! I don't know how you do it! I really need to figure out how to wake up my legs like you do - I'm sure the strength training you do helps tremendously.

    1. Well I don't lift lower body because it really bothers my ITB- has for about 2 years. I do hip/glute exercises to strengthen lower body but nothing heavy. But when I DID start lifting lower body initially it did make me a lot faster! So I would definitely recommend trying that!

  6. I had a headache sore throat aches hot cold tired....

  7. I need to remember that you post shit on Saturdays. Although most of my comments will be drunk-comments, so I'm sorry ahead of time. Now I can't remember what I just read. I just know you ran super fast.

    1. Haha I post every day but I can't promise it will be something of substance! Drunk comments at MGR are always welcome!
