
Sunday, September 18, 2016

I felt like I was in the twilight zone at the York Fair.

On Friday after work, Paul and I decided to head down to the York Fair for the second year in a row. We had so much fun last year and looked forward to another great night. There was some annoying traffic, but finally we arrived. First we grabbed some food and took it over to the bleachers where we would watch the Marvelous Mutts perform. (They're rescue dogs that perform agility tricks, catch frisbees, and leap into a pool of water doing tricks. So fun!!!) We grabbed our seats almost 45 minutes before the show started because it always fills up and is hard to see.

As we sat there and ate, we did what we loved to do the most- people watch! Man, there are ALL KINDS of people at the York Fair! And the funny thing about people watching is that the same people we are watching are probably watching us too!

Anyway, I saw a guy walk by with a huge Trump/Pence yard sign and my chest tightened. That is literally my reaction when I see Trump signs. I get the symptoms of a freaking heart attack! (I remember going to a birthday party a few weeks ago and as we pulled up to the house I thought I saw a Trump sign in the yard and my first thought was "I can't go in there!" Luckily it was only in the yard next to the house we were going to, so it was okay. But that just shows you my visceral reaction to seeing anything with that terrifying man's name on it.)

Several minutes later I saw someone else carrying a yard sign. Then a guy with two. One woman had three. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. We walked by booths with confederate flags and shirts that said "Don't register your guns!" The hair on my body stood on edge and I just could not relax. It was like there was an elephant sitting on my chest.

I realized I was a huge outsider in a place like York, Pennsylvania. I try to understand Trump supporters. I wonder what it is about their life experience that compels them to support a man who is racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and misogynistic? What compels someone to support a man that is incompetent and incites violence? How is it that many Americans are okay with his hateful rhetoric????

As you can tell, it is hard for me to wrap my mind around. That's why I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

Eventually, I found the Democratic Party of York County Booth. I donated $3 to get my I'm With Her pin. (I already ordered a yard sign and bumper sticker... waiting for it to get delivered.) I certainly felt a little bit better after I pinned it to my purse.

It really was surreal to see actual people in real life who support Trump. Sure, they're all over the news, but I only personally know one person who supports Trump. (I am sure there are others, there is just only one person who I am aware of.) To see so many people in real life, in one place... it was disconcerting to say the least.

I'm sure that's how some people feel when they see me with my Hillary pin.


  1. Megan - I agree with you, how are people able to support a person like Trump? I am especially surprised when I see a woman supporting him! What kind of experiences must they have had to want someone like Trump to be the prez?
    I have faith in our country though that HRC will win - we can't go from someone awesome like Obama to someone like him. We just can't!
    Enjoy you Sunday! Kristen

    1. It is FASCINATING to think about how different people can be. I honestly think it boils down to ignorance (being misinformed or uneducated) and complacency with racism and bigotry.

  2. I've been having a lot of anxiety over things lately and the Trump phenomenon is right up there as a cause. I don't get it at all. I'm not happy that Hillary's email issues won't go away and she didn't help things by lying about her illness either. But still, he is such a terrible choice to lead our country. It's really disheartening that there's a very real possibility he may win.

    1. It is so scary. I am sorry you are having anxiety about it. I try not to think about it but I do listen to politics podcasts and watch the news so I mean, that's my own fault.

  3. People are really so misinformed! And it scares me. I always say "I understand the republicans want office but they totally f-ed up by having Trump be their nominee" (and I think many of the leaders in the party realize that too). Get your shit together and I would probably NEVER vote republican but at least have a nominee I can (somewhat) respect, ya know. They had their chance and they blew it and I just pray our entire country doesn't pray the price of their stupidity.

    1. The Republicans DID eff up. What effed them up was having 17 different candidates in the primaries. Trump only got 30% of the vote. That means 70% of Republican primary voters DID NOT vote for him, but their votes were split between two other candidates and Trump got the majority. If Kasich or even Cruz had won, they would most likely beat HRC in the general election.

      The only way I could see myself voting for a republican would be:

      1. Acknowledge climate change and make preventing it a top priority.
      2. Support women's health and make it a top priority.
      3. Support LGBTQ rights and make it a top priority.

      Unfortunately, not even John Kasich, who was considered one of the more moderate republicans running for president supports even one of those things listed.

      It is sad. Many more young people are dems or independents because they are socially liberal and care about climate change. If the repubs don't get their shit together about those things, their party is going to crumble.

    2. I completely agree, Megan! Not surprised :)

  4. Trump ... ugh. But how was the animal show??? Adam and I saw a similar show in Vegas a couple of years ago and my jaw was on the floor. How anyone can train a cat to do tricks ... it's beyond me. Cecil knows "sit" but it only works in 30% of cases, so I'm not entirely sure he does know it. He probably just wants to sit at the moment I say sit!

    1. The mutt show was so cute. I will have videos tomorrow in my weekend wrap up. They have such cute names too... Lolita, sprite, yoo hoo, and high ho... to name a few! Now I want a kitty named yoo hoo!!!

  5. I know a lot of people who support Trump. Unfortunately, I know some who truly like him and supported him from the beginning... which is kinda scarier than someone saying they support him because he's the lesser of two evils. Really I was a Bernie Sanders fan but now there's only one logical choice out there. I think my husband plans to vote 3rd party but I just can't do that. I also feel like voting third party is now the "cool" thing to do and a lot of people are doing it because they want to be rebellous or something. I believe that if Donald Trump goes in, it will be because of Gary Johnson or Jill Stein because most people who will vote for them probably would have supported Hillary.

    1. I think voting third party is very dangerous. Hrc or djt is going to be the president. If you want to have a say on who that is then you better vote for one of them.

      Voting third party just to be rebellious is a slap in the face to all the woman, Lgbtq, and minorities who let's be honest will be the most affected by a djt presidency. Unless he gets us into a war then we will all be affected.

  6. There are no hillary signs around here. I ordered one but it is taking a long time to come.... I see bumper stickers but only on highways when we are traveling. I don't see any driving to work or anything like that.

    Will you vote?

  7. I typed out this long comment last night, and then accidentally deleted it all. So, in summary

    Trump= Awful Orange man not fit for president
    York-here are all this Trumpist coming from?

    I have seen more "Hillary for prison" bumper stickers, shirts and signs than I care for. It's very annoying!

    It bothers me that everybody is on her saying she is private and can't be trusted, when Trump won't release any of his taxes, and won't answer on any REAL plans on policy, or elaborate on the legal status of his wife when she came to this country... or on all his lawsuits. HIs answer is always how somebody else sucks or is awful or dishonest.

    1. The whole thing is starting to give me anxiety. I couldn't sleep last night!!!

  8. Oh man. I feel you. When I see Trump signs I literally get so angry and upset. But I know I should try to be more open, but I just CAN'T. My grandparents love Trump and when we were visiting them I tried to avoid debating, but my grandpa LOVES to debate, so we got into it a bit. They're good people who lived through the Depression and served in the military and really believe that democrats have kept the poor poor. 'Show me a city that's been in poverty for 50 years and I'll show you a city with democrats in charge.' So I try to remember that there are MANY people like my grandparents who are basically good (although still a little racist, really, because of how and when they grew up) who just don't trust democrats and think Trump will change things as an outsider.


    He was IN FORT MYERS on Monday and people we knew went (mostly just because they were like WTF IS HAPPENING) and some of our students went and it made me SO sad that their parents are bringing them to crap like that. I mean, at these rallies he spews racist, sexist bullshit and nasty words kids shouldn't be listening to. It's not okay. He's the worst role model EVER.

    Also, a friend of ours put a HRC sign in his yard because he said his street is flooded with Trump signs. We drove by his house the other day and his neighbor had a legit 25 foot tall tree strung up with Xmas lights with a Trump sign as the star.

    Sorry, I just had to rant. I'm glad you found the democratic tent! lol!!

    1. Omggggggggggggggggg I feel so bad for your friend who's neighbor has that huge sign! My mom said there was a huge truck with a banner parked in her town but someone defaced it. "It wasn't me!" she has sworn up and down hahahaha.

      Even though I am mad at people who support him, a FUCKING RACIST, I guess I feel bad for them too. Because they are falling for his BULL SHIT. Yes, let's have an outsider fix our problems. Ask your Grandpa if he wants his doctor to be an outsider? Seriously. When is someone with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE AND NO DESIRE TO LEARN ever heralded except in this election?

      So for the all caps. I am hype now.

    2. Also, I seriously don't know how we will explain it to children if he is president. He IS the WORST role model. It is sickening. When I think of all the behavior I try to teach the children... love, acceptance, helping people, kind words... Trump is the opposite of that.

      Oh well, all we can do is teach humanity and hope they pick it up.
